OK, I'll bite . . . what form would those reparations take? Who gets them? Do we differentiate the 10th generation African-Americans from the recent immigrant from Sierra Leone? Do Jay Z, Beyonce, Lebron James and Oprah collect reparations? Or do we means test the reparations . . . anybody with a certain level of wealth or educational attainment is excluded?Reparations may not resolve grievances but a balancing of the generational head start whites have had to amass and inherit wealth has to be paramount among the issues to address.
What would the predominant white population ask for in exchange for those reparations? Outlaw the use of the terms "racist"? Get rid of the anti-discrimination laws applicable to race? Would the reparations be worth this type of cost?
To Marvin . . . if - IF - the real issue surrounding racial issues in America are economic, do we make the same or similar remedies available to descendants of farmers who lost their farms in the Great Depression? Do we compensate those who took in parents after those parents lost their homes or retirement savings in the Great Recession? Heck, how do we compensate young adults today for the economic hardships they're having to undertake, from high withholding taxes to pay for social security and Medicare, to the high cost of buying/owning a home . . . to having to move in with their parents because of college loans?
All of this and more is swirling around the cesspool that is American politics today . . . and from what I can tell there ain't a candidate out there addressing any of it.