Doctored Evidence

This summer's rioting wasn't instigated or supported by any democrat. Supporting the right to protest is not supporting the rioting, which biden himself condemned.

Any other apples and oranges comparison?

Kamalatoe bailed out rioters who were among the few actually detained.
Communist's support is abundant.

Kamalatoe bailed out rioters who were among the few actually detained.
Communist's support is abundant.

Habitual Liar

Where's the evidence of a stolen election?

BTW, bailed out protesters. Learn the difference.
That's a legit point and one I don't have an answer to. I will say that anyone personally cheering on rioting and not protest deserves the worst.

I have a hard time believing anyone with a brain and any humanity would openly cheer for a riot.

But the false equivalency is in the cause.

Biden didn't tweet out 'be there May 25th for a riot after a cop chokes out a black man's life in a horrific visual that incapsulates 2 centuries of racial tension. It's going to be wild!'

Then after it broke out Biden didn't have the ability to stop it but just refused to.

Those are two ginormous distinctions and why trying to compare the two is the definition of a false equivalency.

One was an unplanned event. A tragic happening.

The other was planned and prepped/fluffed. Worse yet it was based on a lie.
More lies.
You are a facile liar!
George Floyd ingested his stash.
The Fentanyl killed him.
Good riddance.
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From the attorney.

“The prosecutors in this case doctored evidence. They did not investigate this case, and when they had to come to the court, or the Senate, to put their case on, because they hadn’t done any investigation, they doctored evidence. It was absolutely shocking ….

“It’s not OK to doctor a little bit of evidence,” van der Veen said. “The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for ratings, and as such, you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s all right just to doctor a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff that we uncovered that they doctored, to be frank with you, and perhaps that will come out one day.”
That's the false spin. During the actual trial, whichever Trump lawyer was presenting this argument made it very clear that the House did not actually submit any of the modified tweets as evidence. There were doctored tweets, but it is extremely irresponsible to jump to claims of doctored evidence. First, the House didn't do the doctoring. Second, they weren't submitted as evidence. The claim is just patently false through and through.
Posted without comment.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

“There has to be some scrutiny on this,” said Jeff Clayton, executive director of the American Bail Coalition.

Clayton said local bail bond companies have noticed a pattern in who MFF is bailing out, given the lower jail population because of COVID-19.

“It has to be violent criminals, because that is all that is left, there’s nobody left, there are no protesters left to spend this kind of money on,” Clayton said.

WTF is wrong with you? You’re seriously an awful poster. Awful because you just stir up shit and throw it against the wall. Awful because you post exclusively in bad faith. Just go away Grover.

wtf is wrong with you. you linked an article acting like it refuted what I said but no where does it say that organization had anything to do with democrats.

just go away if you can't explain how your post had anything to do with what i posted.

you have no issue hurling insults and calling other people awful posters. in the end, you are nothing more than a classic asshole.
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wtf is wrong with you. you linked an article acting like it refuted what I said but no where does it say that organization had anything to do with democrats.

just go away if you can't explain how your post had anything to do with what i posted.
Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.

Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.


Ohhhh, that is gonna leave a mark.
Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.

Maybe the two of you should get a room?
Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.

Perfect, Scott Farkus's little toadie.....
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Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.


Your post said nothing outside of linking an article.

are you that much of a dumbass? I'm sorry, that is probably an insult to dumbasses around the world. Being a dumbass would be a step up for you.

You're nothing but an internet troll.
Your post said nothing outside of linking an article.

are you that much of a dumbass? I'm sorry, that is probably an insult to dumbasses around the world. Being a dumbass would be a step up for you.

You're nothing but an internet troll.
Grover, you’re backtracking faster than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest. You no longer know what your dumb **** argument is other than a few grunts and “yeahhhhhh’s” when someone smarter than you (see everybody except VanPastorMan) says something with which you think you agree.
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Ohhhh, that is gonna leave a mark.
It’s ok for one to think as simplistically as VanPastorMan as long as the posts are as infrequent as Van’s. But Grover here has to post 45 times a day and each mainly says “yeaaaaaahhhhhhh.”

I should grow up and ignore him but I’m in a bad mood because I’m sick and damned tired of shoveling snow.
I don’t believe anyone has said they were defending them.

But were they encouraging people to provide bail money for those who had been arrested during the rioting? Absolutely.

You might want to look at what Kamala tweeted...

Notice anything? Like maybe the date stamp on the tweet...?

George Floyd died on May 25th, the first protest was held on May 26, and Harris tweeted soliciting funds for PROTESTORS on June 1. You really want to try and claim that the Floyd protests had deteriorated into "riots" within a 7 day period of starting?

On June 6, over 1/2 Million people participated in protests at over 550 locations nationwide. Trying to claim those were "riots" is trying to paint with a pretty broad brush...
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"Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster."

This is a little more complex issue than you're making it out to be, particularly because of the timeline involved. At the time of Harris' tweet (June 1) most of the people arrested had merely participated in protests In Minnesota. At that time, the MN Freedom Fund was a small local agency concerned with bailing people of limited means out of jail. In fact, they only had a single full-time staffer...

The WAPO fact check mentions that their 2018 tax forms showed they raised $100,000 that year, so it appears they had fa more limited resources than privately owned bail companies who operate for profit. Basically, they exist to provide the same oppty for bail that other folks who are also Charged but NOT convicted but have much more access to the requisite financial tools are afforded... Some relevant facts related to the timeline of Harris requesting donations...

"According to an accounting by the American Bail Coalition, verified by The Fact Checker with a review of Hennepin County jail records, all but three of the 170 people arrested during the protests between May 26 and June 2 were released from jail within a week. Of the 167 released, only 10 had to put up a monetary bond to be released; in most cases, the amounts were nominal, such as $78 or $100. In fact, 92 percent of those arrested had to pay no bail — and 29 percent of those arrested did not face charges. (The American Bail Coalition is a trade group of insurance companies who profit from underwriting bail bonds.)"

Now I'm willing to bet that the same people who want to crucify KH over her tweet in support of an organization that at the time was involved in helping people basically involved in non-violent acts (based on the ABC accounting) have not posted anything condemning GOP support (including Trump himself) for an ACTUAL murderer like Rittenhouse. And of course, those same folks will attack me, for pointing out their hypocrisy...
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This is a little more complex issue than you're making it out to be, particularly because of the timeline involved. At the time of Harris' tweet (June 1) most of the people arrested had merely participated in protests In Minnesota. At that time, the MN Freedom Fund was a small local agency concerned with bailing people of limited means out of jail. In fact, they only had a single full-time staffer...

The WAPO fact check mentions that their 2018 tax forms showed they raised $100,000 that year, so it appears they had fa more limited resources than privately owned bail companies who operate for profit. Basically, they exist to provide the same oppty for bail that other folks who are also Charged but NOT convicted but have much more access to the requisite financial tools are afforded... Some relevant facts related to the timeline of Harris requesting donations...

"According to an accounting by the American Bail Coalition, verified by The Fact Checker with a review of Hennepin County jail records, all but three of the 170 people arrested during the protests between May 26 and June 2 were released from jail within a week. Of the 167 released, only 10 had to put up a monetary bond to be released; in most cases, the amounts were nominal, such as $78 or $100. In fact, 92 percent of those arrested had to pay no bail — and 29 percent of those arrested did not face charges. (The American Bail Coalition is a trade group of insurance companies who profit from underwriting bail bonds.)"

Now I'm willing to bet that the same people who want to crucify KH over her tweet in support of an organization that at the time was involved in helping people basically involved in non-violent acts (based on the ABC accounting) have not posted anything condemning GOP support (including Trump himself) for an ACTUAL murderer like Rittenhouse. And of course, those same folks will attack me, for pointing out their hypocrisy...
I’m well aware after reading up extensively on the MFF over the last couple weeks. They got out over their skis and lost complete control over their organization once they experienced a massive influx of cash. Like all small organizations that is a tipping point at the point of exponential growth and theirs devolved severely as previous articles explained. The point is that Kamala Harris tweeted out support for a fund that went on to help release sex offenders, murderers, and rioters. And that’s indisputable. My point is that politicians should be held accountable for their words and actions - are you willing to do that? Or only against your antichrist? I already know the answer so please treat the question as rhetorical.

The courts get to decide if Rittenhouse is a murderer. I’ll bet you a sizable amount they will not convict him on any murder charges. If being a naive ammosexual is a criminal offense he is surely guilty. If unnecessarily bringing a weapon into a hostile zone is a crime he’s guilty (he’s probably also guilty of real firearm offenses). But he won’t be convicted of the murder of one riotous sex offender and the skateboard-wielding attacker because he was acting in self defense. Even though I agree that his being there armed was probably 60% of why what happened did happen.
You might want to look at what Kamala tweeted...

Notice anything? Like maybe the date stamp on the tweet...?

George Floyd died on May 25th, the first protest was held on May 26, and Harris tweeted soliciting funds for PROTESTORS on June 1. You really want to try and claim that the Floyd protests had deteriorated into "riots" within a 7 day period of starting?

On June 6, over 1/2 Million people participated in protests at over 550 locations nationwide. Trying to claim those were "riots" is trying to paint with a pretty broad brush...
Why do you not care about the truth? Why are you so hyper partisan? Vandalism and mayhem started as early as May 27.

The national guard was actively patrolling by 29 May.
This is a little more complex issue than you're making it out to be, particularly because of the timeline involved. At the time of Harris' tweet (June 1) most of the people arrested had merely participated in protests In Minnesota. At that time, the MN Freedom Fund was a small local agency concerned with bailing people of limited means out of jail. In fact, they only had a single full-time staffer...

The WAPO fact check mentions that their 2018 tax forms showed they raised $100,000 that year, so it appears they had fa more limited resources than privately owned bail companies who operate for profit. Basically, they exist to provide the same oppty for bail that other folks who are also Charged but NOT convicted but have much more access to the requisite financial tools are afforded... Some relevant facts related to the timeline of Harris requesting donations...

"According to an accounting by the American Bail Coalition, verified by The Fact Checker with a review of Hennepin County jail records, all but three of the 170 people arrested during the protests between May 26 and June 2 were released from jail within a week. Of the 167 released, only 10 had to put up a monetary bond to be released; in most cases, the amounts were nominal, such as $78 or $100. In fact, 92 percent of those arrested had to pay no bail — and 29 percent of those arrested did not face charges. (The American Bail Coalition is a trade group of insurance companies who profit from underwriting bail bonds.)"

Now I'm willing to bet that the same people who want to crucify KH over her tweet in support of an organization that at the time was involved in helping people basically involved in non-violent acts (based on the ABC accounting) have not posted anything condemning GOP support (including Trump himself) for an ACTUAL murderer like Rittenhouse. And of course, those same folks will attack me, for pointing out their hypocrisy...

What is your argument here? That the MFF's impact on bailing violent rioters out of jail was exaggerated? Fine.

They still did though. Including one rioter charged with attempted murder May 30th (2 days before Kamala's tweet).
You might want to look at what Kamala tweeted...

Notice anything? Like maybe the date stamp on the tweet...?

George Floyd died on May 25th, the first protest was held on May 26, and Harris tweeted soliciting funds for PROTESTORS on June 1. You really want to try and claim that the Floyd protests had deteriorated into "riots" within a 7 day period of starting?

On June 6, over 1/2 Million people participated in protests at over 550 locations nationwide. Trying to claim those were "riots" is trying to paint with a pretty broad brush...
The vast majority of those arrested for merely protesting were released with a citation within hours. There was no need for bail money for protestors at the time, nor was that MFF’s stated mission.

Their mission hasn’t changed. It still revolves around providing bail for inmates with no regard for the crimes they committed, because “the system is broken”.

As noted, they’ve gotten some pretty serious offenders out of jail and, thanks to Kamala pimping them, they’ve now got more money than they know what to do with.
I know you don't. Didn't mean to paint you with that brush.
It’s cool - it’s hard to infer intent on this.

Im merely trying - and consistently failing - to say that we all need to hold our elected officials in equal levels of scrutiny and accountability and there are too many on each side that refuse to do it for their elected officials. That’s true of the real world and of 90% of the posters here.
Grover, you denied (you dumb ****) that your saintly leaders would ever do anything that can be remotely tied to rioting (you dumb ****). When explaining that Harris encouraged donations to the MFF you (you dumb ****) said “but whaaaa those are protestors not rioters whaaaa!” like a dumb **** who doesn’t understand the real world would and now when there are names examples (you dumb ****) of violent rioters and sex offenders that were bailed out by the Harris-touted fund you move the goalposts. You’re human excrement as a thinker and a poster.

you follow along the heels of those that are smarter and better at this than you. And that’s why your new nickname is Grover Dill.


This is why I never mess with Ranger. It looks like dumbfuc$ hasn’t learned.

I should learn to quit posting and enjoy you, CoH and others. 😂

I just enjoyed my toilet break. 😂
I'm going to assume that when you wrote this:

The point is that Kamala Harris tweeted out support for a fund that went on to help release sex offenders, murderers, and rioters. And that’s indisputable. simply forgot to put the word "alleged" in there somewhere. Otherwise, writing this:

The courts get to decide if Rittenhouse is a murderer.

...would be a bit disingenuous, would it not?

Generally, the whole idea of cash bail is shitty. You're either a flight risk or a high probability to re-offend or a proximate danger to others, or you're not. The amount of money you can raise shouldn't be an issue.
I'm going to assume that when you wrote this: simply forgot to put the word "alleged" in there somewhere. Otherwise, writing this:

...would be a bit disingenuous, would it not?

Generally, the whole idea of cash bail is shitty. You're either a flight risk or a high probability to re-offend or a proximate danger to others, or you're not. The amount of money you can raise shouldn't be an issue.

Read the article Cos linked again. At least one of the people that MFF posted bail for was later convicted of sexual assault after the fund helped get them out on a separate (prior) charge.
Read the article Cos linked again. At least one of the people that MFF posted bail for was later convicted of sexual assault after the fund helped get them out on a separate (prior) charge.
Yeah, that sucks. Maybe we should do away with cash bail altogether and just keep everyone locked up before they get their day in court. You know, just in case.

They could start with Rittenhouse.
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