Are Stewart and Durr on their second suspension?

Stop it.

If you can't bring yourself to be home on time the night before a crucial game you deserve any and all consequences. Skipped curfew to see the damn Sears Tower? Could they not see it from the hotel room?
The Sears Tower as such, no longer exists. It's now the Willis Tower, the midwest home to a global insurance broker, the Willis Group Holdings. The building looks more impressive when looking up from its base than it does from one's hotel room, I imagine.
You mean it’s normal to go exploring Evanston at night after getting manhandled at home 48 prior?

I thought IU fans understood the game?

I’m bummed for the guys that had to play 35+ minutes because of these clowns. Man, Galloway is everything you want out of an IU player. Just a badass. He got dropped into playing point guard for 35 minutes in the middle of the B1G. He did better than Landers clown ass would have.
I won’t agree with Lander being a clown but I agree about Galloway. Hell if he had practiced there all year he is probably our best offensive option at pg on the team. Very efficient and effective and really able to take the ball to the hole. A couple really nice skip passes which we haven’t seen from a pg all year. Just needs to cut down TOs.
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Two of them have been suspended twice now do they deserve a third chance?
That’s for Woodson to determine. It’s his rules and maybe that is why he made the statement he made at the end of his press conference after the game. Maybe he laid it out very clearly to some that they were out of chances.
These Guys didn't break any laws, but They did break a bond of Trust with Your Teammates. When You are on the Road with your team, You are on a business trip. Your focus needs to be on Your business. Do Your sight seeing after the season. If You are Employed by a large Corporation and sent to Chicago for a meeting that starts at 10;00 A,m,, try showing up at 11;00 A.M. because you ran late sight seeing.

If I am a teammate, I would be thinking, How can I trust You to carry out your assignment on the Court after this. If We are supposed to do a Defensive switch can I trust You to carry it out? Or are You going to do what You want and let my Man go past You to the Basket.
The problem apparently wasn't with them going out, which is the point I've been trying to make here, it appears it was with either sneaking out our coming back after curfew (or violating any team rule for that matter). I guess if you have a meeting in Chicago, you'll do room service the night before your meeting, which is good: 1 less person I have to contend with for reservations, and I'll still make my meeting and be prepared the next day! They have a curfew for a reason.
Exactly I quit lisenting to what that guy said long ago. I cannot believe people acually pay to read what he writes. Fatjohns is a legend in his own mind.

Maybe just me... but it seems like IU coaches are nothing but purely annoyed by him in every press conference...Woody included.
Maybe just me... but it seems like IU coaches are nothing but purely annoyed by him in every press conference...Woody included.
Rabjohns is a total tool and is this day and age why anyone would pay for information from him is beyond me. You can any of the stuff he says for free on other sites. And half the time he is wrong anyway.

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