Chris Stapleton: anyone heard of him? What say you OTF?

Heard him on NPR. Came to Nashivlle to be a musician and became a pretty successful songwriter. Just released his debut album, Traveller. Downloaded it and really like it. Going to go see him in a couple weeks. Anyone seen him by chance?

Might as well get Stoned (for TMP)

On Letterman
Man, he sold his soul to the machine. He'll spend his career wondering "what if" and most likely cry himself to sleep at night and make excuses for his chosen living in front of real musicians. Much like Garth Brooks does.

He could have recorded out of Austin, or signed with a non machine label like Rounders but he chose greed instead. Oh well, at least this way he'll have limo rides, $5000 whores and eat steak. at least until they throw him away. I'm thinking it would be better to eat ramen, date normal girls and drive a junk car.. you know, have a soul and work for a living....

Have you heard the tripe he wrote that got to number 1? Cheesemeister.. with extra cheese.
Man, he sold his soul to the machine. He'll spend his career wondering "what if" and most likely cry himself to sleep at night and make excuses for his chosen living in front of real musicians. Much like Garth Brooks does.

He could have recorded out of Austin, or signed with a non machine label like Rounders but he chose greed instead. Oh well, at least this way he'll have limo rides, $5000 whores and eat steak. at least until they throw him away. I'm thinking it would be better to eat ramen, date normal girls and drive a junk car.. you know, have a soul and work for a living....

Have you heard the tripe he wrote that got to number 1? Cheesemeister.. with extra cheese.

Yeah, I know, but I think he recognized it and is trying to make amends. Said his Dad died in '13 and it made him want to play music that his Father would want to listen to and be proud of. This album doesn't sound like country radio tripe.
Yeah, I know, but I think he recognized it and is trying to make amends. Said his Dad died in '13 and it made him want to play music that his Father would want to listen to and be proud of. This album doesn't sound like country radio tripe.
One does not simply work for Universal Nashville... they own him and they will own him forever. He gained enough power, or clout, or blew the correct people to cut an album. That alone is surprising. They usually keep the writers hidden away in a minimum wage hell. If it ever gets airplay, it won't, because they won't push it, but if it did, they'll turn him into a clown act.

He wrote a number one hit for Kenny Cheeseney for Christ sakes.. that alone should get him castrated. That song was pure stank ass-cheese. He should be ashamed of himself, apologize to everyone he meets, then kill himself.

This... he wrote this stanky ass song.

Universal Nashville is the ASS in asshat. They are THEE machine. Whatever they release is poison to real musicians. If he wanted to make real music, he would have signed with someone else, and actually worked for a living, but he wanted the easy path. So that's what he got. All musicians know exactly what they're getting into signing with a music manufacturer. Once a whore, always a whore.

Ask Zach Brown. He can't get legitimacy from his peers and he wants it so badly. Same with Garth Brooks, who wanted to be a Neil Young or James Taylor and they stuck him with that stupid hat. I wouldn't care if they resurrected John and George, and put the Beatles back together. Those labels, especially that label, is anti music and anti musician.