Capitalism at work at the DNC

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001

Board-up service franchises are now available throughout the United States.

Board-up service franchises are now available throughout the United States.

One of the tragic aspects of today's politics is some of us will be disapppinted if riots and destruction doesn't happen.

Just as silly as not rooting for a good economy when the other guys are in the White House.

Law and order along with wanting our capitalism (private ownership) to succeed are values folks in both parties share. To this should add free speech which includes peaceful demonstrations.
Disgusting. Are there any bigger freaks and weirdos and misfits than the tranny woke Dem party. Lmao Free abortions and vasectomies 😂😂😂. I wonder where one would find the details on the free vasectomy?

I always try to look at the positive if possible...

I'm all for every Democrat over the age of 22 getting a free vasectomy as soon as possible. 😉

Hopefully they'll all avail themselves of the procedure...😀
If the rumors are true that most of these protestors in Chicago will be pro Palestine how would this have affected a Harris/Shapiro ticket? just asking.
If the rumors are true that most of these protestors in Chicago will be pro Palestine how would this have affected a Harris/Shapiro ticket? just asking.

Aren't most protesters in a minority trying to gain support and draw attention to their cause?

After all, if you are already in the majority why bother as your side has won its case.

Important to note, protests which destroy property are likely to lose support from the majority.

Here in Indianapolis while the peaceful protestors were drawing the attention of law enforcement, thugs were looting and destroying property. It can happen.
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They have the Old Chicago Water Tower fenced off already. Miles away from the United Center or McCormick Place. I'm sure monuments all over the city will be getting similar protection. Sad.
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The worst bit is that the winner will behave as if they have a mandate
Can’t provide an exact date, but we became two countries some time ago. It’s just progressing now, as we split further apart. You can’t point to any one event; there are just too many factors.

Who would believe our police officers are demonized to such an extent? Who would believe that inner-city parents, crying out for educational opportunities for their children, are sacrificed at the altar of the criminal teachers unions? Who would believe that a presidential candidate could have so little understanding of economics, proposing price controls? Who would believe that unlimited, illegal immigration, is not an existential threat to this country and its security? Who can believe that Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, out of a population of 333 million, are the best people we could come up?

There’s one safe bet right now - the schism will only continue to grow.
Can’t provide an exact date, but we became two countries some time ago. It’s just progressing now, as we split further apart. You can’t point to any one event; there are just too many factors.

Who would believe our police officers are demonized to such an extent? Who would believe that inner-city parents, crying out for educational opportunities for their children, are sacrificed at the altar of the criminal teachers unions? Who would believe that a presidential candidate could have so little understanding of economics, proposing price controls? Who would believe that unlimited, illegal immigration, is not an existential threat to this country and its security? Who can believe that Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, out of a population of 333 million, are the best people we could come up?

There’s one safe bet right now - the schism will only continue to grow.
Maybe there will be a tipping point that’ll help unite us
Disgusting. Are there any bigger freaks and weirdos and misfits than the tranny woke Dem party. Lmao Free abortions and vasectomies 😂😂😂. I wonder where one would find the details on the free vasectomy?
Sliding scale according to income. You'er fooked.
I do actually think this is funny. However there is not many small business downtown. Mostly national retail and hotel chains.
Of course, but the types of businesses in the OP would be small businesses.
The Rapture. You better get right with Jesus asap.
Shit son. 5 am mass. Funerals. $3 tips max! Duckin priests with no zippers. Then represented the arch diocese.

Okay sir how old are you today?
And you said you were molested by father mcentire in sixth grade?
Yes sir
And you would have been about 12?
Yes sir.
How many times do you recall being molested
I couldn’t say for sure
Okay do you remember where you were
Okay where at school
I can’t say for sure
Was it a classroom?
I can’t say for sure
Was anyone with you?
I mean I can’t answer all that but he got me for sure. I know he got me!!
Mhmm. He got you for sure

I’ve done a lot for the good lord.
Shit son. 5 am mass. Funerals. $3 tips max! Duckin priests with no zippers. Then represented the arch diocese.

Okay sir how old are you today?
And you said you were molested by father mcentire in sixth grade?
Yes sir
And you would have been about 12?
Yes sir.
How many times do you recall being molested
I couldn’t say for sure
Okay do you remember where you were
Okay where at school
I can’t say for sure
Was it a classroom?
I can’t say for sure
Was anyone with you?
I mean I can’t answer all that but he got me for sure. I know he got me!!
Mhmm. He got you for sure

I’ve done a lot for the good lord.
Bless you, my son.

I love Catholics - you can pay your way out of Purgotory and an unwanted marriage.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.
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Shit son. 5 am mass. Funerals. $3 tips max! Duckin priests with no zippers. Then represented the arch diocese.

Okay sir how old are you today?
And you said you were molested by father mcentire in sixth grade?
Yes sir
And you would have been about 12?
Yes sir.
How many times do you recall being molested
I couldn’t say for sure
Okay do you remember where you were
Okay where at school
I can’t say for sure
Was it a classroom?
I can’t say for sure
Was anyone with you?
I mean I can’t answer all that but he got me for sure. I know he got me!!
Mhmm. He got you for sure

I’ve done a lot for the good lord.
There is zero chance you are ever getting right with Jesus. Don't even try.
Can’t provide an exact date, but we became two countries some time ago. It’s just progressing now, as we split further apart. You can’t point to any one event; there are just too many factors.

Who would believe our police officers are demonized to such an extent? Who would believe that inner-city parents, crying out for educational opportunities for their children, are sacrificed at the altar of the criminal teachers unions? Who would believe that a presidential candidate could have so little understanding of economics, proposing price controls? Who would believe that unlimited, illegal immigration, is not an existential threat to this country and its security? Who can believe that Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, out of a population of 333 million, are the best people we could come up?

There’s one safe bet right now - the schism will only continue to grow.
I thought it was when the DH was adopted by one of the leagues?
I thought it was when the DH was adopted by one of the leagues?
No, it was when we left the dead ball era.

How many of you are going to continue to obsess over a rule that's been in effect for 50 years (I'm not sure how long it's been around, but 50 is a nice round number).

You want to bitch about baseball rules, do the one with a starting at 2nd base in OT.
No. Where did I say that? Also hate? If that's your sides response to an innocuous statement then I'd say you guys need help. Are you ok?

Speaking just for myself, I don't hate you... I just hate most Democrats accusing the right of everything in the book while actually doing the things they say we will do...

If you're all so in love with a weird hybrid of Facist authoritarian Communism it's hard for me to understand why you all don't just move up to Canada (where 2/3rds of you swear you're going every four years if you don't get your way any how)... Then you can stay on here and tell us how great it is up there...; or you could go all the way and move to China (where evidently your Vice Presidential candidate would prefer to live) and live the DNC dream...

You seem to be an otherwise normal, intelligent fellow... Why you allow yourself to be sucked in by the DNC party line is hard to understand... Do you really think what's happened over the past three and a half years has been a good thing??? Is the DNC keeping power Really that important to you? Wake up a look at what they do when they have it!
Speaking just for myself, I don't hate you... I just hate most Democrats accusing the right of everything in the book while actually doing the things they say we will do...

If you're all so in love with a weird hybrid of Facist authoritarian Communism it's hard for me to understand why you all don't just move up to Canada (where 2/3rds of you swear you're going every four years if you don't get your way any how)... Then you can stay on here and tell us how great it is up there...; or you could go all the way and move to China (where evidently your Vice Presidential candidate would prefer to live) and live the DNC dream...

You seem to be an otherwise normal, intelligent fellow... Why you allow yourself to be sucked in by the DNC party line is hard to understand... Do you really think what's happened over the past three and a half years has been a good thing??? Is the DNC keeping power Really that important to you? Wake up a look at what they do when they have it!
If you love fascist oligarchs so much why don't you move to Russia? VBG.

For national politics I try and look at things from 10 thousand feet. The overall platform of the DNC, as it stands today, is more in line with my values. Could that change? Sure. Does the DNC do things today I disagree with? Absolutely. But overall it's where I'm at.

Local/State politics are entirely different. I vote for as many Republicans as I do Democrats locally.
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