Brown jr

He was used in high low at Arizona. It only clogs the paint if you can’t shoot at all. They also won’t just use high low. Sheesh.
You "sheeshing" me?

High low, with a guy like Ballo as the high guy who would have his defender playing off him a bit because 1) he isn't an outside threat and 2)he is a huge dive and offensive rebounding threat, inherently brings 2 defenders, and the "low" offensive player in to the paint area...some would categorize the lane as "clogged" when that action is occurring. Malik parking down there early in possessions, with Rice coming off a Ballo ball screen, Ballo pops back to "High/low" with Rice on the wing and 2 others spacing opposite without much purposeful movement? We've see A LOT, like A LOT of that type of action since Woody arrived...and its inefficient and does clog the middle up for long portions of possessions when it happens that way.

I don't think its likely that happens a ton this year..but that's something to keep an eye on early on..."how" and when Malik finds himself posting on the block...

And even if it does happen...having Myles Rice, Kaanan Carlyle, and Mack as the other 3 guys will give us a better chance to have successful possessions. Especially if they still incorporate weakside movement.
You "sheeshing" me?

High low, with a guy like Ballo as the high guy who would have his defender playing off him a bit because 1) he isn't an outside threat and 2)he is a huge dive and offensive rebounding threat, inherently brings 2 defenders, and the "low" offensive player in to the paint area...some would categorize the lane as "clogged" when that action is occurring. Malik parking down there early in possessions, with Rice coming off a Ballo ball screen, Ballo pops back to "High/low" with Rice on the wing and 2 others spacing opposite without much purposeful movement? We've see A LOT, like A LOT of that type of action since Woody arrived...and its inefficient and does clog the middle up for long portions of possessions when it happens that way.

I don't think its likely that happens a ton this year..but that's something to keep an eye on early on..."how" and when Malik finds himself posting on the block...

And even if it does happen...having Myles Rice, Kaanan Carlyle, and Mack as the other 3 guys will give us a better chance to have successful possessions. Especially if they still incorporate weakside movement.
But I bet they won’t do it a bunch. They can do it and will. The thing is they will draw a double and get a guy in a situation. You will have to guard this team. Go watch the video of him doing it at Arizona.
Yeah sure. Looks like you are in mid season form. Same as it ever was. Your comment is actually pretty funny.
I’m just saying, we don’t have really quick athletic bigs in Malik and Ballou. I think we would be better with MM at the 4 and we rotate MR and Ballou. Balliu hasn’t ever been a high minutes guy anyway.
Primary lineup of
Rice, Caryle, Tucker, MM, Ballou/MR as the most minutes combo
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But I bet they won’t do it a bunch. They can do it and will. The thing is they will draw a double and get a guy in a situation. You will have to guard this team. Go watch the video of him doing it at Arizona.
Ive seen plenty of Arizona/Ballo video. Tommy LLoyd does not equal Mike Woodson though. Lloyd was a multiple decade assistant at Gonzaga under Monson and Few. Founded his beliefs from those 2 guys, and also with HEAVY influence from oversees scouting. He's talked plenty of times about ball and player movement being the benchmark of his program. That he doesn't believe in traditional "ISO" play, etc...

Woodson is still and ISO guy...that isn't going to fully change this year.

All that film of Arizona effectively running high pick and rolls, and constant inverting high/low action...that comes from a coach that's been recruiting to it, and coaching to it, in one of the most successful college programs over the last 20 years. Its foundational to who he is, and what his program is. Of course Ballo is going to look good doing it for him. He knew how to start teaching it to a team in August, so they were a well oiled machine come season.

I hope he, and everyone else, also looks good doing it for Woodson. But...we'll see. I'll wager we still see an equal amount of wasted dribbling, Malik post ISO, or same side Miles Rice ball screen and ISO we see all this stuff we all want to see.
Carlyle,at one point a month or so ago,was #18 on the NBA board.
Yes sir he was. The combine will not help him. When he steps under the stick and he's only 6'0" in socks, it's going to hurt. Right now he's a short Caleb Love. There are several things that could totally change this. If Rice goes down and he gets enough tape to show he can play the point. If he goes on a heater at the end of the year all the way to the final 4. None of that will make him really 6'3" though.
Here is an example of one we will probably run.

Every IU one was Ware and all but the first was Gallo throwing it. Trey getting this screen from Ballo with Carlyle, Rice, and Goode on the floor could feast.

Side note, surprised more fans on here aren't hyping Ballo more. He's better than Ware around the rim and plays his position extremely well. He will be a lot of fun to watch. Figured oldheads would be hyping the around-the-basket known commodity big man. I guess even old timers are finding the three sexy
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I’m just saying, we don’t have really quick athletic bigs in Malik and Ballou. I think we would be better with MM at the 4 and we rotate MR and Ballou. Balliu hasn’t ever been a high minutes guy anyway.
Primary lineup of
Rice, Caryle, Tucker, MM, Ballou/MR as the most minutes combo
I know you know, but repeat with me: B-A-L-L-O! Riffing on our own players and you wonder why you get accused of being a Boiler.
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Everyone IU one was Ware and all but the first was Gallo throwing it. Trey getting this screen from Ballo with Carlyle, Rice, and Goode on the floor could feast.

Side not, surprised more fans on here aren't hyping Ballo more. He's better than Ware around the rim and plays his position extremely well. He will be a lot of fun to watch. Figured oldheads would be hyping the around-the-basket known commodity big man. I guess even old timers are finding the three sexy
I love Ballo because of his experience on winning teams and he simplifies things for MR, and he also addresses Reanu's previous weaknesses in rebounding and D. As good as Ware was productivity wise, I think there was some confusion w Reanu because he played the way Reanu would like to be used. With Ballo there will be no confusion, he's anchoring the paint at both ends and can allow Reanu out on the floor more which helps his NBA stock if he can show it. My only concern with Ballo is, is his health? There were a couple pics of him in a boot, someone mentioned gout, and he's only played 25 minutes a game previously. If he's healthy, he was a huge pickup.
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I know you know, but repeat with me: B-A-L-L-O! Riffing on our own players and you wonder why you get accused of being a Boiler.
Sorry my phone auto corrects to that everytime I type Ballo.
It’s also ok to be critical of your team. We have some nice pieces but I will be interesting to see if playing the two bigs together works well.
Sorry my phone auto corrects to that everytime I type Ballo.
It’s also ok to be critical of your team. We have some nice pieces but I will be interesting to see if playing the two bigs together works well.
hmmm, interestingly you, I mean your auto-correct, has misspelled it different ways, but ironically not the correct way!

It is OK to be critical of "your team"... it's also OK to recognize when they've tried to address weaknesses, shored up the roster and depth, and made improvements. I see you do the former quite a lot; the latter? Not so much.
I know you know, but repeat with me: B-A-L-L-O! Riffing on our own players and you wonder why you get accused of being a Boiler.
Exactly. How many different Ballo spellings can one come up with in the same post?....and...Galloway will play more than Tucker,if fully healthy.
Exactly. How many different Ballo spellings can one come up with in the same post?....and...Galloway will play more than Tucker,if fully healthy.
Galloway either will start or be 1st-2nd guy off the bench. I still think he starts early if healthy. Could be off on that. Lots options for our conjecture. 😉
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hmmm, interestingly you, I mean your auto-correct, has misspelled it different ways, but ironically not the correct way!

It is OK to be critical of "your team"... it's also OK to recognize when they've tried to address weaknesses, shored up the roster and depth, and made improvements. I see you do the former quite a lot; the latter? Not so much.
Ok, I’m a wait and see type. I have been very honest in saying I don’t think Woody is worth a damn as a coach. He has improved the talent, let’s see if the talent can carry his coaching flaws.
If you go off paper…iU has had a lot more talent on paper than a majority of the BIG. Issue is he record doesn’t show it.
Ok, I’m a wait and see type. I have been very honest in saying I don’t think Woody is worth a damn as a coach. He has improved the talent, let’s see if the talent can carry his coaching flaws.
If you go off paper…iU has had a lot more talent on paper than a majority of the BIG. Issue is he record doesn’t show it.
Stop talking. You sound stupid
Really? Please tell me how that sounds stupid and back it with facts please.
Who was the best PG on the team last year?

That's why it sounds stupid to say "IU has had a lot more talent on paper than a majority of the BIG".

Also...Tom Izzo refered to you as "ridiculous"...but I suspect it would have been a few other words, had it been a private conversation.
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Galloway either will start or be 1st-2nd guy off the bench. I still think he starts early if healthy. Could be off on that. Lots options for our conjecture. 😉
This will be the most interesting decision as the year wears on. Who starts at the "2" spot. And then along with that, who ends up being our main, crunch time, close out the game, lineup?

Assuming full health...this is what it sure seems like, as of now...

Rice will start at PG
Mack will start at "3"
Reneau will start at "4"
Ballo will start at "5"

Carlyle and Gallo are most likely candidates for the "2" starting spot.

Carlyle, Gallo, Tucker, and Goode are the most likely candidates to be included in THE main crunch time lineup, along with the 4 listed above.

Seems logical, to me, that this is our main rotation, along with Gabe Cupps as Rice's main backup. So that's our 8-9 man rotation heading in to the year. But who's on the floor with the game tied, after the last TV timeout? The good thing is we have lots of good options this year.
Who was the best PG on the team last year?

That's why it sounds stupid to say "IU has had a lot more talent on paper than a majority of the BIG".

Also...Tom Izzo refered to you as "ridiculous"...but I suspect it would have been a few other words, had it been a private conversation.
How did Tom Izzo call me ridiculous? lol
Pg we played Cupps who we recruited instead of Braden Smith. (Cupps was higher rated)
Cupps and Smith aren't in the same class. We recruited Jalen Hood-Schifino over Braden Smith. But you knew that.
Well I was told Woody didn’t think JHS was a one and done. So he didn’t recruit Smith.
Smith is a bad example because he was definitely a “find” by Painter. So my fault on that example
This will be the most interesting decision as the year wears on. Who starts at the "2" spot. And then along with that, who ends up being our main, crunch time, close out the game, lineup?

Assuming full health...this is what it sure seems like, as of now...

Rice will start at PG
Mack will start at "3"
Reneau will start at "4"
Ballo will start at "5"

Carlyle and Gallo are most likely candidates for the "2" starting spot.

Carlyle, Gallo, Tucker, and Goode are the most likely candidates to be included in THE main crunch time lineup, along with the 4 listed above.

Seems logical, to me, that this is our main rotation, along with Gabe Cupps as Rice's main backup. So that's our 8-9 man rotation heading in to the year. But who's on the floor with the game tied, after the last TV timeout? The good thing is we have lots of good options this year.
I’m going to guess the best defensive line up will get last 3-5 minutes to go like years past. Going to be tough to narrow this down.
How did Tom Izzo call me ridiculous? lol
Pg we played Cupps who we recruited instead of Braden Smith. (Cupps was higher rated)
You like to make shit up. Why? Smith and Cupps have zero to do with this argument. Different classes and woody never had a chance to recruit Smith. Not saying he would’ve but the timeline is off. Woody was hired March 28 2021 and Smith committed April 29th 2021. You are so hell bent on a narrative.
You like to make shit up. Why? Smith and Cupps have zero to do with this argument. Different classes and woody never had a chance to recruit Smith. Not saying he would’ve but the timeline is off. Woody was hired March 28 2021 and Smith committed April 29th 2021. You are so hell bent on a narrative.
Need to quit spending money on official visits for top ranked high school players, we never get one, leave the money for the GM to buy people in the portal. Tucker and Mcbago were basically portal players if someone wants to bring them up.
How is Tucker a portal player?
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I believe Woody is under the microscope enough to sign the highest rated recruiting class he can and fill in the rest with portal players.
We would be more affective if we had a 4 that could stretch the defense.
Reneau and Ballou can’t shoot.
UConn also had Karaban who hit 81 threes last year. So not even close to same personal as uconn and Arizona had a 6’6 guy in Johnson playing the 4 and he hit 46 threes
We can play L Goode and Mbako at the 4 in a lot of situations if we choose to. If CMW wants to play Ballo and Reneau together to begin the game, I can see that, but after that first 8-10 mins, I'm hoping at that point we alternate those 2.
Is it just me or does that picture looked photoshopped, especially his head. And is he getting ready to pass or dribble? Looks like a palm…..nitpicking the pic of a top 10 kid, geesh
He conjured up a fireball that looked like a basketball

Video Game Fireball GIF by CAPCOM

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