Covid restrictions are on the way back

Top researchers lmao. What the hell do they know? Same thing big pharma tells them. It's all theory based. The numbers were done by county and I showed you one that was over 25% off. Jeezuz
Top researchers? What do they know? Ftw has the real answers. Just ask him. Lmao
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Nobody claimed they were 100% effective, just that they are very useful, especially N95s. Can you not get that? Steve Alford didn't make 100% of his free throws, but having him at the line was a useful scenario and way better than having Shaq at the line.

Masks certainly work a lot less well when the ones NOT wearing them are spewing virus everywhere, like your hero was before the debate.

scenarios (now think carefully)

1) A sick person wears a mask and meets a not-sick person wearing a mask: pretty good. Sure, it would be far better if the sick person wasn't around anybody, as much as possible, even while wearing a mask.

2) a sick person wears a mask and meets a not-sick person not wearing a mask: not as good. If that sick person's virus gets out (it's not a magic bubble), then there's trouble, since the not-sick person is unprotected.

3) a sick person doesn't wear a mask and meets a not-sick person who is wearing a mask: also not as good. That sick person's virus is spewing everywhere, so the not-100% effective mask is going to be challenged. But better to have Alford at the line, not Shaq. But if you make him shoot 20 FTs, Alfrod might miss and one miss is all it takes.

4) a sick person doesn't wear a mask and meets a not-sick person also not wearing a mask: the worse case scenario. That sick person's virus is spewing everywhere, with nothing to stop it. Shaq on the line, blindfolded. That's how Trump knowingly infected 10 of 11 people that he was with in debate prep.

Could you read all of that? I hate to go all cosmic on you, but this is important, and it's BASIC STUFF.
Masks don't work. They are ineffective. It wouldn't have mattered if Christie had a mask on or not, he was getting Covid. Not being a fatass probably would have helped though. Christie should exercise and cut back his calorie intake.
Good, fitted N95 masks are not 100% effective. They are closer to 100% effective than to 0% effective. This isn't hard.

When paired with social distancing, effectiveness goes up. When very few peoople are wearing them (especially infected people), effectiveness for the ones who ARE wearing them goes down.

There are many large studies showing these facts to be true for COVID-19 aka COVID-45.
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Masks don't work. They are ineffective. It wouldn't have mattered if Christie had a mask on or not, he was getting Covid. Not being a fatass probably would have helped though. Christie should exercise and cut back his calorie intake.
Masks work. They lower viral lode. How effective a mask is certainly varies.

If masks don't work, why do we need to cover our mouths when we cough and sneeze?
Cochrane report on masking.
Maybe you should listen to the authors and their stunned reaction to the widespread misrepresentation of their findings.

The conclusion of Cochrane is more properly stated, as clarified by those who wrote it: it isn't clear that masks work to prevent transmission in a population when only about 40% of the people in a given location, including infected people, are wearing them.

"Our original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset... low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions...For example, in the most heavily-weighted trial of interventions to promote community mask wearing, 42.3% of people in the intervention arm wore masks compared to 13.3% of those in the control arm."

Put simply, in a small study, 42% of people wearing masks may not be better than 13% of people wearing masks. It's like a free thow contest between Shaq and Chris Dudley.
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Thanks. This made me laugh out loud. Check out the Cochrane report on masking.
I'm pretty sure you should read it again. It doesn't say masks don't work. I read a review of their review. I'm not searching Cochrane's database. You provide the link. I'm sure you have it bookmarked so you can bring it out at parties.
People online are touting the results of a Cochrane review to incorrectly claim that it shows masks “don’t work” against the coronavirus. But the primary conclusion of the review is that it’s uncertain from randomized controlled trials whether mask interventions in the community help slow the spread of respiratory illnesses.

Bad news for you, Ty, masks lower viral lode. Any kind of covering would do that, which is why we cover our mouths when we sneeze or cough. Well, courteous people do. Maybe you don't.
Maybe you should listen to the authors and their stunned reaction to the widespread misrepresentation of their findings.

The conclusion of Cochrane is more properly stated, as clarified by those who wrote it: it isn't clear that masks work to prevent transmission in a population when only about 40% of the people in a given location, including infected people, are wearing them.

"Our original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset... low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions...For example, in the most heavily-weighted trial of interventions to promote community mask wearing, 42.3% of people in the intervention arm wore masks compared to 13.3% of those in the control arm."

Put simply, in a small study, 42% of people wearing masks may not be better than 13% of people wearing masks. It's like a free thow contest between Shaq and Chris Dudley.
Back to the drawing board for Ty.
Back to the drawing board for Ty.
You can point him in the direction of a bright blue sky and ask him to admit that it is blue. He won't do it, if he had just now indicated that it was, at this very moment, gray.
Masks don't work. They are ineffective. It wouldn't have mattered if Christie had a mask on or not, he was getting Covid. Not being a fatass probably would have helped though. Christie should exercise and cut back his calorie intake.
Or maybe your hero should have revealed he had Covid, shouldn’t have made them take masks off, and shouldn’t have been in public. You remember your fatass guy ended up in the hospital too, right? Pathetic to make excuses for his behaviors. But that’s what Cult45 does, Do you get a cool membership pin or something to go with that?
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Or maybe your hero should have revealed he had Covid, shouldn’t have made them take masks off, and shouldn’t have been in public. You remember your fatass guy ended up in the hospital too, right? Pathetic to make excuses for his behaviors. But that’s what Cult45 does, Do you get a cool membership pin or something to go with that?
Again, I didn't vote for the man. I also hope the Republican nomination is someone other than Trump. Your hyperbolic statements don't aide the case you are attempting to make.

I know Christie ended up in the hospital. That's the whole point. If he wasn't such a fatass, he likely wouldn't have had to go to the hospital. He would have shaken it off like most healthy people did. Fitness matters when it comes to Covid. Don't feign outrage I called Christie a fatass. He knows he's a fatass.

You have TDS. I wish you luck.
You can point him in the direction of a bright blue sky and ask him to admit that it is blue. He won't do it, if he had just now indicated that it was, at this very moment, gray.
I told you already. I don't see color. Masks still don't work. They don't stop people from transmitting Covid or getting Covid. Facts
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I told you already. I don't see color. Masks still don't work. They don't stop people from transmitting Covid or getting Covid. Facts
Covid selecting its next recipient

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Again, I didn't vote for the man. I also hope the Republican nomination is someone other than Trump. Your hyperbolic statements don't aide the case you are attempting to make.

I know Christie ended up in the hospital. That's the whole point. If he wasn't such a fatass, he likely wouldn't have had to go to the hospital. He would have shaken it off like most healthy people did. Fitness matters when it comes to Covid. Don't feign outrage I called Christie a fatass. He knows he's a fatass.

You have TDS. I wish you luck.
Don't dis is your bread and butter here.
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Again, I didn't vote for the man. I also hope the Republican nomination is someone other than Trump. Your hyperbolic statements don't aide the case you are attempting to make.

I know Christie ended up in the hospital. That's the whole point. If he wasn't such a fatass, he likely wouldn't have had to go to the hospital. He would have shaken it off like most healthy people did. Fitness matters when it comes to Covid. Don't feign outrage I called Christie a fatass. He knows he's a fatass.

You have TDS. I wish you luck.
Fitness matters when it comes to most respiratory diseases, at least in terms how serious the symptoms are. Most aren't as lethal and as contagious as COVID was in the early strains.

The astonishing aspect of COVID, aside from its lethality, was how callous some people toward the notion of spreading it to others. I wore a mask out of respect for others. I social distanced out of respect for others. I did so because I don't know who is more vulnerable and who isn't. And parents griping about their kids having to wear a mask, basically telling teachers to F-off, utterly ridiculous.

People acting like they were being repressed was high comedy.
Fitness matters when it comes to most respiratory diseases, at least in terms how serious the symptoms are. Most aren't as lethal and as contagious as COVID was in the early strains.

The astonishing aspect of COVID, aside from its lethality, was how callous some people toward the notion of spreading it to others. I wore a mask out of respect for others. I social distanced out of respect for others. I did so because I don't know who is more vulnerable and who isn't. And parents griping about their kids having to wear a mask, basically telling teachers to F-off, utterly ridiculous.

People acting like they were being repressed was high comedy.
And Dr. Dumba$$ speaks. I nominate this for worst POY.
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Hey youre learning zeke. You want the answer about covid? Nobody will ever know. The only thing we do know. It was a power test that only worked on msm sheeples. Fact
It didn’t work on the ones that died after vaccines were available. Think it says on their graves I am not a sheeple? Hope that brings comfort to their families.