Biden gets one right.

Seems technology is here (or will soon be here) to implement the use of smart gun technology. A smart gun could only be fired if the registered owner is using it. This could be via handprint tech on the handle... similar to what is used for unlocking your phone. Or a small wearable device (ring/necklace) .

A gun not being operated by the lawful owner would be as useless as a toy pistol. Would eliminate the thousands of children that are accidentally shot, as well as kill the black market for guns.

This is a safety measure that the legal system could force better adoption of, just as car makers are liable for not implementing safety equipment.

Would diehard 2A people get behind this?
Yeah, I wouldn’t have a problem with this so long as there was a way for me to bypass it if I’m shooting with my kids or my friends.

I assume there have to be some way of doing that.
I guess we disagree on why Feds are more concerned with AR's than handguns.

I'm assuming you think Feds want to ban AR's because although they statistically don't, they COULD be used to kill more people/kids than handguns.

I'm assuming Feds want to ban AR's because although they statistically don't, they COULD be used to kill more Feds than handguns.

They don't care about 20-30 kids a year. Merely a heartstring.
^^^^^^^ This right here. The Fed uses the doopted to get rid of the masses having adequate protection.

Tell me again how it will never happen here!!!!
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See Mcm's answers on this. Kids shouldn't be doing active shooter drills and nearly ALL of those shootings are AR style ripoffs. THEY SERVE ABSOLUTELY NO SOCIAL PURPOSE OTHER THAN SOME SMALL JOY FROM PINGING CANS OR COYOTES. Both of which can be done with a "normal", "boring" rifle. Do you really believe these things aren't marketed to hell and back? Do you really believe the ****ing scene in John Wick 2 when the gun "store" vignette guy literally named off the made/model and destructive power of each product placed gun while Keanu Reeves did cool shit with them?

Against WHAT?

Well, the gun manufacturers will solve the problem. I guarantee it. I almost think they'll sell direct to consumers and institute background checks that wouldn't get out of a house committee right now.

See we're getting somewhere now.
I'm a lot less strident on the subject than you think I am. I've always been for sensible regulation that doesn't keep responsible people from owning guns.

But suing gun manufacturers for crime just doesn't make sense to me, in terms of curbing crime.
@larsIU i think when you get Danc’s and others gov intrusion argument it’s a good time to end the mediation. No point staying
A couple questions:

1) with the liability that CoH is advocating how much do you see the price of firearms increasing?

2) I’ve seen the comparison to legal narcotics…yes I know about Purdue Pharma…do we want opioids to be more easily available to the populace than firearms?
I'm a lot less strident on the subject than you think I am. I've always been for sensible regulation that doesn't keep responsible people from owning guns.

But suing gun manufacturers for crime just doesn't make sense to me, in terms of curbing crime.
They’ll stop making certain types of guns
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Hmmm...... 300+ million people with guns vs maybe 3 million with military assets?

Who are they going to bomb? Who are they going to take out with a tank? You think the military can hold a city when the population is armed and willing to use small arms?

Did you learn nothing from Vietnam?
I'll go total Joe Chi Minh ... get some get some... "How do you shoot rep's and senators"? Easy just shoot towards wall street.
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A couple questions:

1) with the liability that CoH is advocating how much do you see the price of firearms increasing?

2) I’ve seen the comparison to legal narcotics…yes I know about Purdue Pharma…do we want opioids to be more easily available to the populace than firearms?
1) I really don’t know anything about gun pricing so I don’t know. I also don’t know about their insurance reinsurance which obviously implicates pricing
2) don’t understand the comparison
^^^^^^^ This right here. The Fed uses the doopted to get rid of the masses having adequate protection.

Tell me again how it will never happen here!!!!
Oh, it will happen. Feds will remove all those that can't spell duped. (TIC)
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They’ll stop making certain types of guns
"They" may stop.... But "those" will tool up BIGLY ! I'm an old tool maker and I know how to build a horizontal, segregated manufacturing and supply chain. I'm 1 of 330,000,000 people..
Just say "GO" . You'll (not you) will have a lot of huckleberries.
"They" may stop.... But "those" will tool up BIGLY ! I'm an old tool maker and I know how to build a horizontal, segregated manufacturing and supply chain. I'm 1 of 330,000,000 people..
Just say "GO" . You'll (not you) will have a lot of huckleberries.
Big time. #cocksman.
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@larsIU i think when you get Danc’s and others gov intrusion argument it’s a good time to end the mediation. No point staying
I know you think we're crazy for thinking it, but the founding fathers knew human nature and knew governments always overstep their boundaries.

That's what makes the US unique - we don't trust the government because we understand human nature and how power gets to some people. And how a bureaucracy can override our votes, as we can see today.

Call us crazy or whatever, but you were wondering where the government was during the Summer of Love......
I know you think we're crazy for thinking it, but the founding fathers knew human nature and knew governments always overstep their boundaries.

That's what makes the US unique - we don't trust the government because we understand human nature and how power gets to some people. And how a bureaucracy can override our votes, as we can see today.

Call us crazy or whatever, but you were wondering where the government was during the Summer of Love......
I wasn’t. It was a fraction of the country where the Wokees were on the sidelines
Just like IU would always be great in basketball because...well, dammit.... we're INDIANA!
All DC has to do is intentionally divide us, make the pacifist paint their hair purple, turn boys into girls, have parades and demand more gun regulation. Then set back and let the fireworks fly, while they make bank and are protected with the entire power of the US government. But THAT could NEVER happen here, we have elections.
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I wasn’t. It was a fraction of the country where the Wokees were on the sidelines
It was happening in every major city in America.

And you always complain about crime in St. Louis. Isn't the government responsible for controlling crime?
I'm hearing you sir, but the tool isn't the first thing to look at to fix the problem.
You can't borrow money to get out of debit.
You can't disarm the protectors to stop violence.

I know, it is supper easy to look and say.. just remove guns. But nothing EASY has ever been life changing in a good way.
Don't get me wrong, I am not for banning those either. I am saying the logic doesn't follow.
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It was happening in every major city in America.

And you always complain about crime in St. Louis. Isn't the government responsible for controlling crime?
The city. I don’t live in the city. Okay I have to get some work done. Make sure the dream team plays nice. It’s a good thread
I know you think we're crazy for thinking it, but the founding fathers knew human nature and knew governments always overstep their boundaries.

That's what makes the US unique - we don't trust the government because we understand human nature and how power gets to some people. And how a bureaucracy can override our votes, as we can see today.

Call us crazy or whatever, but you were wondering where the government was during the Summer of Love......
Again, it's why 2A talks about state militias. The founders also knew the dangers of the wild west. In fact, it's why many states outlawed conceal carry in the 1800s. People are crazy.
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Again, it's why 2A talks about state militias. The founders also knew the dangers of the wild west. In fact, it's why many states outlawed conceal carry in the 1800s. People are crazy.
Take it up with the Supreme Court - that's not how they see it.
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Again, it's why 2A talks about state militias. The founders also knew the dangers of the wild west. In fact, it's why many states outlawed conceal carry in the 1800s. People are crazy.
Every household is a well regulated militia
Lots of legal defenses and more manageable damages - presumably
This is what I don’t understand. What’s the magic number? I constantly try to bring up the numbers because there never seems to be an answer of what is acceptable. To keep it simple, 20,000 people are killed per year from guns. An overwhelming majority are handguns. If they pass the different laws and etc. won’t the gun manufacturers go bankrupt and it be impossible to buy legal guns? Or is that the entire point?
This is what I don’t understand. What’s the magic number? I constantly try to bring up the numbers because there never seems to be an answer of what is acceptable. To keep it simple, 20,000 people are killed per year from guns. An overwhelming majority are handguns. If they pass the different laws and etc. won’t the gun manufacturers go bankrupt and it be impossible to buy legal guns? Or is that the entire point?
No, the entire point is for trial lawyers to make a lot of money.
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impossible to buy legal guns
Focus on this part.
Specifically the LEGAL part. Just like DC "fixing" student loans, health care, electric vehicles, oil (by from a dictator instead of home), covid...... they want to "fix it" as it hits some in the feelz.
But the smart people just move everything underground, much like what pours over our southern boarder, norther boarder, ocean ports, fed ex shipments on and on and on...

But yes, DC will fix this for our feelz.
Take it up with the Supreme Court - that's not how they see it.
Trust me, I'm fully compliant with the SC's interpretation that it's everybody for themselves in today's America. Just making the case that it doesn't have to be this way.
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Trust me, I'm fully compliant with the SC's interpretation that it's everybody for themselves in today's America. Just making the case that it doesn't have to be this way.
What's the alternative? HAve DC protect us, with less cops and an open boarder, which could simply be called an unloading doc now. It's not a boarder.
Oh wow, can we tag the liberals here "the House wives of the water cooler"?

Not far off if I squint really hard.
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That’s what COH envisions for all of them.
I say let the jury decide, not high priced lobbyists who buy members of congress like I buy a 6 pack. I’m satisfied to be able to make my argument about AR 15 ‘s to an impartial jury as I did here. I haven’t seen a counterargument that gives me pause.
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I say let the jury decide, not high priced lobbyists who buy members of congress like I buy a 6 pack. I’m satisfied to be able to make my argument about AR 15 ‘s to an impartial jury as I did here. I haven’t seen a counterargument that gives me pause.
What about my idea that, in a trial that involves product liability, the loser pays all legal bills?

Does that exist today?
They did nuke drills during the cold War. It will always be some boogeyman out there.
Well we didn't just sit around and do nothing did we? We don't do nuke drills anymore by the way.

What about us anti social people who prefer to live on the edge of society?
Start a punk band. Or plink cans and coyotes with a boring old rifle.

I'm assuming you think Feds want to ban AR's because although they statistically don't, they COULD be used to kill more people/kids than handguns.
I don't think the Feds will ban shit b/c Congress is a loser that won't do anything. Trial lawyers, consumer advocates, and the courts will help the gun manufacturers solve the problem.

And they will probably target more than just ARs. And they will probably institute background checks which are ridiculously more thorough than those of today. And they will then create a device which will disallow a fire from a non registered user.

Think of cigarettes. They had little social utility (probably even less than guns). Litigation solved that problem. In 20 years lung cancers will have plummetted. But you can still buy cigarettes and even whole ass new products to replace them.

Why don't you think that could happen with guns?
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I say let the jury decide, not high priced lobbyists who buy members of congress like I buy a 6 pack. I’m satisfied to be able to make my argument about AR 15 ‘s to an impartial jury as I did here. I haven’t seen a counterargument that gives me pause.
Assuming you got your desired outcome. What do you think would happen with the ability of an average citizen to purchase other guns? And the cost of them?
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Well we didn't just sit around and do nothing did we? We don't do nuke drills anymore by the way.

Start a punk band. Or plink cans and coyotes with a boring old rifle.

I don't think the Feds will ban shit b/c Congress is a loser that won't do anything. Trial lawyers, consumer advocates, and the courts will help the gun manufacturers solve the problem.

And they will probably target more than just ARs. And they will probably institute background checks which are ridiculously more thorough than those of today. And they will then create a device which will disallow a fire from a non registered user.

Think of cigarettes. They had little social utility (probably even less than guns). Litigation solved that problem. In 20 years lung cancers will have plummetted. But you can still buy cigarettes and even whole ass new products to replace them.

Why don't you think that could happen with guns?
Because no one ever stopped a government over throw with a Marlborough.

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