It was a "contract" you were rewarded to sign. Really frivolous, actually, but filled with the typical "feel good", leftist gobblygook you always hear.
Was worth 10% of your first weeks grade by signing it.
I'm assuming it's targeting the random backwoods kids from down in the hollows or by the lake that come to South, I dunno.
Had the typical:
"We welcome:
All races
All religions
All countries of origin
All sexual orientations
All genders
All brains
All bodies
We stand with you, you are safe here!"
"We'll also explore how identity, diversity, justice, and action impact science, both in practice, and in policy".
Followed by disciplinary actions you agree to should the teachers feel you weren't following the above philosophies well enough.
I mean, whatever, harmless, feel-good statements that most all would agree with, but quite honestly, something I would expect from a Social Studies or art class, I guess.