Did the sun come up this morning?*

Yep. The world is still a spinnin', even after the crapfest.
My electric service just came back on after being out about an hour. Fuc#ing Russians!
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They won't leave....they are too chickenchit to run to any other country where they can't bump their gums as much and make national headlines.
No, I don't expect they will leave. I only hope someone makes them back out of it .
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Seriously I was just making sure.

Part of the American experience is dealing with your candidate losing. I don't like the results, but life will go on. You won't get any hating out of me.
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Seriously I was just making sure.

Part of the American experience is dealing with your candidate losing. I don't like the results, but life will go on. You won't get any hating out of me.

Agree. I won't be calling for a re-count, asking to see a birth certificate, nor calling him the anti-christ like so many did 4 and 8 years ago. It is what it is. I'm not happy about it but damn, some are just simply going off the deep end and turning into what they claim to despise about him.
More than half the country is totally alienated and fearful right now.

That would have happened regardless of who won. Many have felt that for the last 8 years.

Above all things said in the campaign, the one that sticks with me is the basket of deplorables comment. I know she tried to back away from it a little, but those people represent half of those she would serve. If I had been undecided at the time, I'm pretty sure that would have turned me away.
The other half was alienated and fearful yesterday.

I've won.
I've lost.
Politics is less important to me every day.
Don't sweat the small shit.
Well I'm not sure I'd call this small shit, but as I mentioned this is part of the price for living in the USA. Your guy or girl doesn't always get to win. If people disagree they should go move to where a dictatorship rules. Our democratic process and the ability to keep the peace is what defines our greatness.

I agree with the rule of thumb don't sweat the small stuff.
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What's to be worried about.....we've got 4 more states where we can buy legal herb.

Those Vegas trips are going to be even better. And I'll need to soon make another visit to the great city of Boston.
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Yes, and imagine the country once Whoopi, Miley Cyrus, and Amy Schumer leave the country! Some might miss Jon Stewart, but we will survive somehow. Safe trips to all!
Did you screw your daughter this morning to celebrate the country being taken over by fact free clueless hicks?
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Quick question. Will Hillary still have the Secret Service protection while in jail? What is protocol there?
He's not sending her to jail or appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigator her. He won't want the distraction.
Quick question. Will Hillary still have the Secret Service protection while in jail? What is protocol there?

I hope you all choke on the disaster you just helped create. A bunch of slack jawed, clueless, misinformed, reason disabled, racist enabling fking pigs. And, as you watch your children suffer and your daughters get their pussies grabbed, remember that you helped create it, you fking servile, jackbooted, scumbags!
I hope you all choke on the disaster you just helped create. A bunch of slack jawed, clueless, misinformed, reason disabled, racist enabling fking pigs. And, as you watch your children suffer and your daughters get their pussies grabbed, remember that you helped create it, you fking servile, jackbooted, scumbags! children are just fine, in fact, doing great.
Ever think about writing a novel? You may be able to sell more copies than McNutt, with your smooth-flowing prose and command of the English language.
That would have happened regardless of who won. Many have felt that for the last 8 years.

Above all things said in the campaign, the one that sticks with me is the basket of deplorables comment. I know she tried to back away from it a little, but those people represent half of those she would serve. If I had been undecided at the time, I'm pretty sure that would have turned me away.
Call it whatever you want, Bud -- "deplorables" or whatever. But there is unquestionably a major part of Trump's base that is motivated by racism or sexism. Trump was endorsed by the KKK and his numbers went up.

I'm of the opinion that the KKK should be considered deplorable, but there apparently are some (not saying you) that disagree with me on that point.
Quick question. Will Hillary still have the Secret Service protection while in jail? What is protocol there?
Yeah, jailing political opponents is all of what the founding fathers intended.

Conservatism was all talk.
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Call it whatever you want, Bud -- "deplorables" or whatever. But there is unquestionably a major part of Trump's base that is motivated by racism or sexism. Trump was endorsed by the KKK and his numbers went up.

I'm of the opinion that the KKK should be considered deplorable, but there apparently are some (not saying you) that disagree with me on that point.

Yeah, jailing political opponents is all of what the founding fathers intended.

Conservatism was all talk.

How many?
He got 60,000,000 votes including NOT mine.
How many?

I checked the Southern Poverty Law Center
They estimate 190 "Klan groups" in the US
They estimate 180 black separatist groups in the US
They estimate that Stormfront - the biggest white nationalist web group - has 300,000 users.

The Anti-Defamation League 2014 report claimed:
"For perspective on just how negligible the public Klan presence has become in recent years, consider this: In 1994, Klan groups staged 10 different rallies in the state of Ohio alone. In 2014, 20 years later, there were only around 10 confirmed Klan rallies across the United States."

But to hear the anti-Trumpers, we can't swing a dead cat without hitting dozens of racists everywhere.

I think the left just can't accept that some of their ideas are being rejected by voters, and they substitute "you are a racist" for "we disagree about that issue"
So with respect to all the protests. I don't blame them. Afterall we've just elected the most polarizing man probably in our country's modern history. Again, I have a family to raise, life most go on for me, but I get these protests. Hopefully people can protest peacefully and then find a way to use their energy to make a positive difference. That's all....
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Call it whatever you want, Bud -- "deplorables" or whatever. But there is unquestionably a major part of Trump's base that is motivated by racism or sexism. Trump was endorsed by the KKK and his numbers went up.

I'm of the opinion that the KKK should be considered deplorable, but there apparently are some (not saying you) that disagree with me on that point.

Yeah, jailing political opponents is all of what the founding fathers intended.

Conservatism was all talk.
I am not in control of other people that supported the candidate of my choice. The Trump supporters I know are a mix of people including a few that admitted to voting for Obama. They aren't racists. Many are women. Almost all of them are college educated professionals. The one that isn't college educated had his choices of colleges to attend, but decided to follow his uncle into his concrete company. Only a tiny fraction of the Trump supporters would be deplorable. It is childish to think there weren't some deplorable people supporting Hillary.

Hillary had the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist sitting behind her in a rally. Does that make all Hillary supporters terrorists, or deplorable? Of course not. The terrorist was a registered Democrat and his dad was smiling and cheering in a prominent location behind Clinton. Who do you think the gay-hating terrorist would have supported?

Who has gone to jail? Unless something comes out about any ongoing investigation, I believe Hillary has escaped indictment.
It did. And incidents of hate in the name of Trump, occurring all around the country. Trump SwAstikas, Make America White Again Signs, car defaced with Trump Rules and black bitch, numerous black children being harassed at school about being sent back to Africa, of course the same with Hispanics and Mexico, gay couple with nasty note on door. Be proud , 'Merica. You proved to the rest of the world they were right about you all along.
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That would have happened regardless of who won. Many have felt that for the last 8 years.

Above all things said in the campaign, the one that sticks with me is the basket of deplorables comment. I know she tried to back away from it a little, but those people represent half of those she would serve. If I had been undecided at the time, I'm pretty sure that would have turned me away.
What group would have actually been fearful had Hillary won? Billionaires worried they wouldn't get their tax breaks? Russians? Sorry but the deplorables are proving just why they were called that.
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I take responsibility for starting the thread, but perhaps we should move this to the water cooler?
Naw, it's been boring here. Might as well spice it up. Plus we are supposed to have some type of decorum over there.
What group would have actually been fearful had Hillary won? Billionaires worried they wouldn't get their tax breaks? Russians? Sorry but the deplorables are proving just why they were called that.
Hillary is Obama 2.0 with a malware virus. The Russians wouldn't be afraid of her. Putin has gotten everything he has wanted in the last 8 years. I'm not sure why he would want someone more likely to stand up to him. Maybe he respects leadership.

The reasons to be concerned about Hillary have been covered in the election. I would go through the list, but the election is over and I'm glad we don't have to worry about her programs and lack of judgement and reckless security.

Supporting a candidate doesn't qualify you as deplorable. Hillary made a mistake. When she made the deplorable/redeemable comment, my wife angrily said that Hillary better not be talking about her. My wife remembers Obama calling her a terrorist and the enemy in two different speeches. She and I would have started out with a Clinton presidency feeling we weren't represented by someone that respected us. Your side hasn't see that in the last 8 years, but it is possible that you will experience what we have. I hope not. I prefer that Trump will treat every citizen the same and not as the enemy. If he doesn't, I will be critical of him. I'll be critical anytime I don't agree with him.
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Hillary is Obama 2.0 with a malware virus. The Russians wouldn't be afraid of her. Putin has gotten everything he has wanted in the last 8 years. I'm not sure why he would want someone more likely to stand up to him. Maybe he respects leadership.

The reasons to be concerned about Hillary have been covered in the election. I would go through the list, but the election is over and I'm glad we don't have to worry about her programs and lack of judgement and reckless security.

Supporting a candidate doesn't qualify you as deplorable. Hillary made a mistake. When she made the deplorable/redeemable comment, my wife angrily said that Hillary better not be talking about her. My wife remembers Obama calling her a terrorist and the enemy in two different speeches. She and I would have started out with a Clinton presidency feeling we weren't represented by someone that respected us. Your side hasn't see that in the last 8 years, but it is possible that you will experience what we have. I hope not. I prefer that Trump will treat every citizen the same and not as the enemy. If he doesn't, I will be critical of him. I'll be critical anytime I don't agree with him.

Do you even read what you type?

Supporting a candidate who makes deplorable statements and represents deplorable ideals doesn't make you makes you a worthless POS.

And she takes offense at what Obama says (when did he label people as terrorist and the enemy?) but Trump's poisoned tongue, and small pussy grabbing hands is ok with her?

Jesus wonder this county is fked up.
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Love the Malware description! Also the Deplorable comment obviously got a lot of air time, but I think I centered in more so on the Irredeemable part of that. That seemed extremely ironic coming from her.

Hillary is Obama 2.0 with a malware virus. The Russians wouldn't be afraid of her. Putin has gotten everything he has wanted in the last 8 years. I'm not sure why he would want someone more likely to stand up to him. Maybe he respects leadership.

The reasons to be concerned about Hillary have been covered in the election. I would go through the list, but the election is over and I'm glad we don't have to worry about her programs and lack of judgement and reckless security.

Supporting a candidate doesn't qualify you as deplorable. Hillary made a mistake. When she made the deplorable/redeemable comment, my wife angrily said that Hillary better not be talking about her. My wife remembers Obama calling her a terrorist and the enemy in two different speeches. She and I would have started out with a Clinton presidency feeling we weren't represented by someone that respected us. Your side hasn't see that in the last 8 years, but it is possible that you will experience what we have. I hope not. I prefer that Trump will treat every citizen the same and not as the enemy. If he doesn't, I will be critical of him. I'll be critical anytime I don't agree with him.
Hillary is Obama 2.0 with a malware virus. The Russians wouldn't be afraid of her. Putin has gotten everything he has wanted in the last 8 years. I'm not sure why he would want someone more likely to stand up to him. Maybe he respects leadership.

The reasons to be concerned about Hillary have been covered in the election. I would go through the list, but the election is over and I'm glad we don't have to worry about her programs and lack of judgement and reckless security.

Supporting a candidate doesn't qualify you as deplorable. Hillary made a mistake. When she made the deplorable/redeemable comment, my wife angrily said that Hillary better not be talking about her. My wife remembers Obama calling her a terrorist and the enemy in two different speeches. She and I would have started out with a Clinton presidency feeling we weren't represented by someone that respected us. Your side hasn't see that in the last 8 years, but it is possible that you will experience what we have. I hope not. I prefer that Trump will treat every citizen the same and not as the enemy. If he doesn't, I will be critical of him. I'll be critical anytime I don't agree with him.
Man, that sounds horrible. I wonder if there are any examples of Donald Trump alienating Americans with hate speech?

Give me a break.
As a Republican, I didn't really support either the Democrat or the white Supremacist candidates, and didn't feel like getting behind the Libertarians either. Greens are idiots. I held my nose and voted Hillary.

Not broken up, just wishing there had been a Republican candidate.

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