

Feb 6, 2002
Will IU get to the point this season where it draws 50,000 at Memorial Stadium and the fans stay for 4 quarters?
Charlotte will have fans leaving at halftime.
Maryland will be very interesting to see if the bandwagon is filling up.
If the Hoosiers are 6-0 going into the Nebraska game, I expect 50,000 plus the rest of the way.
Will IU get to the point this season where it draws 50,000 at Memorial Stadium and the fans stay for 4 quarters?
Charlotte will have fans leaving at halftime.
Maryland will be very interesting to see if the bandwagon is filling up.
If the Hoosiers are 6-0 going into the Nebraska game, I expect 50,000 plus the rest of the way.
Hoosiers will be 4-0 after tomorrow but the jury will still be out as to any of these victories being quality wins. We have all seen this movie before. I think it is premature to speak about anyone post-Maryland.
We sure traveled well for a key game in LA.
If anything is gonna hurt tomorrow it’s that it’s gonna be hot as balls and not a sexy matchup. I fully expect the students to come out in force early. Maybe some of the adults will stay for a change.

But next week is where I expect it to get rocking. Winnable conference game and supposed to be great temps. Fingers crossed.
Looking at the ticket map it’s not great vs Charlotte. Will be hot so the walk up crowd probably won’t be much. Probably similar to FIU but tough to know.

Maryland game ticket sales are looking better, but a week to go. Weather should be good for that one, hopefully that’s our first good crowd, we need to win that game.
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Will IU get to the point this season where it draws 50,000 at Memorial Stadium and the fans stay for 4 quarters?
Charlotte will have fans leaving at halftime.
Maryland will be very interesting to see if the bandwagon is filling up.
If the Hoosiers are 6-0 going into the Nebraska game, I expect 50,000 plus the rest of the way.
In the history of IU football when winning they have never had 50,000 plus the rest of the way. Check the IU Foootball media guide. Fans today will leave at halftime as will the students because "its too hot" ... I wish it were different because this team deserves a filled stadium but don't count on it. That Nebraska game will have over 10,000 from Nebraska if not more.
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History shows fans will go to the games if the team wins consistently. Maybe not right away, but it will happen.
Interesting chicken and egg question. If the fans are there first does it increase the win chance?
Do you always have to win first to bring fans?
I would like the fans within say a 100 mile radius (easy for me to say, I live 5 states away) to tailgate, pack the stadium, and be loud. My opinion is the team deserves this now and it will increase future wins.
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I thought beer was supposed to keep them in the stands. :cool:
All kidding aside - have the usher police lightened up in the stadium?
I had a most unpleasant event when my roommate and ride got ejected for half pint of Jack.
I promise you, there is not a stadium in the SEC that I've been to (4) who would throw an adult alum out for a small bottle of Jack just because they saw him pour into his coke. No fighting or poor language. No noise at all.
I believe stadium needs to be fun inside too. Just saying!
Anyone report improvements?
Go Hoosiers!