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You might want to check your facts. Pretty sure Michigan golf was back open by May 2020. I played up there late that summer. Our courses were also closed for the month of April 2020 here so not really any difference.
Yeah but that smug bitch had her family fleeing to their vacation home in Florida while people were arrested in Michigan for taking their boat out on the lake.

She’s a complete piece of shit.
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It is quite odd how you butt heads with every single other Republican poster on the board. Who is the problem? You? Or every other single republican? I know how a narcissist would answer.
Certain so called Republicans (MAGA-Nuts) can’t handle the fact that I think Trump is the most unfit person to ever run for office. Therefore they want to argue with me, and I respond. I get along just fine with a lot of Republicans here and some of them voted for or will vote for Trump. The difference is they aren’t assholes with me because I don’t support Trump. Look at all the people I’ve not gotten along with - every one of them is totally butthurt because they think being Republican mandates that I support Trump. It bothers them so much that they act like assholes. Dishonest defenders of Trump too. DANC is one and so are you. I’ve lost patience with that.

I get along well with COH, Stohl, Badwakeboard, McMurty and other Republicans who support Trump. They aren’t buutthurt assholes.

I also get along with other Republicans here that don’t support Trump. They aren’t assholes.

The common thread is assholish behavior. Sure I respond in kind, but it’s built up for quite a while. I at least look for and use actual facts. MAGA-Nuts generally use “alternate facts” which is another word for lies and unsupported opinions.

Don’t attack me or respond like an ass and you’re safe.
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Wrong. And many legal analysts disagree. He made the payment to Stormy while President and the prosecution essentially argued, although we don't really know, is that the entire purpose of it was to win the Presidency. Much of the evidence introduced such as his conversations with Hope Hicks, again while President, has to be excluded. At minimum they have to do a hearing on the matters before any trial can be held. It was not held and will be thrown out. Maybe Bragg is crazy enough to try him again.
Check your timeline.
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They claimed the entire purpose was to help his Presidential campaign. The Hope Hicks testimony must be struck per the decision. New trial.

This is an amazingly dumb argument, even from you.... Campaigning for President isn't an official duty of the office.

Even if you are the incumbent office holder (which he wasn't, at the time).... campaign activities are not official duties. There is a reason that zero campaign expenses cannot be paid for by the govt and there has to be a hard line between official duties and campaign duties for incumbents (which he wasn't, anyway)

Anyone can campaign for President. That's not going to give them immunity for anything.
You might want to check your facts. Pretty sure Michigan golf was back open by May 2020. I played up there late that summer. Our courses were also closed for the month of April 2020 here so not really any difference.
I played more golf in 20 and early 21 than I had in years before or since. Thanks, COVID. I guess. 😏
Certain so called Republicans (MAGA-Nuts) can’t handle the fact that I think Trump is the most unfit person to ever run for office. Therefore they want to argue with me, and I respond. I get along just fine with a lot of Republicans here and some of them voted for or will vote for Trump. The difference is they aren’t assholes with me because I don’t support Trump. Look at all the people I’ve not gotten along with - every one of them is totally butthurt because they think being Republican mandates that I support Trump. It bothers them so much that they act like assholes. Dishonest defenders of Trump too. DANC is one and so are you. I’ve lost patience with that.

I get along well with COH, Stohl, Badwakeboard, McMurty and other Republicans who support Trump. They aren’t buutthurt assholes.

I also get along with other Republicans here that don’t support Trump. They aren’t assholes.

The common thread is assholish behavior. Sure I respond in kind, but it’s built up for quite a while. I at least look for and use actual facts. MAGA-Nuts generally use “alternate facts” which is another word for lies and unsupported opinions.

Don’t attack me or respond like an ass and you’re safe.
Please point to an example of me being a “dishonest defender of Trump” shithead.

You long for the days when Republicans were the Washington Generals of politics. Doormats that got patted on the head every few years.

You didn’t like DeSantis either. The most socially and fiscally conservative candidate in the primary. And the reason you didn’t like him is because he was combative.

Cut the crap. You fool no one. You enjoy being a Republican when the Republicans are the doormat. End of story.

And you’re not really all that Conservative from what I’ve seen you post. Hate to break it to you.
You might want to check your facts. Pretty sure Michigan golf was back open by May 2020. I played up there late that summer. Our courses were also closed for the month of April 2020 ghere so not really any difference.
Eh I just wrote golf. The multiple linked articles speak for themselves re businesses closed and her overreach. There’s a reason she’s associated negatively with Covid. In addition to her newsom hypocrisy
Please point to an example of me being a “dishonest defender of Trump” shithead.

You long for the days when Republicans were the Washington Generals of politics. Doormats that got patted on the head every few years.

You didn’t like DeSantis either. The most socially and fiscally conservative candidate in the primary. And the reason you didn’t like him is because he was combative.

Cut the crap. You fool no one. You enjoy being a Republican when the Republicans are the doormat. End of story.

And you’re not really all that Conservative from what I’ve seen you post. Hate to break it to you.
You just doubled down on asshole. I don’t like stupid assholes either and you just went there. The idea that I “enjoy being a Republican when Republicans are the doormat” is an incredibly moronic assumption. That is serious stupid.

The idea that I’m not conservative after years of posting in defense of conservative ideas and policies is just as stupid. You’re once again conflating supporting Trump or the most idiotic of MAGA-Nut positions (anti-vax, for example) with conservatism.

Just stop responding to me like a total asshole and I won’t respond to you in kind.
You just doubled down on asshole. I don’t like stupid assholes either and you just went there. The idea that I “enjoy being a Republican when Republicans are the doormat” is an incredibly moronic assumption. That is serious stupid.

The idea that I’m not conservative after years of posting in defense of conservative ideas and policies is just as stupid. You’re once again conflating supporting Trump or the most idiotic of MAGA-Nut positions (anti-vax, for example) with conservatism.

Just stop responding to me like a total asshole and I won’t respond to you in kind.
The vaccine was shit. Fauci admitted as much recently. What year do you live in?
You finally got something right. That evil bastard would never admit to any wrongdoing.
He went so far as to admit that the durability of the vaccine after subsequent mutations was shit. The vaccine itself was shit. The average Covid death was older than the average age of death in the U.S.

It killed people that were going down soon any way and I know that can be hard to absorb for some but it’s the truth.

Obviously it’s hard to absorb. These people advocated destroying society over it, that much egg in your face has to be unbearable.
He went so far as to admit that the durability of the vaccine after subsequent mutations was shit. The vaccine itself was shit. The average Covid death was older than the average age of death in the U.S.

It killed people that were going down soon any way and I know that can be hard to absorb for some but it’s the truth.

Obviously it’s hard to absorb. These people advocated destroying society over it, that much egg in your face has to be unbearable.
The first sentence is almost correct. The effectiveness of the vaccine diminished as the virus mutated. This was known at the time and why it is modified annually so it’s effective for the mutated virus. This is exactly what they do with the annual flu vaccine. You honestly don’t know this?

The entirety of the rest of your post is anti-vaccine bull shit. It’s nonsense.

I miss the days when the anti-vaxxers were almost all moonbats. Now the MAGA-Wingnuts are even nuttier than them.

Being an anti-vaxxer is not at all conservative. It just makes you as loony as a moonbat. Congrats!
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The first sentence is almost correct. The effectiveness of the vaccine diminished as the virus mutated. This was known at the time and why it is modified annually so it’s effective for the mutated virus. This is exactly what they do with the annual flu vaccine. You honestly don’t know this?

The entirety of the rest of your post is anti-vaccine bull shit. It’s nonsense.

I miss the days when the anti-vaxxers were almost all moonbats. Now the MAGA-Wingnuts are even nuttier than them.

Being an anti-vaxxer is not at all conservative. It just makes you as loony as a moonbat. Congrats!
Yes. You destroyed American society with your vaccine and covid precautions advocacy. You are quite literally evil.

Just another spoiled boomer that thinks the world revolves around them and their welfare.
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Not the same situation. Biden wasn't on the incumbent ticket. Harris is running on the incumbent ticket. Then there's the obvious identity politics issue of an old white guy vs. a younger woman of color.
Of course it's not the same situation as 2016, but it won't be an incumbent ticket if Biden steps aside.

I already mentioned identity politics in the post you're responding to and in another.

Look, I noted earlier that what the Dems should do and what they will do are likely two different things. They'll probably turn the clock back to 1968. In that presidential election year, LBJ withdrew late (March 31) and the Dems went with an unpopular #2 to the unpopular #1. Humphrey proceeded to lose in November to a two-time loser (presidential election 1960, California gubernatorial election 1962), the guy who incorrectly predicted in '62 that "you won't have Nixon to kick around any more."

Finally, someone mentioned that Harris - - and only Harris - - becomes the beneficiary of the $200 million campaign war chest should Biden step aside. That's true, but I'm certain that a new candidate would have no difficulty immediately raising a boatload of cash. Big Dem donors would be energized and wouldn't hesitate to open their checkbooks for a new face that doesn't look like death warmed over. Hell, Cuban alone might be good for nine figures.
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Yes. You destroyed American society with your vaccine and covid precautions advocacy. You are quite literally evil.

Just another spoiled boomer that thinks the world revolves around them and their welfare.
Very well. You got nothing. Carry on.

What I recommended for a COVID response:

Very well. You got nothing. Carry on.

What I recommended for a COVID response:

Too late. The GBD was published on 10/4/2020. Trump was largely supportive of the policies laid out in the GBD. Yet you voted against him. And the damage was already done

Don’t bullshit us Aloha. We weren’t born in a barn.
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Too late. The GBD was published on 10/4/2020. Trump was largely supportive of the policies laid out in the GBD. Yet you voted against him. And the damage was already done

Don’t bullshit us Aloha. We weren’t born in a barn.
He did nothing to move us toward that solution.
Wrong. And many legal analysts disagree. He made the payment to Stormy while President and the prosecution essentially argued, although we don't really know, is that the entire purpose of it was to win the Presidency. Much of the evidence introduced such as his conversations with Hope Hicks, again while President, has to be excluded. At minimum they have to do a hearing on the matters before any trial can be held. It was not held and will be thrown out. Maybe Bragg is crazy enough to try him again.
Why do you keep lying about this? Stormy Daniels received the money in 2016. It's an established fact, admitted by even Trump's legal team.

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But it didn't come from Trump. I think that's the argument.
The argument for what? Dbm keeps writing that Daniels received the payment when Trump was President. That’s flat out false. He keeps writing it that way for a reason— he’s a liar.
The argument for what? Dbm keeps writing that Daniels received the payment when Trump was President. That’s flat out false. He keeps writing it that way for a reason— he’s a liar.

Even if he were right, can anyone explain which constitutional powers of the president paying off a porn star to cover up an affair falls under? My Article 2 search cannot find "porn star" or "coverup affair".
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Kamala Harris’s team is concerned that Democrats will install a white candidate ahead of her to replace Joe Biden, arguing that it would be “offensive” to black voters to overlook her should the president stand aside.

Allies of Ms Harris are frustrated that she has largely been excluded from the list of possible replacements, arguing that it would be “offensive” to overlook a black woman for the job.

Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governors of California and Michigan, have so far been at the centre of speculation about a replacement nominee.

“The fact that people keep coming back to this is so offensive to so many of us,” an ally of Ms Harris told Politico.

“They still don’t get that the message you’re saying to people, to this Democratic Party, is, we prefer a white person.”

Another source added: “If they think they are going to get through South Carolina bashing an effective and qualified black woman vice president — their instincts are as bad as I thought they were.”

Ms Harris’s team has pointed out that her race may allow her to appeal to black voters – a core demographic for the Democrats that has begun to shift away from Mr Biden in recent months.

Data from the Pew Research centre shows 77 per cent of black voters say they are leaning towards voting for Mr Biden in November, down from 93 per cent that supported him in 2020.
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Kamala Harris’s team is concerned that Democrats will install a white candidate ahead of her to replace Joe Biden, arguing that it would be “offensive” to black voters to overlook her should the president stand aside.

Allies of Ms Harris are frustrated that she has largely been excluded from the list of possible replacements, arguing that it would be “offensive” to overlook a black woman for the job.

Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governors of California and Michigan, have so far been at the centre of speculation about a replacement nominee.

“The fact that people keep coming back to this is so offensive to so many of us,” an ally of Ms Harris told Politico.

“They still don’t get that the message you’re saying to people, to this Democratic Party, is, we prefer a white person.”

Another source added: “If they think they are going to get through South Carolina bashing an effective and qualified black woman vice president — their instincts are as bad as I thought they were.”

Ms Harris’s team has pointed out that her race may allow her to appeal to black voters – a core demographic for the Democrats that has begun to shift away from Mr Biden in recent months.

Data from the Pew Research centre shows 77 per cent of black voters say they are leaning towards voting for Mr Biden in November, down from 93 per cent that supported him in 2020.
lol…Democrats are ridiculous. Could you imagine the Republicans being forced to run a shitty VP as Pres. because he is a white male? And being racist enough to write whites won’t vote for your candidate unless he white? It’s good to see Democrats haven’t gotten away from their roots of being the racist party.
lol…Democrats are ridiculous. Could you imagine the Republicans being forced to run a shitty VP as Pres. because he is a white male? And being racist enough to write whites won’t vote for your candidate unless he white? It’s good to see Democrats haven’t gotten away from their roots of being the racist party.
Biden Harris Newsom greedy Gretch It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same shit

Just keep pumping money into that sweet sweet bitcoin
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Covid was great for the golf industry.

Disc golf too.

Biden Harris Newsom greedy Gretch It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same shit

Just keep pumping money into that sweet sweet bitcoin
Harris might actually be the Dems best hope if she can peel back some of the black support Trump is currently getting vs Biden.