Eating Cats/Dogs

There are legitimate issues in Washington. It does no good to bring them up, because you know, racism.

The Haitian/Springfield story is important to the Trump campaign as it fits nicely into Trump's criticism of the Biden/Harris immigration policies.

Consequently, Haitians eating household pets has to be too good a story to pass up.

However, a skeptic might wonder if the story is too good to be true.
The Haitian/Springfield story is important to the Trump campaign as it fits nicely into Trump's criticism of the Biden/Harris immigration policies.

Consequently, Haitians eating household pets has to be too good a story to pass up.

However, a skeptic might wonder if the story is too good to be true.

I have my doubts.

But, whether it's true or not, man....don't we have bigger cats to fry?
The reason Bush era conservatives lost the party is because of stuff like this. If you are a conservative you shouldn't be for immigration on this scale. It's terrible for working class Americans and a lot of their voting base.
I actually tend to agree that unchecked immigration depresses wages of lower and middle class Americans. But a lot of the investment class LOVES themselves some cheap labor. Those competing interests will need to be squared.

It's still taking resources from Ohioans.
Agreed and that is what the debate should actually be about (and the wages/job aspect). But the top of your ticket just can't seem to make those arguments. Even Vance has to make discussion mean in order to appease and support what Trump is doing.

Being mean isn't a winning strategy.

The biggest issue affecting American immigration policy isn't more border patrol or restricting legal immigration, it's the fact that to our south are about 15 horrendous economies/governments which can't keep their shit together.
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All im saying is it’s a huge conversation now that wasn’t before.

I’m assuming the much increased numbers have something to do with that.
The dirty little secret is immigration has negative trade offs, especially with the size of our governments now. The amount of people migrating and who they are matter as well. Wealthy people and business leaders turn a blind eye to it because they don't have to deal with the negative impacts.
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The dirty little secret is immigration has negative trade offs, especially with the size of our governments now. The amount of people migrating and who they are matter as well. Wealthy people and business leaders turn a blind eye to it because they don't have to deal with the negative impacts.
It’s has been very striking the number of new people in this area.

True story-my nephew lives next door to an old abandoned church. Out in the middle of nowhere. One day he noticed two guys going in the building so he went to check it out.

Turns out they’re migrants who signed a contract to come pick melons in this area. But they got screwed by whoever hired them because they were getting like 20 dollars a day. Not even enough to live on.

So they were living in the church.

My nephew found them a temporary job that pays 100 dollars a day. As far as I know, they’re still living there.

But it’s absolutely true that a large number of these people are being taken advantage of. I’ve seen it myself.
It’s has been very striking the number of new people in this area.

True story-my nephew lives next door to an old abandoned church. Out in the middle of nowhere. One day he noticed two guys going in the building so he went to check it out.

Turns out they’re migrants who signed a contract to come pick melons in this area. But they got screwed by whoever hired them because they were getting like 20 dollars a day. Not even enough to live on.

So they were living in the church.

My nephew found them a temporary job that pays 100 dollars a day. As far as I know, they’re still living there.

But it’s absolutely true that a large number of these people are being taken advantage of. I’ve seen it myself.

That's horrible.

Good on your nephew for helping them out. Sounds like a really good dude.
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The Haitian/Springfield story is important to the Trump campaign as it fits nicely into Trump's criticism of the Biden/Harris immigration policies.

Consequently, Haitians eating household pets has to be too good a story to pass up.

However, a skeptic might wonder if the story is too good to be true.
I do know they bleed out goats in their yards.
All im saying is it’s a huge conversation now that wasn’t before.

I’m assuming the much increased numbers have something to do with that.
Turkey Farms existed just fine in Daviess, Martin, Knox and Dubois Counties before the Haitians came. I bet there isn’t one Haitian working on a Turkey Farm. They may be working in Perdue Farms and Farbest plants.

Many are walking the streets during normal work hours in new sneakers and cloths. I guess they’re working sometime.
It doesn't matter if it did or didn't happen. The only thing that matters is the story, 20,000 people being dumped in a city of 60k. Trump wins if it becomes a headline. If you think people in Springfield are happy with their city being invaded, you're wrong. Sure, some liberal wealthy people and business owners make money off of them, but the working classes, not so much.
When Greg Abbott and Desantis shipped, bused and flew all those immigrants north to NYC and Cape Cod etc. to make them someone else's problem, do you think they first performed background checks to weed out all the criminals?

Note well: the migrants were well within the control of Abbott and Desantis, so there would be no excuse for failing to screen them, even if they claim it was Biden's fault that they crossed the border originally.

Thousands of illegal immigrants came here during Trump's Presidency. He didn't prevent them all from coming. He didn't screen them all before they went elsewhere during Trump's Presidency. Claiming that Biden let too many cross the border does not exonerate Trump for his own failures in locking down the border.

The border is everyone's problem.
Trump just said he doesn’t want another debate. First smart thing he’s said in 12 hours.
This could also be the first lie he has uttered in the past 12 seconds.

Since we can't believe what he says about wanting to fix healthcare, I don't believe what he says about not wanting another debate that he also claims he overwhelmingly won.
If 100,000,000 million people came across the boarder you would take issue with me calling it invading? Get out of here lars. Yes, Biden/Harris are ultimately responsible for it.
Oh really?

When Greg Abbott and Desantis shipped, bused and flew all those immigrants north to NYC and Cape Cod etc. to make them someone else's problem, do you think they first performed background checks to weed out all the criminals?

Note well: the migrants were well within the control of Abbott and Desantis, so there would be no excuse for failing to screen them, even if they claim it was Biden's fault that they crossed the border originally.

Thousands of illegal immigrants came here during Trump's Presidency. He didn't prevent them all from coming. He didn't screen them all before they went elsewhere during Trump's Presidency. Claiming that Biden let too many cross the border does not exonerate Trump for his own failures in locking down the border.

The border is everyone's problem.
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The Amish I grew up with would cut the heads off chickens and then let their headless bodies run around the yard. Laughing their asses off.
Indianapolis residents might remember two stories about the Broad Ripple canal. (Only one of the stories involved Pat McAfee.)

The other story involved a restaurant owner that was harvesting the canal's water fowl for his restaurant. As I recall, the authorities were upset that the ducks had not been inspected, not that they had been harvested.
The Amish I grew up with would cut the heads off chickens and then let their headless bodies run around the yard. Laughing their asses off.
We did the same thing. We were in the country where no neighbors would have been bothered. We also butchered cows and hogs. They were shot in the head in the barn.
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Or so you were led to believe.
I'm just going to believe it was chicken and pork loin now. This is my fourth year doing this outing for prostate cancer awareness and research in the memory of a buddy that died from it. We've had the same dinner every year. I would doubt they'd have enough cats available to feed the crowd which was quite large.
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We did the same thing. We were in the country where no neighbors would have been bothered. We also butchered cows and hogs. They were shot in the head in the barn.
I remember my babysitter when I was in kindergarten doing this with about 40 chickens while my younger sister and I watched. That's not something a young kid will forget. It actually didn't bother me too much - I knew the chickens I ate used to be alive. ;)
I'm just going to believe it was chicken and pork loin now.

We did the same thing. We were in the country where no neighbors would have been bothered. We also butchered cows and hogs. They were shot in the head in the barn.
Well, of course cows and hogs were not the problem. It was the dogs -- they gamble. Here''s hidden-camera proof:

Once you let the dogs in, they'll be rolling on their backs "playing dead" (ha ha) probably in bib overalls in your part of the world and having sex in non-Republican-approved positions.

Sad, really.
There are legitimate issues in Washington. It does no good to bring them up, because you know, racism.
Leave these Haitians alone, They are hard working and obey are laws. Yes Racism ,you would not complain if they were 800 people from Bosnia,
I'm just going to believe it was chicken and pork loin now. This is my fourth year doing this outing for prostate cancer awareness and research in the memory of a buddy that died from it. We've had the same dinner every year. I would doubt they'd have enough cats available to feed the crowd which was quite large.
Sounds like a fun outing. It’s the most pu#%y you’ve eaten in years.
  • Haha
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