
Maybe because he's the only moderate candidate running (at least that shows up in polling)?

Plenty of fairly moderate Dem voters out there....and only one choice they have at this point.

right now Biden is the backup QB who sat the bench behind Obama, who nobody has seen play yet.

wait till he has to open his mouth, answer real questions, explain what he going to do about runaway healthcare costs and working class wages, then explain away past positions.
He’s going to get slimed. The lefties can’t allow him to win.
Who's going to slime him, the Slimeball-In-Chief? How priceless is it when otherwise sensible, normal people obliviously propitiate to one of the slimiest characters in our nation's history?
Electability can somewhat be measured in the polls and of course early election results as in Iowa and New Hampshire.

I find "likability" interesting along with what voters consider leadership traits. Psychologists have studied both of these and have offered some results concerning their findings. Whether tribalism outweighs likability and perceptions of leadership in the minds of a certain percentage of voters is another factor.

One thing for sure, tribalism and the strong desire to elect someone from your tribe reigns supreme at The Cooler.
No case to rest. We’ll see what transpires. You asked me and I told you the truth.
I'll give you credit for that. But the fact that you can't definitively answer whether you'd vote for the most centrist Dem in the running or the inept vile pig tells me all I need to know.
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I'll give you credit for that. But the fact that you can't definitively answer whether you'd vote for the most centrist Dem in the running or the inept vile pig tells me all I need to know.
This is why running a candidate to appeal to disaffected Republicans is stupid. So Biden would get Aloha's vote? Great. Whoop-dee-frakkin-doo. Most Republicans who claim to not like Trump will be like stoll, and "probably not" vote for Biden, which really means "absolutely not," because when they walk in the voting booth, they'll remember how important judges are, and swallow Trump again. Even some of the people like Aloha will probably abandon Biden for Trump at the last minute.

We're not going to win Republicans. It's not worth even trying. It sucks that smart people like Aloha are politically homeless, but it's not our problem. Republicans broke their own party; it's not the Democrats' job to fix it.
This is why running a candidate to appeal to disaffected Republicans is stupid. So Biden would get Aloha's vote? Great. Whoop-dee-frakkin-doo. Most Republicans who claim to not like Trump will be like stoll, and "probably not" vote for Biden, which really means "absolutely not," because when they walk in the voting booth, they'll remember how important judges are, and swallow Trump again. Even some of the people like Aloha will probably abandon Biden for Trump at the last minute.

We're not going to win Republicans. It's not worth even trying. It sucks that smart people like Aloha are politically homeless, but it's not our problem. Republicans broke their own party; it's not the Democrats' job to fix it.
Stollcpa types aren't the people Dems in their right minds would ever target and they're not why Hillary lost to the Blimp. The reason a moderate is the best choice is because far lefters are going to vote no matter what, unless they're insane. That's the best choice not to beat Trump but to win the Senate.
Stollcpa types aren't the people Dems in their right minds would ever target and they're not why Hillary lost to the Blimp. The reason a moderate is the best choice is because far lefters are going to vote no matter what, unless they're insane. That's the best choice not to beat Trump but to win the Senate.

Pubs are more tribal, Dems more individualistic.

Pubs are gonna vote Pub, no matter how moderate, (code for Dino), the Dem candidate.

thinking you're going to out flank the Pubs by straddling the middle is a losing strategy for Dems.

Pubs will turn out rain or shine, regardless of who's carrying their flag.

not so much with Dems.

the way for Dems to win the senate is to have a Dem prez candidate that energizes Dem voters to get out and vote, which Hilary didn't, and you couldn't be any more Dino than Hilary.
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I voted democrat once and have regretted it every day since, In case you are wondering who the candidate was, It was songbird John, I still hate myself.
If only he'd been the candidate in '16, I don't think we'd find ourselves where we are today.

yes we would, which is why he wasn't the candidate.

as bla as Hilary, without the first woman thing.

"40 more yrs", is not a good slogan or end goal.
I think I'm the only leftie who really likes Biden. I think he would be a great president, besides his edge.
I’m ok with him. I think he is a decent man and honestly the bar is really low. I want a decent man or woman. I’m not getting wrapped up in anyone, since it will probably be over by the time Indiana votes. I think we have many good candidates, the majority of whom should be able to beat Trump.
I’m ok with him. I think he is a decent man and honestly the bar is really low. I want a decent man or woman. I’m not getting wrapped up in anyone, since it will probably be over by the time Indiana votes. I think we have many good candidates, the majority of whom should be able to beat Trump.
Aren't you the one that said old white men have screwed up enough. It's time for someone else
Aren't you the one that said old white men have screwed up enough. It's time for someone else
Doubtful, but possible. I definitely said I’d prefer someone younger, and I would. But I still like Biden and would prefer a warthog to Trump, so.....
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Doubtful, but possible. I definitely said I’d prefer someone younger, and I would. But I still like Biden and would prefer a warthog to Trump, so.....
So you're calling Biden a warthog now??? That's got to be androgynous or something...
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Biden isn't biting on the narrative that young progressives are going to make a disproportionate impact in the primaries. I don't agree this is a "high-risk strategy", as the description Politico headline puts it. I think it's actually very pragmatic. May be too much so.....but found that an odd description, when all the rest of the field seems to be battling for the progressive vote. Biden is poised to grab all the older, more conservative element for himself.

From his schedule, his messaging, to policy positions, the former vice president is carving a divergentpath through the primaries based on a theory that few of his rivals appear to believe — that the Democratic base isn’t nearly as liberal or youthful as everyone thinks........

....Privately, several Biden advisers acknowledge that their theory of the case is rooted in polling data and voting trends that are in plain sight. They contend that the idea of a hyper-progressive Democratic electorate is advanced inaccurately by a media stuck in a bubble propagated by Twitter, and out of touch with the average rank-and-file Democrat.

Biden’s team points to recent polls, showing that a majority of the Democratic primary electorate identify as moderate or conservative, 56 percent is over 50 and nearly 60 percent are not college educated. And they point to the results of the 2018 midterm elections that they say saw moderate Democrats win their congressional and state primaries.

“There’s a big disconnect between the media narrative and what the primary electorate looks like and thinks, versus the media narrative and the Twitter narrative,” said one Biden adviser who declined to speak on the record. “The Democratic primary universe is far less liberal. It’s older than you think it is.”
Biden isn't biting on the narrative that young progressives are going to make a disproportionate impact in the primaries. I don't agree this is a "high-risk strategy", as the description Politico headline puts it. I think it's actually very pragmatic. May be too much so.....but found that an odd description, when all the rest of the field seems to be battling for the progressive vote. Biden is poised to grab all the older, more conservative element for himself.

Both candidates surpass 90 percent support from within their own parties, but independents break for Biden by a 58 to 28 margin.

From his schedule, his messaging, to policy positions, the former vice president is carving a divergentpath through the primaries based on a theory that few of his rivals appear to believe — that the Democratic base isn’t nearly as liberal or youthful as everyone thinks........

....Privately, several Biden advisers acknowledge that their theory of the case is rooted in polling data and voting trends that are in plain sight. They contend that the idea of a hyper-progressive Democratic electorate is advanced inaccurately by a media stuck in a bubble propagated by Twitter, and out of touch with the average rank-and-file Democrat.

Biden’s team points to recent polls, showing that a majority of the Democratic primary electorate identify as moderate or conservative, 56 percent is over 50 and nearly 60 percent are not college educated. And they point to the results of the 2018 midterm elections that they say saw moderate Democrats win their congressional and state primaries.

“There’s a big disconnect between the media narrative and what the primary electorate looks like and thinks, versus the media narrative and the Twitter narrative,” said one Biden adviser who declined to speak on the record. “The Democratic primary universe is far less liberal. It’s older than you think it is.”
Biden leading Trump by a landslide margin in latest Quinnipiac poll. The difference is independents:

Both candidates surpass 90 percent support from within their own parties, but independents break for Biden by a 58 to 28 margin.​

The no-brainer, absolute smartest move liberals can make to retake the Senate is to win the independent vote. IF far-left liberals aren't already motivated to vote in 2020 regardless of the nominee, they're brain damaged*.

* Entirely possible with their recreational drug usage.
Biden leading Trump by a landslide margin in latest Quinnipiac poll. The difference is independents:

Both candidates surpass 90 percent support from within their own parties, but independents break for Biden by a 58 to 28 margin.​

The no-brainer, absolute smartest move liberals can make to retake the Senate is to win the independent vote. IF far-left liberals aren't already motivated to vote in 2020 regardless of the nominee, they're brain damaged*.

* Entirely possible with their recreational drug usage.

It's not just public polls that have Trump nervous. There are reports that his own internals are showing trouble,and that in response he has instructed his aides to deny they exist. Particularly troubling are said to be double digit Biden leads in MI and PA, as well as Joe leading in Texas as well...

"Donald Trump has told his aides to publicly deny his internal polling that shows him behind Joe Biden in key 2020 states, according to reports.

The reported instructions followed after a poll of 17 states was conducted for Mr Trump by pollster Tony Fabrizio, and then leaked. The polls showed Mr Trump behind Mr Biden in some important states for his re-election prospects, but it is not clear which states were identified in the internal polling.

After the top-line polling was leaked showing that potential vulnerability, the president instructed his aides to simply say that there is other data that shows him doing well, according to a report from The New York Times.

In spite of Mr Trump’s efforts to bury his own leaked internal polling, public surveys of voters in several states shows that he could face an uphill battle to be re-elected against Mr Biden should he win his party’s nomination."
It's not just public polls that have Trump nervous. There are reports that his own internals are showing trouble,and that in response he has instructed his aides to deny they exist. Particularly troubling are said to be double digit Biden leads in MI and PA, as well as Joe leading in Texas as well...

"Donald Trump has told his aides to publicly deny his internal polling that shows him behind Joe Biden in key 2020 states, according to reports.

The reported instructions followed after a poll of 17 states was conducted for Mr Trump by pollster Tony Fabrizio, and then leaked. The polls showed Mr Trump behind Mr Biden in some important states for his re-election prospects, but it is not clear which states were identified in the internal polling.

After the top-line polling was leaked showing that potential vulnerability, the president instructed his aides to simply say that there is other data that shows him doing well, according to a report from The New York Times.

In spite of Mr Trump’s efforts to bury his own leaked internal polling, public surveys of voters in several states shows that he could face an uphill battle to be re-elected against Mr Biden should he win his party’s nomination."
Yeah your polls said the drunk Hillary was winning:D
I think I'm the only leftie who really likes Biden. I think he would be a great president, besides his edge.

Biden has gotten some bad press this past week with the abortion flip and his "tone deafness" around trade. Will be interesting to see what impact, if any, there is.
all the economic conservatives, which includes the DNC and their media arms, want Biden as the Dem candidate.

that way, as with would have been the case with Hilary, we end with with an economic conservative, (pro rich, pro corporation, as prez, regardless of who wins the general.

Dem voters no longer buy the BS from conservatives running as Dems though, which is why they didn't turn out for Hilary, and won't turn out for Biden, thus won't turn out for the Dem under card either..

and another Trump win in 2020 won't bother the big DNC funders one bit, because they prefer a Pub victory anyway, and just bought the DNC and are buying Biden, to hedge their bets.

as for who's ahead, the progressives collectively are ahead of the Pubs running as Dems.

they're just splitting the votes too many ways, as they're all singing the same songs Bernie wrote yrs ago..
Biden has gotten some bad press this past week with the abortion flip and his "tone deafness" around trade. Will be interesting to see what impact, if any, there is.
He’s gotten good press from the abortion switch too. Supposedly he met with a group of women and changed his position. I have no problem with candidates doing that, as long as they don’t go back and forth and really mean it.
He’s gotten good press from the abortion switch too. Supposedly he met with a group of women and changed his position. I have no problem with candidates doing that, as long as they don’t go back and forth and really mean it.

he really means it this time...wink wink
He’s gotten good press from the abortion switch too. Supposedly he met with a group of women and changed his position. I have no problem with candidates doing that, as long as they don’t go back and forth and really mean it.

seems i've seen this post before from you.

oh yeah, many times in 2016.

you and those like you are why we are where we are today.

40 more yrs is your goal. you are the danger.
seems i've seen this post before from you.

oh yeah, many times in 2016.

you and those like you are why we are where we are today.

40 more yrs is your goal. you are the danger.
What are you talking about? You haven’t seen this post because the discussion is about Biden’s press this week. But I believe I’ve seen yours before. No one can solve our problems but BErnie. Everyone else is horrible. Sure, I’m the reason we are here. Sure it is. Hint: it ain’t going to be BErnie this time either, so be prepared.
Biden isn't biting on the narrative that young progressives are going to make a disproportionate impact in the primaries. I don't agree this is a "high-risk strategy", as the description Politico headline puts it. I think it's actually very pragmatic. May be too much so.....but found that an odd description, when all the rest of the field seems to be battling for the progressive vote. Biden is poised to grab all the older, more conservative element for himself.

From his schedule, his messaging, to policy positions, the former vice president is carving a divergentpath through the primaries based on a theory that few of his rivals appear to believe — that the Democratic base isn’t nearly as liberal or youthful as everyone thinks........

....Privately, several Biden advisers acknowledge that their theory of the case is rooted in polling data and voting trends that are in plain sight. They contend that the idea of a hyper-progressive Democratic electorate is advanced inaccurately by a media stuck in a bubble propagated by Twitter, and out of touch with the average rank-and-file Democrat.

Biden’s team points to recent polls, showing that a majority of the Democratic primary electorate identify as moderate or conservative, 56 percent is over 50 and nearly 60 percent are not college educated. And they point to the results of the 2018 midterm elections that they say saw moderate Democrats win their congressional and state primaries.

“There’s a big disconnect between the media narrative and what the primary electorate looks like and thinks, versus the media narrative and the Twitter narrative,” said one Biden adviser who declined to speak on the record. “The Democratic primary universe is far less liberal. It’s older than you think it is.”

Agree with this. The "woke" social media mob is not reflective of the broader party.

Also, if Trump's Biden obsession continues, he will single handedly give Biden the nomination.
What are you talking about? You haven’t seen this post because the discussion is about Biden’s press this week.

same post, different candidate with the same flaw and the same pro rich pro corporate agenda.

and how'd that work out?

the pro rich pro corporate Dems like Hilary, Biden, and you, are as big or bigger obstacles for the working class, as are the Pubs.

no wonder Wall St and the investor class bought the DNC as well.. a fantastic business investment that's paid off many times over already..

if you allow government to be bought, 100% chance it will be.

it was allowed. it was bought. and when you can buy both major parties, all your bases are covered.

the ever widening distribution of wealth didn't happen by accident, or because of uncontrollable circumstances.

it was engineered, and engineered by those who bought govt to advance that very end..