
It was really , really hot. No shade, no air. Bad opponent. I left after the two quick scores in the second half, with a really bad headache, I’m sure brought on by the heat. I think next week should be much better. It’s not changing overnight.
Would you do this at Assembly Hall in February with snow and ice on the ground, 9 degree weather walking to your car and a 15 point lead? Honest reply please.
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I seem to remember at least one iteration of then-AD McNeely’s plans (to make an “athletic campus” out of everything north of 17th St) that included a multi-level parking facility. IIRC it was intended to be located out near the Bypass for ease of access, etc
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I don’t enjoy talking about this, but there is a segment of the IU fan base that I have encountered throughout my life that isn’t just apathetic towards the football program but downright hostile towards it. They are basketball only fans who seem to actively want the program to fail and resent it when there is any semblance of success. I’ve never understood it and haven’t ever seen anything quite like it anywhere else.
That group also doesn’t understand basic economics, the changing nature of college athletics and have zero vision. Tunnel vision dullards. I call them The Neanderthals.
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Clearly the coaches and players have been doing about as much as could be realistically expected of them, but I don’t know if the same is true of the Ath Dept or not. I’m not remotely as familiar with the current AD staff as I was 20-25 years ago, but a quick search on the IUAD website shows (unsurprisingly) numerous people connected with areas like facilities, compliance, academic services and IT, but not much in the way of marketing or promotion. I gather there is an Assoc AD for events and safety, but I have no idea if he’s involved in things like marketing or promotions or not.

Given that, unlike the BB program, the FB program isn’t a national brand that can market itself, perhaps the services of an outside marketing consultant (or, better yet, an assigned in-house employee) would be worth pursuing. Especially at a time when IU is apparently making a concerted effort to recruit more out-of-state students who might well be familiar with the IU basketball program but arrive in Bloomington with no affinity to speak of for its chronically underachieving football program. JMHO.
Speaking of chronically underachieving……IU basketball 2000-2024. Running on fumes.
May be carbon monoxide. Extremely frustrating. Hell, most schools in this conference prioritize football and have no problem hiring good basketball coaches and make the tournament with ease.
Speaking of chronically underachieving……IU basketball 2000-2024. Running on fumes.
May be carbon monoxide. Extremely frustrating. Hell, most schools in this conference prioritize football and have no problem hiring good basketball coaches and make the tournament with ease.
It seems the administration finally woke the hell up about the importance of football but the fans are clueless. Plus the city does nothing to promote IU athletics. Terre Haute held pep rallies downtown before Sycamore basketball games to promote civic pride.
I don’t enjoy talking about this, but there is a segment of the IU fan base that I have encountered throughout my life that isn’t just apathetic towards the football program but downright hostile towards it. They are basketball only fans who seem to actively want the program to fail and resent it when there is any semblance of success. I’ve never understood it and haven’t ever seen anything quite like it anywhere else.
I've never experienced this. I've met Tons of reversible jackets fans that make jokes like "IU has a football team? Har har har". But never any straight up dislike. Why on earth would anyone "hate" IU football, except maybe Purdue fans? IU football has literally never given any other program and their fans reason to hate them.