Democrat Men

I’ve seen people like Walz described as HickLibs.

“I own a gun, I have a camo hat, I must share your values”
It’s all very odd. Just six months ago people were saying Biden should switch out Harris. She’s a liability on the ticket. Now same person, no major interviews, no debates, nothing, is suddenly this exciting inspirational candidate. Bizarre
It’s all very odd. Just six months ago people were saying Biden should switch out Harris. She’s a liability on the ticket. Now same person, no major interviews, no debates, nothing, is suddenly this exciting inspirational candidate. Bizarre
You know the answer to why that is...and you openly support the person that's the central cause of what we're seeing.

Its beyond frustrating that a candidate as flawed as Harris is, is so impressive. But in comparison to the alternative, actually alternatives if you include Biden, she kinda is to a lot of people.
You know the answer to why that is...and you openly support the person that's the central cause of what we're seeing.

Its beyond frustrating that a candidate as flawed as Harris is, is so impressive. But in comparison to the alternative, actually alternatives if you include Biden, she kinda is to a lot of people.
Listening to walz. My god how awful is that man too. Just standing up there telling lies. National ban on abortion. Will gut social security. Just up there lying through his teeth.

We deserve better. If our candidates on both sides are going to be this dishonest at every turn what are we doing. And a media that is complicit. Awful
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You know the answer to why that is...and you openly support the person that's the central cause of what we're seeing.

It’s beyond frustrating that a candidate as flawed as Harris is, is so impressive. But in comparison to the alternative, actually alternatives if you include Biden, she kinda is to a lot of people.
That doesn’t speak to wanting her removed six months ago and the lowest approval rating etc. What it is is simply a media makeover devoid of substance
That doesn’t speak to wanting her removed six months ago and the lowest approval rating etc. What it is is simply a media makeover devoid of substance
Not sure you give enough credit to how shitty BOTH sides saw the choice between Trump and Biden. I assume DNC people were clamoring to change Harris, because changing Biden at the time wasn't realistic. And they knew a Biden/Harris ticket was doomed.

I think everything began to "flip" the night of the debate. The contrast between Biden and her was jarring. And that contrast remains between she and Trump. Will it end up being enough after nearly 3 months of actual campaigning? Maybe? But Harris rise in popularity is A LOT more an indictment on Trump (and Biden), than it is on anything else.

**edited to add (and Biden)...
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It’s all very odd. Just six months ago people were saying Biden should switch out Harris. She’s a liability on the ticket. Now same person, no major interviews, no debates, nothing, is suddenly this exciting inspirational candidate. Bizarre
Marketing in America is a powerful thing, especially when she can sit down with influencers and others outside the traditional press.
Marketing in America is a powerful thing, especially when she can sit down with influencers and others outside the traditional press.
It really is. Whether it’s a person running for office or a shitty product like a pillow backed with deep products.
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That doesn’t speak to wanting her removed six months ago and the lowest approval rating etc. What it is is simply a media makeover devoid of substance

She's raised $500m in the last month. Raised something like $200m and signed up 170k volunteers in the very first week. I think Dem voters were desperate for a reboot and any younger, fresher face than Biden was going to get a big boost.
Not sure you give enough credit to how shitty BOTH sides saw the choice between Trump and Biden. I assume DNC people were clamoring to change Harris, because changing Biden at the time wasn't realistic. And they knew a Biden/Harris ticket was doomed.

I think everything began to "flip" the night of the debate. The contrast between Biden and her was jarring. And that contrast remains between she and Trump. Will it end up being enough after nearly 3 months of actual campaigning? Maybe? But Harris rise in popularity is A LOT more an indictment on Trump (and Biden), than it is on anything else.

**edited to add (and Biden)...

Perhaps, but if you actually look at her stances and policies, she is a WORSE candidate from a Democratic perspective. She's wildly left of Biden, who's Administration already operated further left than Joe did his entire senatorial career. On top of that, she hasn't said a substantive thing in her life.

Dems are rallying around her because: 1) she's a female, 2) she's a POC and 3) she's less pro-Israel than Biden and other potential candidates (though not enough for many protestors).
She's raised $500m in the last month. Raised something like $200m and signed up 170k volunteers in the very first week. I think Dem voters were desperate for a reboot and any younger, fresher face than Biden was going to get a big boost.

That shows nothing but desperation. Dem donors are gravely concerned about a Trump re-election and if he wasn't such a moron, he'd have it locked up already.
It’s all very odd. Just six months ago people were saying Biden should switch out Harris. She’s a liability on the ticket. Now same person, no major interviews, no debates, nothing, is suddenly this exciting inspirational candidate. Bizarre
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You know the answer to why that is...and you openly support the person that's the central cause of what we're seeing.

Its beyond frustrating that a candidate as flawed as Harris is, is so impressive. But in comparison to the alternative, actually alternatives if you include Biden, she kinda is to a lot of people.
Yep. This is essentially where we're at.

When you're choices are a giant runny shit burger that's been sitting out all day and asparagus stalks, asparagus stalks look pretty damned good.
Perhaps, but if you actually look at her stances and policies, she is a WORSE candidate from a Democratic perspective. She's wildly left of Biden, who's Administration already operated further left than Joe did his entire senatorial career. On top of that, she hasn't said a substantive thing in her life.

Dems are rallying around her because: 1) she's a female, 2) she's a POC and 3) she's less pro-Israel than Biden and other potential candidates (though not enough for many protestors).
I don’t understand how women can support her. She fits the stereotype of every ditzy female . All nonsense, feelings and smiles. She is nowhere close to Nicki Haley or even Hillary.

Interesting to see how they were spin her competence.

F#ck that b#tch. Are we allowed to call her nasty names @UncleMark? I’m pissed off for you.
You know how I know Republican strategists know their side is getting their ass kicked? It's when they think this type of commentary is worthwhile of airtime. They're reaching for something. This won't land, but it's the best they got. What are they supposed to do, agree with Trump that he's better looking than Harris?
You know how I know Republican strategists know their side is getting their ass kicked? It's when they think this type of commentary is worthwhile of airtime. They're reaching for something. This won't land, but it's the best they got. What are they supposed to do, agree with Trump that he's better looking than Harris?
There are good reasons why she dropped out in 2020 before any votes were cast. Biden never got beyond single digits among Democrats, and she is worse. Yet they will both be and are Democrat presidents. How in the fvck does that happen in a high functioning democracy?
Perhaps, but if you actually look at her stances and policies, she is a WORSE candidate from a Democratic perspective. She's wildly left of Biden, who's Administration already operated further left than Joe did his entire senatorial career. On top of that, she hasn't said a substantive thing in her life.

Dems are rallying around her because: 1) she's a female, 2) she's a POC and 3) she's less pro-Israel than Biden and other potential candidates (though not enough for many protestors).
Spot on.
Trump is not a moron. He’s an asshole. There is a difference.
I think he's both.

What about him makes you think he's not a moron? I mean that with all sincerity. Literally the only thing he's ever been good at is swindling peoples' money and pretending to be a successful CEO on a reality TV show. When you're starting off on giant pile of daddy's money, neither of those things takes a lot of smarts.

He's an idiot - and there are any number of interviews, articles and eyewitnesses that point to that fact.
I think he's both.

What about him makes you think he's not a moron? I mean that with all sincerity. Literally the only thing he's ever been good at is swindling peoples' money and pretending to be a successful CEO on a reality TV show. When you're starting off on giant pile of daddy's money, neither of those things takes a lot of smarts.

He's an idiot - and there are any number of interviews, articles and eyewitnesses that point to that fact.
Wharton grad in an extremely technical/complicated business
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There are good reasons why she dropped out in 2020 before any votes were cast. Biden never got beyond single digits among Democrats, and she is worse. Yet they will both be and are Democrat presidents. How in the fvck does that happen in a high functioning democracy?
Lucky for her she's running for president in 2024 and not 2020.

How 'it happens in a high functioning democracy' is that she was the VP and the president stepped down. I know Republicans were hoping for a divided DNC and an infighting over who would be at the top of the ticket, but with Harris stepping up that didn't happen.

It's not like they picked her off the couch (pun intended).
Lucky for her she's running for president in 2024 and not 2020.

How 'it happens in a high functioning democracy' is that she was the VP and the president stepped down. I know Republicans were hoping for a divided DNC and an infighting over who would be at the top of the ticket, but with Harris stepping up that didn't happen.

It's not like they picked her off the couch (pun intended).
They picked her bc of the summer of love and she was a poc to be vp. Then this happened. No one has voted for her. She did an awful job as vp. Had a historically low approval. And bypassed the election process for president.
I think he's both.

What about him makes you think he's not a moron? I mean that with all sincerity. Literally the only thing he's ever been good at is swindling peoples' money and pretending to be a successful CEO on a reality TV show. When you're starting off on giant pile of daddy's money, neither of those things takes a lot of smarts.

He's an idiot - and there are any number of interviews, articles and eyewitnesses that point to that fact.
I think most would say he's somewhat of a Marketing/ branding savant. That takes some baseline intelligence, which pains me to say because I think marketers are generally useless people.

Men who work in marketing vote Harris.
Lucky for her she's running for president in 2024 and not 2020.

How 'it happens in a high functioning democracy' is that she was the VP and the president stepped down. I know Republicans were hoping for a divided DNC and an infighting over who would be at the top of the ticket, but with Harris stepping up that didn't happen.

It's not like they picked her off the couch (pun intended).
No, she fell out of the coconut tree.
There are a lot of idiots who ride through Ivy League school's on family name and philanthropy. Honestly all Wharton grads should be embarrassed by what he says and does almost daily.

And he wasn't good at his technical/complicated business.
My old firm merged with part of Greenberg traurig’s real estate group. They handled much of trump’s developments. That is exceptionally involved, complicated stuff from complex financing, to regs, etc. He’s a narcissist and moronic about much that is likely related but I promise he’s a very smart guy. Add in his branding marketing sense and yeah he’s smart. But olddddddddd
Hickory, it honestly pissed me off and I’m not even a Democrat. It’s ok for me to call you guys ghey or shit libs, but not that b#tch. She can f#ck off with that nonsense.

I think most would say he's somewhat of a Marketing/ branding savant. That takes some baseline intelligence, which pains me to say because I think marketers are generally useless people.

Men who work in marketing vote Harris.
I kind of get why you'd say that - most everything he's said and done for the better part of the last decade make him look like and idiot, asshole and buffoon and yet here he is.

My take is that he stumbled into the right notes during the 2016 election. People weren't crazy about Hillary and he was just batsh!t crazy and it resonated with enough batsh!t crazy people in the country. Even he didn't think he was actually going to win in 2016.
I kind of get why you'd say that - most everything he's said and done for the better part of the last decade make him look like and idiot, asshole and buffoon and yet here he is.

My take is that he stumbled into the right notes during the 2016 election. People weren't crazy about Hillary and he was just batsh!t crazy and it resonated with enough batsh!t crazy people in the country. Even he didn't think he was actually going to win in 2016.
I don't know how to respond when just fling strings of insults at Trump and his supporters. It doesn't leave much room for discussion.
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My old firm merged with part of Greenberg traurig’s real estate group. They handled much of trump’s developments. That is exceptionally involved, complicated stuff from complex financing, to regs, etc. He’s a narcissist and moronic about much that is likely related but I promise he’s a very smart guy. Add in his branding marketing sense and yeah he’s smart
I'm not saying that's not true, but literally just about everything he's said and done publicly point to the contrary.

And wouldn't someone who's smart actually make money on business deals? It's well documented that had he just invested his inheritance instead of playing real estate developer he'd likely have more money today. He's also declared bankruptcy at least 6 times. And it's widely reported that had Mark Burnett not come along with The Apprentice to save his ass, he would have wallowed in financial ruin. I'm convinced that show rehabbed his image and made him look like a touch, competent business leader in the minds of what what eventually became the MAGA cult.

Sound more like to me he started on third, tripped on his dick stepping off base toward home and someone threw him a lifeline.

I think he's both.

What about him makes you think he's not a moron? I mean that with all sincerity. Literally the only thing he's ever been good at is swindling peoples' money and pretending to be a successful CEO on a reality TV show. When you're starting off on giant pile of daddy's money, neither of those things takes a lot of smarts.

He's an idiot - and there are any number of interviews, articles and eyewitnesses that point to that fact.
Branding. And conning. Those are his skills, and the extent of his skills.
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