Biggest Test Yet - Maryland -


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

If we don't find a way to defend the run better than we did against Charlotte it could be a disappointing Saturday...

Maryland is the most talented team we'll have faced so far... If we're serious about contending for a Big Ten Championship we need this W....

If we don't find a way to defend the run better than we did against Charlotte it could be a disappointing Saturday...

Maryland is the most talented team we'll have faced so far... If we're serious about contending for a Big Ten Championship we need this W....
I don’t know how serious we are about contending for any kind of title, but we need this W just to keep the momentum going. People outside our fanbase will have to take notice at 5-0 2-0.
In Maryland's home loss to Sparty, MSU passed for 363 yards of offense while rushing for 130 yards.

Given that I like Indiana's offensive firepower more than Sparty, those numbers are something I'm sure our coaches are chomping at the bit to exploit.

Maryland can be had and we are the solid Vegas favorite.
Maryland always makes me nervous. They always have athletes and seem to be able to put up points.

Like the Illini used to be in basketball. Played with less discipline and could blow big leads to you. But days they were on could blow a good team out of the gym.

I don't know if that's this Maryland football. But their players comments after Michigan State seem to feel like they played like ass and lost one they should've won.

Should be fun! Big game.
In Maryland's home loss to Sparty, MSU passed for 363 yards of offense while rushing for 130 yards.

Given that I like Indiana's offensive firepower more than Sparty, those numbers are something I'm sure our coaches are chomping at the bit to exploit.

Maryland can be had and we are the solid Vegas favorite.
We need two for a bowl and three for a decent bowl. MD at home is one we should get
Yes Edwards was the QB who came in and ran and passed Md to victory, the last time Md ‘graced’ in Memorial Stadium.

Hemby was a load that game. (17 carries 107). Fisher wanted to tackle BiG RBs … Hemby reminds me of Pete Johnson.

MSU showed they could make Md one dimensional. If Haines’ charges can contain Hemby, look for the coverage on Felton.

I think IU sustains its offensive efficiency and pulls away.

IU coughed up 3 TOs … Let’s keep to our current season’s average (0).
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Yes Edwards was the QB who came in and ran and passed Md to victory, the last time Md ‘graced’ in Memorial Stadium.

Hemby was a load that game. Fisher wanted to tackle BiG RBs … Hemby reminds me of Pete Johnson.

MSU showed they could make Md one dimensional. If Haines’ charges can contain Hemby, look for the coverage on Felton.

I think IU sustains its offensive efficiency and pulls away.

IU coughed up 3 TOs … Let’s keep to our current season’s average (0).
32 carries for 36 yards.

I bet that’ll change.

If we don't find a way to defend the run better than we did against Charlotte it could be a disappointing Saturday...

Maryland is the most talented team we'll have faced so far... If we're serious about contending for a Big Ten Championship we need this W....
We weren’t as good as in the previous games. We allowed 137 yards. That said, we corrected a lot during the game. Their RBs were not exactly chopped liver. Their high rusher for the game played at Iowa State and one of their other top guys was a 2year player at Michigan. Three of their 5 starting OL were from Texas A&M, Florida and Clemson. I knew we weren’t going to completely shut them down.
We weren’t as good as in the previous games. We allowed 137 yards. That said, we corrected a lot during the game. Their RBs were not exactly chopped liver. Their high rusher for the game played at Iowa State and one of their other top guys was a 2year player at Michigan. Three of their 5 starting OL were from Texas A&M, Florida and Clemson. I knew we weren’t going to completely shut them down.

I expected a game from them (Charlotte) but didn't expect the sustained success they showed when running the ball on the inside... Had they done more of that in the first half I think they could have made things much tougher on us...

I'd expect to see a pulling right guard in the mix along with a heavy dose of a variety of screen plays from here on out, along with delayed handoff draw plays that allow the OL to let our guys over penetrate and run themselves out of the play... We haven't seen a really good running QB yet either and I'd be surprised if we don't see a heavy dose of that from someone (or a couple of someone's)...

I've been relatively impressed by our D overall but I'm still withholding judgment until the end of the Nebraska game... This game (Maryland) and the next two after it will tell me if we have a serious contender or not... Our Defense will be the key to our season... I think we have enough Offensive firepower to compete with almost anyone...
We need two for a bowl and three for a decent bowl. MD at home is one we should get
Funny, this is how I think about it too.
Then I look at the schedule and look for games we could/should win. Even on the road I think we can beat NW. So the MD game becomes huge from a bowl point of view. 6-0 with half the season to play…….
Looking at the UCLA game I would say Maryland is comparable to UCLA. IU was concerned with the talent UCLA had but we controlled it so I expected the same kind of game with IU controlling the game. Maryland will give IU different issues with a very good RB, WR, and decent QB.

This game will see coaches that worked with Saban so it should be a good game.
Funny, this is how I think about it too.
Then I look at the schedule and look for games we could/should win. Even on the road I think we can beat NW. So the MD game becomes huge from a bowl point of view. 6-0 with half the season to play…….
I have been an IU fan for faaaar to many years to look at the schedule and say "oh we can beat x,y, this one matters.
Coaching matters and Curt Cignetti >>>> Mike Locksley.
I've always thought Locksley was overrated as a Coach. He did nothing at Illinois and New Mexico or New Mexico State (forget which one He was at). His big credential for Maryland was that He had recruiting connections in Washington DC area and could keep some of the talent Home. He hasn't won anything significant or had a signature win at Maryland. Might be too busy sexually harassing the Secretarial Staff and not spending enough time Coaching.
I've always thought Locksley was overrated as a Coach. He did nothing at Illinois and New Mexico or New Mexico State (forget which one He was at). His big credential for Maryland was that He had recruiting connections in Washington DC area and could keep some of the talent Home. He hasn't won anything significant or had a signature win at Maryland. Might be too busy sexually harassing the Secretarial Staff and not spending enough time Coaching.

I've never thought much of him as a coach either but he's beaten us the last two outings and they did light up Auburn in their Bowl game so he must have found some assistants who can coach...

I see this game as one of the most dangerous ones on our schedule and a Must win if we're going to have a great season...
Mike's teams have won three straight bowl games. Not sure why people here want to discount him. He's better than what we had until Cig. Maryland will be ready. We better be too. Go Hoosiers!
That's a good way of looking at it, but I have a hard time believing CCC and crew will ever send a team onto the field that isn't ready. It's so refreshing (and fun) to watch a professional coaching staff operate during these games. They seem to have a solid game plan to open and are able to make adjustments as the game progresses.
Coaching matters and Curt Cignetti >>>> Mike Locksley.

I agree, BUT......every year MD is up and down in their play under ML, but they usually play 2-3 games/year where they are on the top of their game. If so, they would be formidable, as they do have talent. The QB Edwards has played lights out so far this year and the WR Fenton may be the best WR in the BT this year. As an example of what they're capable of.....the bowl game v. Auburn last year.

If we get mistake-prone MD we win easily. If we catch MD on one of their "good" days its anybody's game.
Maryland guy here. Congrats on your superb season so far. Your team demonstrates something that I always seem to play down -- leadership and coaching matters. I am not that hopeful about coming out of there with a "W" after what your team has done this season...

What's your take on MD's attendance issues? Is it hungover disappointment about dumping your old ACC opponents, a lack of belief in ML long-term, or a bit of both?
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I agree, BUT......every year MD is up and down in their play under ML, but they usually play 2-3 games/year where they are on the top of their game. If so, they would be formidable, as they do have talent. The QB Edwards has played lights out so far this year and the WR Fenton may be the best WR in the BT this year. As an example of what they're capable of.....the bowl game v. Auburn last year.

If we get mistake-prone MD we win easily. If we catch MD on one of their "good" days its anybody's game.

I'll add that I watched a lot of both MSU and Virginia v. MD. MD blew the MSU game, then came through in the 2nd half and dominated against a decent Virginia team before a good home crowd that was into the game.
This is a game where a good home crowd could make a big difference in the outcome. Fans saying they need to see IU beat a decent team before attending a game are too stupid to realize that attending the game and cheering for the team makes a victory more likely.