We all know you are the dumbest of the dumb, but this is next level dumb even for a mouth breather like you. He is easily twice her size, and maybe 2-1/2 times her size. He's big and fat and she's small and skinny (pic below). He beat her, bit her, and strangled her. Why don't you just become an Ole Miss fan. Nobody here would ever miss you...If a drunk athletic woman attacked you and you did everything you could to stop it.
And it all escalated so fast you couldn’t leave. Would you just let her beat the shit out of you?
He has not had any issues since he left Texas, So I say hell yes hire Chris Beard.
Police affidavit and Trew's initial statements to police:
According to the police affidavit in support of Beard's arrest, Trew initially told officers he strangled her from behind to the point where she couldn't breathe for several seconds. The affidavit listed several visible signs of an altercation, including bite marks on her arm and abrasions on her face and leg.
According to the affidavit, Trew initally told police "he choked me, bit me, bruises all over my leg, throwing me around and going nuts.'' Her later statement did not address why she called 911 or several of the physical injuries described in the police report.
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