Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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A moderate Dem. I have zero faith they’d choose one. It’d be a loony left lockdown Whitmer Pritzker Newsom. so none of it matters to conservatives or centrists
54 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump vs. only 42 having a favorable. I guess 4 percent have been living in caves. Point is Trump is very unpopular. People don’t like him and would be hungry for a reasonable alternative. Mas is a true believer and thinks people prefer Trump as he does. That’s delusional. MAGA-World is pushing back on replacing Biden for one primary reason, it wouldn’t be hard for a reasonable Biden replacement to beat Trump.

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There is obviously more, but by law primaries mean something .
Either Biden or Trump could drop out and either would be replaced at his respective convention. Same as if one died or had a stroke and went into a coma.
This must be the most ironic and silliest comment I’ve ever seen on here. Donald Trump will NEVER be characterized as having integrity and values. For that matter most republicans who support a liar, conman, and convicted felon won’t either.
What we’ve seen with this administration is tranny titties at the White House and the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.

I want a president my kids can look up to with pride. A leader. One who leads from the front. And that’s Donald John Trump!!

Of the list I picked Shapiro, but my pick would be Andy Beshear. A popular democrat governor from a red state would be a hugely successful candidate for the Dems.
Maybe. Beshear is very good.

But there might be issues with the Warren/Sanders wing. And they carry a hefty stick.

Besehar should probably focus on getting a red state Senate seat for the Ds.
What we’ve seen with this administration is tranny titties at the White House and the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.

I want a president my kids can look up to with pride. A leader. One who leads from the front. And that’s Donald John Trump!!

I see you’re polishing up your comedy act. I feel as if I’m watching good left wing satire when I read your comments. You should audition for The Daily Show.
Of the list I picked Shapiro, but my pick would be Andy Beshear. A popular democrat governor from a red state would be a hugely successful candidate for the Dems.
Beshear and Kelly were my next two. Beshear is definitely running in 28.

I wonder who wants it. Losing in 24 pretty much ends one's career. Would it be worth the risk for a Beshear?
Jill Biden is quite clearly an evil bitch. What is this woman’s malfunction? If you actually care about that man, then make him step aside. Who lets their spouse endure such embarrassment?

People will respond with Trump/ Melania but those two are quite clearly a marriage to keep up appearances. I do think they actually quite like each other despite opinions to the contrary.

But I’ve seen people claim with a straight face that Jill and Joe have a loving marriage. Ridiculous.
What we’ve seen with this administration is tranny titties at the White House and the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.

I want a president my kids can look up to with pride. A leader. One who leads from the front. And that’s Donald John Trump!!

You’re trying to be funny with your last paragraph. Trying or not, it was very funny. 😄
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It doesn't matter. We don't vote for presidents. We vote for electors. The Dems can put bugs Bunny on the ballot, it means nothing.
I am certain the party ballot is for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The party information the states who that is. I think most states call them "ballot status parties", at least Wisconsin does.

The party decides its nominee, not the state. Like I said earlier, Ohio moved its date ahead, the Democrats moved their convention back. It created a problem, so the Democrats moved the roll call up.

The primaries are to determine delegates to the convention, no state is forced into anything by the presidential primary

In Wisconsin, five parties have met the requirements to be ballot status parties, including Libertarian, Constitution, and Green.

Who the party chooses will be determined in that roll call, not before. If Wisconsin had an earlier date, the parties would have had to make it official before that date. Neither Trump nor Biden are "official" yet.

I admit I could be wrong, but I think a replacement doesn't have time to build an effective campaign.
There’s a reason republicans are saying we need to drop Biden for a new candidate. Doesn’t matter who the candidate is, it would guarantee a Trump victory. Pubs know as long as Biden remains on the ticket, they can still lose. Sure, Trump could beat Biden, but Trump would definitely beat whoever replaced Biden. You are correct, not enough time to get a whole new campaign going. If you hear any republican saying “I’d vote for X if the Dems ran them instead of Biden” they are completely full of shit.
There’s a reason republicans are saying we need to drop Biden for a new candidate. Doesn’t matter who the candidate is, it would guarantee a Trump victory. Pubs know as long as Biden remains on the ticket, they can still lose. Sure, Trump could beat Biden, but Trump would definitely beat whoever replaced Biden. You are correct, not enough time to get a whole new campaign going. If you hear any republican saying “I’d vote for X if the Dems ran them instead of Biden” they are completely full of shit.
You have it backwards. MAGA-World is buzzing about wanting Biden on ballot. Now they’re confident they can beat him and not so about a replacement. Just pay attention to what the ardent MAGA posters post and link here. They’re worried about Biden dropping out.

Also Never Trumpers are a real thing among Republicans. I should know. We’re eager to have a moderate and reasonable Democrat to vote for.
You have it backwards. MAGA-World is buzzing about wanting Biden on ballot. Now they’re confident they can beat him and not so about a replacement. Just pay attention to what the ardent MAGA posters post and link here. They’re worried about Biden dropping out.

Also Never Trumpers are a real thing among Republicans. I should know. We’re eager to have a moderate and reasonable Democrat to vote for.
Of course you’re eager to vote for a Democrat.

Because you are a Democrat
Of course you’re eager to vote for a Democrat.

Because you are a Democrat
Not really, I’m eager to see Trump and the MAGA-Nuts purged from the GOP. I’d prefer that be by having a candidate other than Trump to vote for.

I have no idea why you guys get butthurt by my opposition to Trump. I just continue to note that the Trump True believers can’t be honest in their defense of him.

Also, **** you! I’m no Democrat - and I’m no Trumpster. Not understanding that Republican does not equal Trumpster is simpleton thinking.
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Not really, I’m eager to see Trump and the MAGA-Nuts purged from the GOP. I’d prefer that be by having a candidate other than Trump to vote for.
I have no issues with that. Trump will be gone in 2028.
I have no idea why you guys get butthurt by my opposition to Trump. I just continue to note that the Trump True believers can’t be honest in their defense of him.
I didn’t say one word about Trump, dummy. I responded directly to you advocating for a moderate Democrat to vote for.
Also, **** you! I’m no Democrat - and I’m no Trumpster. Not understanding that Republican does not equal Trumpster is what a simpleton would do.
Ok, Independent? You can piss off with your “I’m a Republican who votes for Democrats nonsense”.
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I have no issues with that. Trump will be gone in 2028.

I didn’t say one word about Trump, dummy. I responded directly to you advocating for a moderate Democrat to vote for.

Ok, Independent? You can piss off with your “I’m a Republican who votes for Democrats nonsense”.
My post that you responded to was about an alternate to Trump, dummy. It’s a continuation of the conversation.

Once again, **** you. I’ve been a Republican for a long time and I haven’t given up on repairing it yet. If this goes for Trump, I’ll go Inndependent. Can’t be a Democrat or a MAGA party member.
My post that you responded to was about an alternate to Trump, dummy. It’s a continuation of the conversation.

Once again, **** you. I’ve been a Republican for a long time and I haven’t given up on repairing it yet. If this goes for Trump, I’ll go Inndependent. Can’t be a Democrat or a MAGA party member.
I’m happy for you. You will make an excellent Independent.
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The best thing Trump has done is rid the party of people like yourself.
It didn’t get rid of me and what would be good about it? Trump is creating a party that isn’t just disagreed with, it’s despised. He’s created a party that can’t get much of anything done because it refuses to compromise and ends up getting nothing at all. It’s a party that only divides, not unites. It’s not a law and order party. It’s not a pro-military, strong defense party. It’s not at all fiscally conservative. Trump is good with abortion on demand for the entire pregnancy, if that’s what a state decides. Trump’s part of the party immoral and dishonest party that elects immoral, lying assholes. Really, what’s good about it?
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I have no idea what to think. If he was dropping out Psaki would be one of the first to know.

It didn’t get rid of me and what would be good about it? Trump is creating a party that isn’t just disagreed with, it’s despised.
Nonsense. You despise the party because you’re a Democrat. I and 10s of millions of other conservatives/Republicans despise Democrats because they’re awful. It’s never once crossed my mind to despise the Republican Party. Who does that besides liberals?
He’s created a party that can’t get much of anything done because it refuses to compromise and ends up getting nothing at all. It’s a party that only divides, not unites. It’s not a law and order party. It’s not a pro-military, strong defense party.
Not true. Trump increased military spending, which I was against at the time. I wish he was for decreasing the military budget.
No. It’s not at all fiscally conservative.
I agree he’s not fiscally conservative, but the party gave up on that several decades ago. It’s more of the same.
Nonsense. You despise the party because you’re a Democrat. I and 10s of millions of other conservatives/Republicans despise Democrats because they’re awful. It’s never once crossed my mind to despise the Republican Party. Who does that besides liberals?

Not true. Trump increased military spending, which I was against at the time. I wish he was for decreasing the military budget.

I agree he’s not fiscally conservative, but the party gave up on that several decades ago. It’s more of the same.
Nonsense. I don’t despise the GOP. I despise Trump (a RINO, if there ever was one) and elected MAGAs. I still believe and support the same conservative principles I always have. That means I agree with much of even what MAGAs purport to support, when they’re coherent and sincere about it which is rare.

Being a Republican generally also includes disagreeing with the policies of the Democrats, which I do. The idea that requires despising all Democrats is a stupid MAGA thing. That’s a MAGA flaw and is no virtue. In fact, it’s despicable. Think Reagan would approve of that asinine MAGA trait? Of course he wouldn’t.

Both parties fight over showing how much they support the military by spending more. Trump showed more disrespect to the military than any President in my adult lifetime. Trump is disliked within the military more than Clinton was. This is not an accomplishment.

GWB’s administration presided over declining deficits getting to $160B before the financial crisis. We would do cartwheels over $160B now. Trump claimed he’d fix that and didn’t even try. I want a President and Congress that will.
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I am certain the party ballot is for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The party information the states who that is. I think most states call them "ballot status parties", at least Wisconsin does.

The party decides its nominee, not the state. Like I said earlier, Ohio moved its date ahead, the Democrats moved their convention back. It created a problem, so the Democrats moved the roll call up.

The primaries are to determine delegates to the convention, no state is forced into anything by the presidential primary

In Wisconsin, five parties have met the requirements to be ballot status parties, including Libertarian, Constitution, and Green.

Who the party chooses will be determined in that roll call, not before. If Wisconsin had an earlier date, the parties would have had to make it official before that date. Neither Trump nor Biden are "official" yet.

I think you are correct on all that. So the original post was simply wrong on multiple fronts.
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Nonsense. I don’t despise the GOP. I despise Trump (a RINO, if there ever was one) and elected MAGAs. I still believe and support the same conservative principles I always have. That means I agree with much of even what MAGAs purport to support, when they’re coherent and sincere about it which is rare.

Being a Republican generally also includes disagreeing with the policies of the Democrats, which I do. The idea that requires despising all Democrats is a stupid MAGA thing. That’s a MAGA flaw and is no virtue. In fact, it’s despicable. Think Reagan would approve of that asinine MAGA trait? Of course he wouldn’t.
So it’s ok to despise a majority of the Republican Party, but not Democrats? That’s where you draw the line? How bold of you Aloha. You can have the last word. Liberals always have to have it.
The party is currently in the clutches of the Marxist minority that wield tyranny over it. Just as the GOP is in the clutches of MAGA.
No it isn't. I don't see any maga saying Trump should drop because of lies or other faults that make him unfit. We're not a cult like the ultra maga are...

There's a huge difference. Like an Everest sized mountain of dog shit vs Taylor Swift's mons venus..
So it’s ok to despise a majority of the Republican Party, but not Democrats? That’s where you draw the line? How bold of you Aloha. You can have the last word. Liberals always have to have it.
You are trying too hard to twist this into Aloha being a liberal. Not everything in life is a binary decision.

You can be a Republican/conservative and still find Trump not worthy of being near the highest office in the land. You twist this. This country needs more Alohas so we wouldn't be in the current position of choosing between these two dolts.

This ain't complex. Sheesh.
Two things:

1. Names on a ballot are a matter of state law
2. Electors are not free agents.
It's unclear just how much of a free agent an elector is. SCOTUS hasn't really settled that yet, as they've gone back and forth. But if a candidate drops out of the race, and that candidate's party replaces them, do you really think SCOTUS is not going to side with the electors who choose to vote for the new candidate with their own party's blessing?

Also, I looked it up, and Marvin was on the right track. In Wisconsin, the electors are not pledged to vote for the name on the ballot. They are pledged to vote for the name of the candidate their party nominates in early October. So if Biden drops out, and the Dems nominate someone else, it doesn't matter if Biden is still on the paper version, the electors will be pledged to the nominated candidate.

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