Black Lives Matters demands primary for replacing Biden


Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2017

Kind of goes against the whole idea that BLM is just some group controlled by dems.

While giving the voters a chance to make a choice is desirable, I don't think BLM understands the logistics of re-running the primaries and how long that would take. We aren't setup to just have a secure online poll that could be accomplished in a timely fashion.
Kind of supports the idea that blm is aligned with Dems but wants a say. Not just be told what Dem to support. They were featured at the last convention remember. They want exposure
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Kind of goes against the whole idea that BLM is just some group controlled by dems.

While giving the voters a chance to make a choice is desirable, I don't think BLM understands the logistics of re-running the primaries and how long that would take. We aren't setup to just have a secure online poll that could be accomplished in a timely fashion.
the wolf of wall street idgaf GIF
Kind of supports the idea that blm is aligned with Dems but wants a say. Not just be told what Dem to support. They were featured at the last convention remember. They want exposure
So you mean to tell me that there are politically active groups that align with one party over another? Holy shit! What an epiphany! Someone should alert the NRA that BLM is aligned with the democratic party!!!
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So you mean to tell me that there are politically active groups that align with one party over another? Holy shit! What an epiphany! Someone should alert the NRA that BLM is aligned with the democratic party!!!
Given that BLM is unabashedly Marxsist and racist in orientation most Democrats over time wisely have tried to distance the party from them.

The NRA just like guns. I’m happy for the GOP to accept their support.
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Kind of goes against the whole idea that BLM is just some group controlled by dems.

While giving the voters a chance to make a choice is desirable, I don't think BLM understands the logistics of re-running the primaries and how long that would take. We aren't setup to just have a secure online poll that could be accomplished in a timely fashion.
BLM is like Antifa: a bunch of different groups who can say whatever they want and pretend they stand for the movement.
BLM is like Antifa: a bunch of different groups who can say whatever they want and pretend they stand for the movement.
I think that inured to its benefit in the beginning but that lack of structure and infrastructure also gave rise to abuse. I bet it’s effectively dead by 2028. It could have followed the urban league formula and been an ongoing viable 501c3. The cooler, younger alt to the urban league. As it were it lacked safeguards. Only a fool would donate at this point
Kind of goes against the whole idea that BLM is just some group controlled by dems.
This is nothing new, they did similar shit in 15/16. The right using them as a fear mechanism caused the popularity to hit its height during the Floyd protests. They're supposed to be a localized grass roots movement, they're not. No money in local decentralized agitation, which is their only real purpose..

Of note. BLM isn't always BLM the group, sometimes it's just a catchy repeated hash tag or a belief.

They may be far more anti-pub, but they're not as pro-dem as it's made out to be... sure they're leftists if you want to put a binary label on them, just as Hamas/Taliban/Isil are religious, conservative minded authoritarians on the right.

Currently, this is just attention whoring. They want a moment in the lights.. because they've been ignored for awhile .. and to get paid.
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BLM is like Antifa: a bunch of different groups who can say whatever they want and pretend they stand for the movement.
No, I disagree ... though much of that similarity to Antifa still exists, as you are pointing out - not everyone that uses or the phrase BLM is part of BLM - they now have a centralized leadership that's expanded beyond being a localized grassroots movement.
This is nothing new, they did similar shit in 15/16. The right using them as a fear mechanism caused the popularity to hit its height during the Floyd protests. They're supposed to be a localized grass roots movement, they're not. No money in local decentralized agitation, which is their only real purpose.. BLM isn't always BLM the group, sometimes it's just a catchy repeated hash tag.

They may be far more anti-pub, but they're not as pro-dem as it's made out to be... sure they're leftists if you want to put a binary label on them, just as Hamas/Taliban/Isil are religious, conservative minded authoritarians on the right.

Currently, this is just attention whoring. They want a moment in the lights.. because they've been ignored for awhile .. and to get paid.
Very similar to the Tea Party in many of those regards.
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No, I disagree ... though much of that similarity to Antifa still exists, as you are pointing out - not everyone that uses or the phrase BLM is part of BLM - they now have a centralized leadership that's expanded beyond being a localized grassroots movement.
Very similar to the Tea Party in many of those regards.
Their genesis with Ferguson was localized and grassroots but their goal was also much larger. In-fighting and rogue chapters fraught with defalcation etc undermined their mission, which was to have systemic national influence on all of our institutions. Shit there are courses on them now at Wash U etc and they’re still widely discussed if not as influential in “hot” areas. Urban league is a much better use of donor dollars

That always happens on the left. Some people are merely concerned with equal rights, others are genuine progressives, and yet others are dedicated Marxists. They can't play nice with each other once they get together.
Yup. In the wake of Ferguson and renewed focus on race our urban league has thrived and done really amazing things the last five years. It’s the premier nonprofit in the region now - ahead of United way, Red Cross, Salvation Army, and all the health orgs etc.
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That always happens on the left. Some people are merely concerned with equal rights, others are genuine progressives, and yet others are dedicated Marxists. They can't play nice with each other once they get together.
I mean look at this partnership. 60,000 Sq ft facility. Centene. Legit big bucks Corp partnerships.

Al sharpton and the gang rolled in got the press all fired up riots tons of press raised money and split. They didn’t realize Michael brown’s pop doesn’t suffer fools. The carnival left town and he started barking. Where the fck did the money go. Who took it? Stupid. They could have been a viable ongoing concern enjoying similar support as the urban league where you know you’re money has stewards

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