Hooray for the 2nd Amendment


Can you prove that? Or is this just an opinion... I'll help ya out----Its an opinion.

1. You dont think a shooter, armed with two Glocks, in a croded area such as a gym, cafeteria, etc---coudn't kill or wound a lot of people? Why?

2, Banning AR's would not make them unattainable.. Nor would it stop school, or mass shootings.

WHich part of that, is not true?
You said a Glock is just as deadly as an AR. That is categorically false. In all aspects of the word deadly. The energy produced by a 5.56mm round creates hydro-static shock that annihilates the body. And it can do so up close or at a distance.

There’s an obvious reason we didn’t carry Glocks as our primary weapons. They’re useless at range and lose a ton of energy over distance. Plus they can be stopped by Kevlar. ARs cannot.

By every definition of the word “deadly”, the 5.56mm round wins.
No he didn’t. You are blatantly lying. He said they’d study it. You are so much of what is wrong with society today.
Ok, he didn’t suggest that introduction of disinfectants into the body might be the answer to Covid. My bad, I must have misunderstood him.
↑ ↑ Classic example of liberal media. If they say it enough times you will believe it.
You said a Glock is just as deadly as an AR. That is categorically false. In all aspects of the word deadly. The energy produced by a 5.56mm round creates hydro-static shock that annihilates the body. And it can do so up close or at a distance.

There’s an obvious reason we didn’t carry Glocks as our primary weapons. They’re useless at range and lose a ton of energy over distance. Plus they can be stopped by Kevlar. ARs cannot.

By every definition of the word “deadly”, the 5.56mm round wins.
Most police issued firearms are Glock 40 caliber. They are definitely better in close distance, I would say a 40 with two full clips could take out 20-30 people in short order if the area was crowded. The Glock is far easier to conceal. I have zero guns but if I did carry I would just carry a .380 with hollow point and likely would be able to defend myself against several would be bad guys.
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Most police issued firearms are Glock 40 caliber. They are definitely better in close distance, I would say a 40 with two full clips could take out 20-30 people in short order if the area was crowded. The Glock is far easier to conceal. I have zero guns but if I did carry I would just carry a .380 with hollow point and likely would be able to defend myself against several would be bad guys.
Take out is not the same as “nearly guarantee lethality”. That’s the point.

You can hit far more people with a semi auto shotgun but the wounds aren’t nearly as lethal as 5.56. At point blank range yes but at point blank range someone is tackling you.
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Take out is not the same as “nearly guarantee lethality”. That’s the point.

You can hit far more people with a semi auto shotgun but the wounds aren’t nearly as lethal as 5.56. At point blank range yes but at point blank range someone is tackling you.
I agree with you, the 5.56 is lethal. My knowledge on AR-15's is that most chamber a .223 which is not as lethal. You can tackle a anyone in regards to having a gun, if I'm going to tackle someone I would rather do that with a long rifle as it is easier to get inside the length of the barrel same with a shotgun.

A shotgun is hard to determine "lethal" if I hit you with a deer slug you're done. Buck shot on the other hand not so much as it is only good up to about 40 yards and by that time the shot has expanded so rapidly it is far less effective.

I'm all for guns and the second amendment I'm also all for sever levels of punishment for those who abuse freedoms all American's are fortunate to have.
the 5.56 is lethal. My knowledge on AR-15's is that most chamber a .223 which is not as lethal.
The difference is (as comparison) the width of a piece of dust, on the hair that is on a fly's ass. They are the same.
So let's compare how the two campaigns responded to the GA murders...

Glad to see Walz pointing out that for some reason this need to "bolster security" is a uniquely American problem. Always dancing around the question of why this is a uniquely American problem...

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Judge told shooter he could get death penalty. Kind of scary a superior court judge doesn’t know minors can’t get death penalty.
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Judge told shooter he could get death penalty. Kind of scary a superior court judge doesn’t know minors can’t get death penalty.
I thought he was being charged as an adult. Not sure how that works, but can't you get married at age 14 in Georgia?
I thought he was being charged as an adult. Not sure how that works, but can't you get married at age 14 in Georgia?

I don’t know about the marriage thing but since AROUND 2010 or so offenses committed as a minor cannot result in the dearh penalty under any circumstance. It has nothing to do with state law, the U.S. Supreme Court said it was cruel and unusual. I THINK life without parole is out as well.
I don’t know about the marriage thing but since AROUND 2010 or so offenses committed as a minor cannot result in the dearh penalty under any circumstance. It has nothing to do with state law, the U.S. Supreme Court said it was cruel and unusual. I THINK life without parole is out as well.

ah, nevermind then. Although anyone getting the death penalty would spend 50+ years waiting for it to be carried out anyway.
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I thought he was being charged as an adult. Not sure how that works, but can't you get married at age 14 in Georgia?

You got me curious so I looked it up. The legal age of marriage in Georgia is 18 or 17 if you are legally emancipated.
He got it somewhere.. And the holler would certainly argue it does prohibit such restrictions.
You are forgetting several things. First, we don't know exactly how the kid got the gun. Did he break a lock, find out the combination etc? Also, let's not forget how many lives are saved because of guns every year. People who defend themselves from death are lives saved.
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Hard to feel sympathy for a shooter, but this is interesting and does at least make one empathetic to the kid, who was apparently picked on a lot, and the father, who was trying to find help.

On the call, Colin Gray brought up again toinvestigators he was aware his son was getting picked on at school.

"I don't want him to fight anybody, but they just keep like pinching him and touching him and that's a whole different deal. And it's just escalated to point where like his finals were last week and that was a lasting on his mind.So I'm frustrated with... the whole school handled all that.He wants to move out of the school district. He's going through a lot. He's youknow he, he just wants us to have a simple life. All that like he should be excited about getting into 8th grade. It was just very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on by you know it went from one thing to another to you know he was talking to a couple of friends he has. I was trying to get him on the golf team. Like,Oh look Colt's gay . He's dating that guy. Just ridiculed him day after day after day . And then y'all show up and he's he just like just really weighing on him. So I'm, I'm like you know I just wanna figure out what, that's why I asked you just keep up to speed on what's going on because he, he's the kind..."
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You are forgetting several things. First, we don't know exactly how the kid got the gun. Did he break a lock, find out the combination etc? Also, let's not forget how many lives are saved because of guns every year. People who defend themselves from death are lives saved.

His dad bought as a gift after being visited by law enforcement telling him his kid might be dangerous.
So what you are saying is he didnt' believe the report about his son? That makes sense because have you ever noticed how when a kid goes wrong the parents will almost always blame somebody else's kids who lead their baby astray?

Didn’t believe, didn’t care, too dumb to walk around without a helmet…..who knows?
The difference is (as comparison) the width of a piece of dust, on the hair that is on a fly's ass. They are the same.
Maybe I have read that it is ok to shoot a .223 out of a gun that can chamber a 5.56 but not visa versa. There is some size difference as well as velocity. Again, most shoot a .223 when using an AR, and it is lethal if aimed properly.

I'm not sure either is able to penetrate a Teflon vest, but I may be wrong.
I don’t know about the marriage thing but since AROUND 2010 or so offenses committed as a minor cannot result in the dearh penalty under any circumstance. It has nothing to do with state law, the U.S. Supreme Court said it was cruel and unusual. I THINK life without parole is out as well.
Death penalty or someone's boyfriend for many years. If it were me, I would say where is the chair?
Maybe I have read that it is ok to shoot a .223 out of a gun that can chamber a 5.56 but not visa versa. There is some size difference as well as velocity. Again, most shoot a .223 when using an AR, and it is lethal if aimed properly.

I'm not sure either is able to penetrate a Teflon vest, but I may be wrong.
I don't think that there is much "wrong" with what you are saying. If I recall, about the 223 out of a 556 and vice versa... Is an area of the breech and how it interacts with the casing. There is a really good wiki on all of the testing and NATO acceptance of the 223 (called 556 in NATO) with data. It goes into some good depth. It's been ~10 year since I read it and I don't shoot every day, so take it for what it's worth.
You are forgetting several things. First, we don't know exactly how the kid got the gun. Did he break a lock, find out the combination etc? Also, let's not forget how many lives are saved because of guns every year. People who defend themselves from death are lives saved.
except if neither attacker nor defender had a gun, death would be less likely.

countries with stricter gun laws have less gun related deaths. It's not a coincidence.
OK, so how can I learn to do that?
Maybe I have read that it is ok to shoot a .223 out of a gun that can chamber a 5.56 but not visa versa. There is some size difference as well as velocity. Again, most shoot a .223 when using an AR, and it is lethal if aimed properly.

I'm not sure either is able to penetrate a Teflon vest, but I may be wrong.

If the firearm is specifically chambered for .223, it could be unwise and potentially dangerous to fire 5.56 rounds from it due to the higher pressures from a 5.56 round. That said, you can fire .223 from a firearm chambered in 5.56. At that point AFAIK they are interchangeable.

As far as penetration goes, I have seen claims that level II could defeat it but conventional wisdom is that you really need level III body armor to consistantly defeat either round.

As far as some of the talk here about the 5.56 and it's mythical/mystical/magical lethality, all firearms are by their nature and design lethal to most living things of either the two or 4 legged variety. The simple fact is that someone intent on doing deadly things in a target rich environment at a soft target like a school can get the job done with pistol calibers (9mm, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, .357 and .44 magnum). Hardening the targets and shortening the timeframe that an active shooter has before they meet resistance is going to mitigate the potential for damage much more so than legislating ammo types, firearm platforms or magazine capacity.
If the firearm is specifically chambered for .223, it could be unwise and potentially dangerous to fire 5.56 rounds from it due to the higher pressures from a 5.56 round
AHHHH That was it. There is extra support for the 556 increased pressure.
I have a 223 wylde which accomplishes both.
Little random school shooting trivia. The great Todd park Mohr. Graduate of columbine high
First. Noodle. Nurses against dick pics? That is the most nightmarish text a parent could ever receive. And would only be exacerbated by my daughter who would add “hey my phone is on 1 percent.”

So kid is on LE’s radar already. Posts pictures with guns. 14 yrs old btw. Then school gets call alerting them. Kid leaves class in the morning and is able to get into another classroom. Door just open wtf?

2,000 student school. I googled it. Of course great football stadium. Turf. Yet no metal detectors at the door. Can bring in whatever.

I don’t care what we do about ARs etc but these schools need to get it together. Zero excuse for that kid to be able to get that gun into the school on the same day of a threat
Isn't preventing a person from bringing a firearm into a school a restriction on his Second Amendment right to "bear arms"? The Second Amendment does not make an exception for schools.

And, where does the Second Amendment say it permits the government to forbid ownership of some firearms but not others? It makes no such exceptions.

Once the gun-supporters agree such restrictions are permitted under the Second Amendment, they have no rational leg to stand on.
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