Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

this is a weird argument

One candidate conceded defeat on the very night the election was lost, congratulated the winner, and moved on. Did hard feelings persist? Sure. But the public concession of defeat is vital to our Democracy. She was a HORRIBLE candidate that I had to seriously hold my nose to vote for, the first non-GOP POTUS candidate I ever voted for in 40 years of voting.

The other candidate never conceded defeat, incited an insurrection in response, and 4 years later still lies about it and calls our entire electoral process into question, with no basis in fact

They are not even CLOSE to equal
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He seemed to do just fine first time around. COntry survived. Economy survived...No WW's....MOF, lot of peace all around.

Kamala coming from an administration that has infliceted high gas prices, gorcery prices, housing, etc....No peace over sea's. Economy is meh....if that good. And her stance is..................SOme crazy ass tax ideas, fixed food prices......

Meh----give me Trump.
It is funny how Trump's first term is completely forgotten except the pandemic that sent the world into a tailspin. It is also the excuse for all of this administration's failures high gas prices, high food prices, high inflation, food and medicine shortages. Prior to the pandemic the economy was rolling. Unemployment among all races and sexes were at all time lows. Low inflation and energy independence. Salaries were on the rise. Even with all of the mayhem that started from day one from you know who the economy was thriving. Peace agreements in the Middle East were being signed. No new wars were started. Then the pandemic struck. Trump tried to limit travel from abroad to try to stop the spread of COVID he was called a racist and a xenophobe. He also did what he should have done and allowed the states to make their own decisions on how to handle covid. Most states did very well and survived while others struggled. If the pandemic had not hit worldwide there is no way this clown show would have been elected.
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Nobody forgets Trump's first term

-kissing Putin's butt
-kissing Kim Jun-Un's butt
-leveraging Ukraine aid to try to get dirt on an opponent
-making the US the laughingstock of the world. Remember the world leaders laughing out loud at him?
-less energy independence than we have now (look at our record oil production AND alternative fuel development)
-saying he'd balance the budget, but he busted the budget
-his crusade to overturn Roe
-his complete utter failure to do ANYTHING substantive about health care
-his refusal to help seniors with drug costs
-his refusal to pass an infrastucture bill
-his claims that climate change is a hoax
-his war on environmental policies
-him wasting tons on money on building 100 new miles of fence but not hiring more border agents
-his upfront claims that if he lost in 2020, it could only be because it was a stolen election
-his fake electors scheme
-his decision to instruct a Secretary of State to "find" votes so that he could be declared the winner in that state
-his other attempts to overturn election results
-his denials afterwards that he lost an election that he clearly lost
-his choice to incite an insurrection
-his refusal to concede defeat
-his refusal to attend the inauguration of his successor

Hey, I never got to his claims that COVID-19 is a hoax, him telling us to inject bleach to get rid of the hoax, and the demand for refrigerated trucks to serve as makeshift morgues for victims from the hoax.

what a guy.
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-less energy independence than we have now
Dagnabbit OS, I already have to correct the right-wingers who keep spouting off about energy "independence" every few months, don't make me have to do it the left wingers as well.
This country has not had energy "independence" in over 150 years (and likely longer). We've been net-positive in energy for 7 years. There is a significant difference.
Nobody forgets Trump's first term

-kissing Putin's butt
-kissing Kim Jun-Un's butt
-leveraging Ukraine aid to try to get dirt on an opponent
-making the US the laughingstock of the world. Remember the world leaders laughing out loud at him?
-less energy independence than we have now (look at our record oil production AND alternative fuel development)
-saying he'd balance the budget, but he busted the budget
-his crusade to overturn Roe
-his complete utter failure to do ANYTHING substantive about health care
-his refusal to help seniors with drug costs
-his refusal to pass an infrastucture bill
-claiming that climate change is a hoax
-his war on environmental policies
-wasting tons on money on building 100 new miles of fence but not hiring more border agents
-his upfront claims that if he lost in 2020, it could only be because it was a stolen election
-his awful behavior after the election
-inciting an insurrection

Hey, I never got to his claims that COVID-19 is a hoax, him telling us to inject bleach to get rid of the hoax, and the demand for refrigerated trucks to serve as makeshift morgues for victims from the hoax.

what a guy.
Mortgages below 2 percent
Border under control
No wars
Cheap gas
Low unemployment
The American dream in play for nearly all
Crime barely an issue
Then your progressives came in masked everyone up, closed businesses and schools, defunded police, supported bail projects, attacked oil, gave away so much free shit inflation spiked and fckd up more than anyone could imagine possible.

Thank god for manchin and the house flipping. Social workers in charge. Not a good idea.
Dagnabbit OS, I already have to correct the right-wingers who keep spouting off about energy "independence" every few months, don't make me have to do it the left wingers as well.
This country has not had energy "independence" in over 150 years (and likely longer). We've been net-positive in energy for 7 years. There is a significant difference.
I am not a left winger, and I didn't say we have energy independence. I said under Trump we were less close to that then we are now.
I am not a left winger, and I didn't say we have energy independence. I said under Trump we were less close to that then we are now.
In order to achieve energy independence, we would have to import zero energy generating materials (doesn't matter how much we produce / export).

Your statement is technically correct. We will import less energy producing materials during Biden's years than Trump's.


The reason for less importing is that Biden took over in the tail end of Covid. Trump's last year (2020) was actually the lowest of the last 8 years (20 quadrillion BTU's worth) because the overall usage (consumption) was down (due to high unemployment, schools still operating remotely, significantly reduced vacationing, etc). The amount we import has slowly rose over the last 3 years (and the only reason it didnt rise more is because Putin invaded Ukraine and we stopped importing from Russia). At the rate we are increasing (and consumption is expected to rise in 2025), we could potentially import more during Harris's years than during Trump's years (assuming she wins).

Bottom line, outside of something world changing like a nuclear war, a giant meteor hitting, or maybe perfecting cold fusion, the US will never become an energy independent nation (or at least not in our children's children's lifetimes).
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You are not a logical person. HRC never claimed voter fraud. Trump did, and still does (dupes buy it), she conceded and Trump didn’t and she attended the inauguration like an adult and Trump didn’t. I dislike HRC tremendously but she has more integrity than Trump.

We’re seriously done here. You claimed you weren’t political, but you’re repeating every nonsensical Trump/Trumpster talking point. You’re MAGA. That’s your choice. My choice is you’re no longer worth talking to.
What did she mean?

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What did she mean?

Come on, Stoll. I was clear in the post you responded to.

She’s consistently bitched about Russian influence, Russian hack of DNC emails and leaking them, and the Comey investigation into her private email server and mishandling of classified information. That’s what she means. She has never claimed voter fraud. There was none. She conceded and attended the inauguration. Her bitching can be legitimately criticized, but she is not claiming voter fraud like Trump has since he legitimately lost in 2020. He still hasn’t conceded, and he skipped town like the immature scoundrel he is, without attending Biden’s inauguration. There is no comparison here.
Come on, Stoll. I was clear in the post you responded to.

She’s consistently bitched about Russian influence, Russian hack of DNC emails and leaking them, and the Comey investigation into her private email server and mishandling of classified information. That’s what she means. She has never claimed voter fraud. There was none. She conceded and attended the inauguration. Her bitching can be legitimately criticized, but she is not claiming voter fraud like Trump has since he legitimately lost in 2020. He still hasn’t conceded, and he skipped town like the immature scoundrel he is, without attending Biden’s inauguration. There is no comparison here.
I disagree.
How can you disagree? She has never mentioned voter fraud. This is a fact. Can't we agree on facts?
What’s your definition of “not on the level”.

What’s your definition of “not on the level”.

I explained it clearly. She has spoken of all the things I listed, but she has not claimed voter fraud. Only Trump has made that false claim. This is the key fact, shouldn’t we be able to agree on facts? That’s this board’s biggest problem - facts are ignored and lies are treated like facts. It is ridiculous.
Yes. Who could have imagined that a US president would just make shit up about election fraud, claim that the only way he could lose was if the election was rigged, deny that he lost an election that he clearly lost, engage in a fake electors scheme, instruct a Secretary of State to "find" votes so that he could be declared the winner in that state, and otherwise illegally attempt to overturn an election that he lost?
Bump. Not one of you slack jawed, mouth breathing, morons have replied to this. If you believe the election in 2020 was stolen, you shouldn’t be allowed to drive or own a firearm, much less vote.
I explained it clearly. She has spoken of all the things I listed, but she has not claimed voter fraud. Only Trump has made that false claim. This is the key fact, shouldn’t we be able to agree on facts? That’s this board’s biggest problem - facts are ignored and lies are treated like facts. It is ridiculous.
You’re parsing words.
It is funny how Trump's first term is completely forgotten except the pandemic that sent the world into a tailspin. It is also the excuse for all of this administration's failures high gas prices, high food prices, high inflation, food and medicine shortages. Prior to the pandemic the economy was rolling. Unemployment among all races and sexes were at all time lows. Low inflation and energy independence. Salaries were on the rise. Even with all of the mayhem that started from day one from you know who the economy was thriving. Peace agreements in the Middle East were being signed. No new wars were started. Then the pandemic struck. Trump tried to limit travel from abroad to try to stop the spread of COVID he was called a racist and a xenophobe. He also did what he should have done and allowed the states to make their own decisions on how to handle covid. Most states did very well and survived while others struggled. If the pandemic had not hit worldwide there is no way this clown show would have been elected.
I'm sure you thought they were great. Which of course is why MAGA won such a resounding victory in 2018, after 2 years of MAGA being in charge.Part of the reason Trump was so ill prepared to deal with the pandemic was that he was so busy implementing all these hugely "popular policies"...

So I went back to examoine the last Trump favorability ratings PRIOR to the pandemic, and in ever single poll in Dec 2019 Trump was almost 10 pts underwater. In everb case his unpopular # was over 50%, except for 2 polls where it was only 49% But even in those 2 polls his favorability hovered at around 41%, and this is immediately prior to the pandemic when you claim everyting was hunky dory...

A lot of people have constructed this Peter Pan like reality for themselves where Trump only became unpopular due to covid and everyone loved him and was doing fine. Thses people are imho the only reason this election even has a chance to stay close. Because just as these devastating polls were pre-Pandemic, they were also pre-Jan 6, pre MAL documents, and pre the Trump craziness in general after 81 million of us fired his ass...We need to end his career this time...

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You think she’s gone away? She wants Trump supporters jailed for misinformation now.
I admit, she's been doing more interviews in the past couple of weeks. She must be running low on money.

I still contend that A) she has mostly stayed out of the public eye for the last 6 years or so and B) Nobody is taking anything she says seriously right now.

She has no power whatsoever.
Seriously? Voter fraud is voter fraud. He claimed it and she didn’t. This is a fact we should all be able to acknowledge.
They both were asserting an election was illegitimate. Neither reason for calling it illegitimate is better or worse.
They both were asserting an election was illegitimate. Neither reason for calling it illegitimate is better or worse.
She never claimed it was illegitimate. She claimed she got screwed. But scoreboard is scoreboard, and she never denied it. Trump, however, insists to this day that the scoreboard lied.

You can try to equivocate all you want, but it just makes you sound stupid.
They both were asserting an election was illegitimate. Neither reason for calling it illegitimate is better or worse.

And every time Hillary spouted off about it, most Democrats I know laughed in her face. She was a horrible candidate.

Her principle claim is that Comey re-opening his investigation into her emails cost her the race. Democrats roll their eyes and say "Maybe next time don't delete your emails then. Don't go away mad, just go away."

Trump claims voter fraud and cheating (with no actual evidence) and legions upon legions of Trump supporters to this day are still hunting for proof that those claims are true.

Come on, Stoll. I was clear in the post you responded to.

She’s consistently bitched about Russian influence, Russian hack of DNC emails and leaking them, and the Comey investigation into her private email server and mishandling of classified information. That’s what she means. She has never claimed voter fraud. There was none. She conceded and attended the inauguration. Her bitching can be legitimately criticized, but she is not claiming voter fraud like Trump has since he legitimately lost in 2020. He still hasn’t conceded, and he skipped town like the immature scoundrel he is, without attending Biden’s inauguration. There is no comparison here
Looks like your buddy Walz likely gave nuclear secrets to the Chicomms. I bet that really upsets you. You take this stuff seriously remember.


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