First domino has fallen.

Crean to Mizzou would be terrific for Missouri.

I feel like this could be a good fit for Crean. I see him comfortably repeating his success at Marquette and the majority of the time fighting for 20W/10L seasons. That's a great metric for him to try and hit every year after being in the pressure cooker here. Expect a few 'wtf' seasons. There will be transfers, "creanings", and lots of wordplay in press conferences that can distract from the play on the court.
What he did at Marquette was special. Historically, Mizzou is a very good basketball program (obviously not as good as Indiana), but we have never even made a Final Four (there have been like 10 times we should've though). He took Marquette to a Final Four. He turned Indiana into a pretty good program from when he originally got here with what I believe he had zero scholarship players and two walk-ons. He rebuilt Indiana and we think he could rebuild Missouri. Plus, he is coaching at the University of Indiana. Need I say more? He is a longtime coach for the Hoosiers who are historically one of the top basketball programs ever. He obviously does not meet IU's standards, but he meets ours. If he is hired, he will automatically be the 2nd best coach ever for Mizzou.
It is Indiana University (IU) not the University of Indiana
My bad.

Thank you. Who are you guys hoping for? Miller? Bennett?

Donovan. Because Brad Stevens isn't available.

The Miller brothers, Tony Bennett and Gregg Marshall (not likely) would also be outstanding hires.

Whatever happens, we need to pass on a Steve Alford. He's Tom Crean 2.0, IMO. Doesn't have the resume or ceiling that others on my list have so far.

I think our coach will be one of these folks I've named here. Really hope there's some truth to the rumor that Donovan's agent is meeting a second time with IU soon.
I said when he originally got here. In his fourth season, after digging IU out of the hole they were in, he reached the Sweet Sixteen two years in a row. I get it, you guys don't like him at all, but we have different standards at the moment in Missouri.

He can help you build back up. But don't expect him to go much further. Enthusiasm only takes you so far. Unless he finally addresses his team's defense and TO issues (and doesn't have an extremely talented player like Dwayne Wade) he's got a well defined ceiling (sweet 16).

But, it seems like he'd be a great fit for you guys. I don't wish any Ill will towards him. In fact, a clean break looks like the best outcome for all involved now.

Good luck. And beat U.K.!
Is LSU and Moo Moo Mizzou going to get in a bidding war over Crean?
Crean would be a home run hire for us. We are just waiting for Indiana to fire him or TC to decide to part ways considering IU hasn't gave him an extension and probably won't.
Please tell your friends to campaign for him. I would hope for better if I were you, but God bless you if he leaves for Mizzou.

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