Florida has one million more registered Republicans

Even NE2 showing a big shift and Trump won it by a couple the last time he faced a woman. Team Trump thinks they have AZ and NV in the bag. If Kemp delivers GA we likely don't need any of the rust belt.
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Even NE2 showing a big shift and Trump won it by a couple the last time he faced a woman. Team Trump thinks they have AZ and NV in the bag. If Kemp delivers GA we likely don't need any of the rust belt.
That's good to hear because although PA seems like it is within reach we all know that bad things happen in Philadelphia.
Even NE2 showing a big shift and Trump won it by a couple the last time he faced a woman. Team Trump thinks they have AZ and NV in the bag. If Kemp delivers GA we likely don't need any of the rust belt.
Starting to feel like a longshot for Trump. She has all the momentum even before the convention. He can hardly complete a complex sentence or articulate an educated response. Just canned responses.

Two terrible candidates.
Even NE2 showing a big shift and Trump won it by a couple the last time he faced a woman. Team Trump thinks they have AZ and NV in the bag. If Kemp delivers GA we likely don't need any of the rust belt.
Trump hasn't motivated any of the Kemp supporters to support him. Kemp is very popular, more popular than Trump, in Georgia, and Trump shit on him. Trump is so dumb and don't give a load of crap about Trump shit on him to get Kemp to enthusiastically support Trump. Only an idiot would believe that.
Trump hasn't motivated any of the Kemp supporters to support him. Kemp is very popular, more popular than Trump, in Georgia, and Trump shit on him. Trump is so dumb and don't give a load of crap about Trump shit on him to get Kemp to enthusiastically support Trump. Only an idiot would believe that.
Then turned around and shit on Shapiro. Sometimes I wonder if he really wants to win versus being a full-time aggrieved campaigner who grifts.
Trump hasn't motivated any of the Kemp supporters to support him. Kemp is very popular, more popular than Trump, in Georgia, and Trump shit on him. Trump is so dumb and don't give a load of crap about Trump shit on him to get Kemp to enthusiastically support Trump. Only an idiot would believe that.
Kemp is supporting Trump and hasn't made any bones about it.
Trump hasn't motivated any of the Kemp supporters to support him. Kemp is very popular, more popular than Trump, in Georgia, and Trump shit on him. Trump is so dumb and don't give a load of crap about Trump shit on him to get Kemp to enthusiastically support Trump. Only an idiot would believe that.

Kemp is supporting Trump and hasn't made any bones about it.
Lyin' Brian desperately wants that Senate seat in 26 and he knows what has to happen if he wants it. Let it play out.
I think you’ll see more and more deep red states and deep blue states. The difference between the two parties is striking. I couldn’t imagine living in Illinois. Yeah @DrHoops I said it. Your state is a shit hole. Don’t even get me started on Michigan.
The striking thing is how Democrats will hold up people like Pritzker, Newsome and Walz as Presidential or at least VP candidates. They seem unfazed by the outmigration and failing cities in their respective states.

To what can we attribute that?
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The striking thing is how Democrats will hold up people like Pritzker, Newsome and Walz as Presidential or at least VP candidates. They seem unfazed by the outmigration and failing cities in their respective states.

To what can we attribute that?
To the conspiracy theorist the Dems know they have too many unneeded votes in those states so they are intentionally destroying things in order to drive more voters to red states where they will continue to vote Democrat in hopes that they can one day flip them. The other option being that they are just extremely incompetent. Not sure yet which one I land on.
Nope. They never allowed a signature match despite promising one and Raffensberger never released the ballots despite promising to.
Voting in physical voting space with proof of identity is only way to secure election. Every one of my signatures look different unless I use my signature stamp.
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Voting in physical voting space with proof of identity is only way to secure election. Every one of my signatures look different unless I use my signature stamp.
They may look different but there are features that will stay the same or very similar.
The country seems to be shifting to more conservative values. I think the "woke" culture has finally created an inflection point on the left, and people in the middle are pushing back against that.

The GOP's problem...people in the middle like me are more than a little turned off by the MAGA culture, and their current primary leader.

My sincerest hope is these increased numbers of people registering as GOP voters, end up being moderate in nature, and help push the MAGA culture further out of power.

I can't fathom there were a million Floridian Trump supporters that have just now decided to become registered Republicans.

So...who here would think its a good thing if the GOP tent expanded with moderates and independents that pushed back on Trump and his MAGA minded candidates?
Agree but how many experts would it take to properly review millions of signatures?
Exactly. And that's why mail in balloting is not allowed in most countries. It's a scam and neither side can prove anything if they disagree on the outcome.
The striking thing is how Democrats will hold up people like Pritzker, Newsome and Walz as Presidential or at least VP candidates. They seem unfazed by the outmigration and failing cities in their respective states.

To what can we attribute that?
They are idiots? I’m joking. Hoops seems to love Chicago and their governance. Good for him. It’s why I’m for a much smaller Federal government. People should be allowed to be governed by laws they agree with and able to move freely when they don’t agree with them.
The country seems to be shifting to more conservative values. I think the "woke" culture has finally created an inflection point on the left, and people in the middle are pushing back against that.

The GOP's problem...people in the middle like me are more than a little turned off by the MAGA culture, and their current primary leader.

My sincerest hope is these increased numbers of people registering as GOP voters, end up being moderate in nature, and help push the MAGA culture further out of power.

I can't fathom there were a million Floridian Trump supporters that have just now decided to become registered Republicans.

So...who here would think its a good thing if the GOP tent expanded with moderates and independents that pushed back on Trump and his MAGA minded candidates?
Trump’s gone in 4 years no matter what. So, it’s a moot point. As for Florida, I think it has a lot to do with DeSantis being a great governor and Democrats having terrible polices. I’d argue DeSantis is closer to MAGA than McCain and he’s the future direction of the party. As for “moderates” it’s up to them. They decide who they like more or dislike the least.
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than Dems. Just 4 years ago that number was 97,000. Pretty wild
It would be interesting to know when the newly minted Republicans established residence in Florida. There have been a whole lot of people moving there in recent years -- and it's not surprising that they'd register as Republicans.
It would be interesting to know when the newly minted Republicans established residence in Florida. There have been a whole lot of people moving there in recent years -- and it's not surprising that they'd register as Republicans.
@TheOriginalHappyGoat this is my thought. When you see all the people and businesses who left calif and ny for fla the thought was would it help turn fla blue. I think it was largely red voters relocating. And I bet some blue voters have left fla
I think you’ll see more and more deep red states and deep blue states. The difference between the two parties is striking. I couldn’t imagine living in Illinois. Yeah @DrHoops I said it. Your state is a shit hole. Don’t even get me started on Michigan.
At least in Michigan one can move to lakeside property and live in blissful ignorance. Illinois is a four alarm dumpster fire across the state.
It would be interesting to know when the newly minted Republicans established residence in Florida. There have been a whole lot of people moving there in recent years -- and it's not surprising that they'd register as Republicans.
Covid caused an exodus from New York and Jersey to Florida and Texas. California to Texas was also popular.

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@TheOriginalHappyGoat this is my thought. When you see all the people and businesses who left calif and ny for fla the thought was would it help turn fla blue. I think it was largely red voters relocating. And I bet some blue voters have left fla

I've put up snippets from the IRS' data on domestic migration. Because my take on it has always been that it's not so much about the people as it is the money they either take or bring with them. That's what we should be paying attention to. The last thing any state is going to want is people who have money leaving....and people who seek more generous public services arriving. They'll get hit from both ends.

The average AGI of the tax returns who have left the high-tax states and came to the low-tax states tends to be pretty high. Part of that, of course, is that it costs money just to relocate. I'm sure the very act itself will favor a higher income. But the picture it paints does seem to be that people a bit higher on the income scale are doing this. And to whatever extent they're doing it to get higher value for the money they've amassed, I guess it isn't surprising that these people would vote Republican.
@TheOriginalHappyGoat this is my thought. When you see all the people and businesses who left calif and ny for fla the thought was would it help turn fla blue. I think it was largely red voters relocating. And I bet some blue voters have left fla
This reminds me of a conversation I had with a guy in Orlando a few years ago. He was from New Jersey and he was down there with his wife looking at places to buy. He was retiring -- from some kind of civil service job in NJ. He had a sizable pension and flat out told me he didn't want to be paying NJ taxes, even if it made him a hypocrite from having made such a good living off of NJ taxpayers. Those were his words, not mine.

I certainly understood where he was coming from. But cases like that seem like they'd be a problem for states like NJ. "You want to get fat off our high taxes, but don't want to continue paying them?"

Well, yeah. It should come as no surprise that people are primarily motivated by their own best interests. Even lawyers. ;)
I've put up snippets from the IRS' data on domestic migration. Because my take on it has always been that it's not so much about the people as it is the money they either take or bring with them. That's what we should be paying attention to. The last thing any state is going to want is people who have money leaving....and people who seek more generous public services arriving. They'll get hit from both ends.

The average AGI of the tax returns who have left the high-tax states and came to the low-tax states tends to be pretty high. Part of that, of course, is that it costs money just to relocate. I'm sure the very act itself will favor a higher income. But the picture it paints does seem to be that people a bit higher on the income scale are doing this. And to whatever extent they're doing it to get higher value for the money they've amassed, I guess it isn't surprising that these people would vote Republican.
And the blue states will respond by raising taxes even higher on the workers that they have left exasperating the problem even more. Cutting social services for deadbeats is a non starter.
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