Can't see Glass hiring Alford, for three huge reasons.


Hall of Famer
Aug 7, 2002
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.

I can agree and agree to disagree with various parts of that. Glass himself might agree with a good deal of it. The thing that you seem to be disregarding is that this decision won't be made by Glass alone. He has to appease the big donors. That's a group that is older, likely prefers to have an Indiana guy at the helm, and still reveres Alford. Those sentiments may not be unanimous, but I strongly suspect they are prevalent.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.
You may be correct. I have no idea how risk tolerant IU will be with this selection. Ialso feel that any coach who is selected will do their own version of Creaning.
I read on Peegs earlier today that Glass is calling basketball people all over the state to get their feedback and was blown away at how many people don't want Alford.

So, it's bad that he was so out of touch but great that he's doing his due diligence and sees that he wouldn't be the "home run" some big boosters think he would be and he certainly would NOT "lock up the state" like his groupies claim.
I'm not married to any of the candidates that are being bandied about. You can make a case for or against any of them. There really isn't a no-brainier guy out there. I think Alford is the leading candidate, but he's far from a lock. I'm not ruling out the possibility of someone whose name hasn't even been mentioned. I think that if it's not Alford, there's a reasonable chance it could be someone from somewhere out of left field.
I can agree and agree to disagree with various parts of that. Glass himself might agree with a good deal of it. The thing that you seem to be disregarding is that this decision won't be made by Glass alone. He has to appease the big donors. That's a group that is older, likely prefers to have an Indiana guy at the helm, and still reveres Alford. Those sentiments may not be unanimous, but I strongly suspect they are prevalent.

I can agree with this.

Let's hope Glass doesn't have a glass jaw and has more intestinal fortitude, keeping in mind he has the opportunity to set this right. He has a heavy load to bear. I'm hopeful, with a dose of skeptical, that he can withstand the onslaught, while being mindful of his legacy and the future of the program.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.

Man...I think #1 should suffice.
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Have a hard time believing that any "big donor" is going to be too unhappy if we get someone like Donovan over Alford.
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Have a hard time believing that any "big donor" is going to be too unhappy if we get someone like Donovan over Alford.

Then you've never spent any appreciable time around someone with a boatload of money. They all like to get their way. The toughest part of this hire for Glass may be determining which way the wind is actually blowing.
I'm not married to any of the candidates that are being bandied about. You can make a case for or against any of them. There really isn't a no-brainier guy out there. I think Alford is the leading candidate, but he's far from a lock. I'm not ruling out the possibility of someone whose name hasn't even been mentioned. I think that if it's not Alford, there's a reasonable chance it could be someone from somewhere out of left field.
So you put Alford on the same level as Billy Donovan and Gregg Marshall? I'd love to hear the case AGAINST Billy Donovan, assuming he's actually interested.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.

Anyone not named Brad Stevens is a divider.
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So you put Alford on the same level as Billy Donovan and Gregg Marshall? I'd love to hear the case AGAINST Billy Donovan, assuming he's actually interested.

I'm not putting anyone anywhere. I'm pointing out that this isn't simply a matter of Glass determining who the best coach might be. There are other factors that come into play. I'm not suggesting that's the way this should play out. I'm being realistic.
Number 1 is all i need.. go get a coach who as at least been to a final 4 and not taken over 20 yrs to get past a sweet 16. I thought this is a no brainer.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.
This forum will always be divided because people on here think they are GOD and never make mistakes.People need to get the hell off their high horse and stop acting like they're above anyone.
  1. Alford is an average-to-slightly-above average head coach. Glass can't afford not to bring in someone well-above-average.
  2. The Pierce debacle. Regardless of your feelings on the whole issue - Alford's involvement; support for Pierce; lack of sensitivity - the way this played out can't make anyone feel anything but a bit queasy.
  3. Alford is a divider. Love him as an iconic player or dislike him as a part of the the whole Knight mystique, the fan base and alumni will continue to be divided - and Glass cannot afford to not heal the divisions. Seventeen years and counting is long enough.
The right coach will bring in all but a few of the crazies, uniting almost everyone behind a return to fundamental basketball, a clean program, no "Creaning", Big Ten championships and annual relevance on a national level. I think that's Marshall or Archie Miller, on the reasonable side, and Stevens or Donovan, on the wishful, but doubtful, side.

I wish Alford many successful years as a head coach ... somewhere other than IU. Will make me very happy to see UCLA stomp UK.

Three things:

1. " . . . can't afford not to bring . . ." is a double negative. You've been hanging around too many lawyers for too long. -7 points for poor grammar and poor taste in company.

2. You need to get the Rex Tillerson press corps on this . . . otherwise we may never get the real story. (no effect on your grade . . . just a wish list item . . . .)

3. Your post is a little heavy on the Marshall side, and a little light on the Holtmann side. Not bad, but not great . . . -6 points.

So your grade is an 87. Pretty good for an old man. Keep up the good work . . . along with a Bushmills or Guinness . . . .
Three things:

1. " . . . can't afford not to bring . . ." is a double negative. You've been hanging around too many lawyers for too long. -7 points for poor grammar and poor taste in company.

2. You need to get the Rex Tillerson press corps on this . . . otherwise we may never get the real story. (no effect on your grade . . . just a wish list item . . . .)

3. Your post is a little heavy on the Marshall side, and a little light on the Holtmann side. Not bad, but not great . . . -6 points.

So your grade is an 87. Pretty good for an old man. Keep up the good work . . . along with a Bushmills or Guinness . . . .

I see what you did there.

Watch MediaBuzz Sunday and find out ....

And did you know today is Tillerson's birthday?

And you know I'd be okay with Holtmann. Marshall and Miller will get the first crack at the job and one will accept before it even gets to Holtmann.

I see what you did there.

Watch MediaBuzz Sunday and find out ....

And did you know today is Tillerson's birthday?

And you know I'd be okay with Holtmann. Marshall and Miller will get the first crack at the job and one will accept before it even gets to Holtmann.


This just a hunch, but the guy who I said from day one (not on this board) would be the best alternative to Alford is Chris Collins. I see he's starting to show up on the radar. I know it's very rare to hire from within the conference, but I don't think that would be an issue in this instance.
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I see what you did there.

Watch MediaBuzz Sunday and find out ....

And did you know today is Tillerson's birthday?

And you know I'd be okay with Holtmann. Marshall and Miller will get the first crack at the job and one will accept before it even gets to Holtmann.


I figured you'd see what I did there . . . and only you would.

What's MediaBuzz? What time is it on? I gots billing obligations you know.
This just a hunch, but the guy who I said from day one (not on this board) would be the best alternative to Alford is Chris Collins. I see he's starting to show up on the radar. I know it's very rare to hire from within the conference, but I don't think that would be an issue in this instance.

I'd be very happy with that, only I'd be damned sure that he has a long-term $30 million buyout if he wants to leave for that blue satanic cult down south.
Fox News - Sunday - 1100 hours


I'll be congregating at that hour, or on my way home from a study of what science and Christianity have in common.

Besides, I have my tube wired to explode if anyone lands on the local FOX station or any FOX cable station.
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I'll be congregating at that hour, or on my way home from a study of what science and Christianity have in common.

Besides, I have my tube wired to explode if anyone lands on the local FOX station or any FOX cable station.


I'll be ushering at 1045, but even this technological Luddite can find a link later.

Exploding tvs probably make it a bit difficult to watch the Falcons, given Fox and the NFC.
This just a hunch, but the guy who I said from day one (not on this board) would be the best alternative to Alford is Chris Collins. I see he's starting to show up on the radar. I know it's very rare to hire from within the conference, but I don't think that would be an issue in this instance.

Collins is intriguing...fine coach. Great pedigree. His dad around the program.


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