Are Stewart and Durr on their second suspension?

So, we got to the arena an hour early from the city because of the late start. We saw the shoot around, then warmups.

There are definitely 2, maybe 3 of these guys who do not give a F. Could not be more obvious. The guys not playing we’re having a great time, I’ll put it that way. The guys who were playing were all business.

Anyone who has lived on this earth for 35+ years knows the deal with this BS. It could not be more obvious to me. As soon as I heard 5 guys were out, 4 of 5 were so predictable. Fool me once shame on me…

I honestly don’t think these guys have the balls to right the ship based on the info I have
One whiff of "no big deal" from one of those guys and they should either be dismissed or buried on the bench.
If I read the body language of the "5" right, both durr and parker had the worst, kind of I don't give a ****, or like they could care less if they are gone. If so boot them. Other 3 harder to read' but lander seemed the most team positive.
This portal means IU can get other options. These players someday might regret their actions if they don't now.
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So you can’t provide a single post where I said they were suspended for weed. They were suspended for sneaking out. They also came back smelling of weed, but they weren’t suspended for weed. I haven’t changed my narrative 1 time.

Link to where they came back "smelling of weed"?

One credible source.

just one.
I know more about these guys then probably this entire board combine. But ya what do I know. Get off your high horse. They didn’t go out and get wasted or to the clubs. More like looking at a city that is one of the greatest in the world because it was the first opportunity in some of their lives to see the sears tower.

Again, these are tremendous humans on this team, I couldn’t be more proud of guys like Parker representing my university.
hope you are take is completely an unimformed one.

Link to where they came back "smelling of weed"?

One credible source.

just one.
I generally like your posts, but you are being an idiot in this conversation. Nowhere in post 41, 42, 46, 50, or any other post did I say they were suspended for weed.

I’m not sure why you are so hung up on the smelling of weed part. They were suspended for sneaking out. End of story. They are all selfish individuals.
I know more about these guys then probably this entire board combine. But ya what do I know. Get off your high horse. They didn’t go out and get wasted or to the clubs. More like looking at a city that is one of the greatest in the world because it was the first opportunity in some of their lives to see the sears tower.

Again, these are tremendous humans on this team, I couldn’t be more proud of guys like Parker representing my university.
Clearly Woodson is not happy with their behavior, regardless of what it was. Fact remains that the let their teammates down, and Woodson had some strong language on this topic last night. Everything else is speculation.
I generally like your posts, but you are being an idiot in this conversation. Nowhere in post 41, 42, 46, 50, or any other post did I say they were suspended for weed.

I’m not sure why you are so hung up on the smelling of weed part. They were suspended for sneaking out. End of story. They are all selfish individuals.
Why am I "hung up on smelling like weed"? Because you keep saying it over and over.

Link to smelling of weed?

One credible source...just one.
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I don’t believe your story about Parker. At least I don’t believe it’s the full story.

If they went out in Chicago the night before the game then they are idiots
Exactly. Race or Trayce need to take control of these idiots. I don’t get the impression that Trayce has it in him sadly.

I still can’t get over what I saw from theses clowns in warmup knowing everything I know now. Tell me old man yells at cloud or get off my lawn, but I’ve been around teams that give a shit.

Woody has major, I repeat major personnel issues. Honesty think it’s going to be time to show three guys the door at season end. They’re not talented enough to deal with the hassle. Easily replaceable
There's gonna be a exodus of player's from this team..
How many who know's?.Still think 1 or 2 that we'll say .Didn't see that coming...
Texas has 8 transfers and is making it work..
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Why an i "hung up on smelling like weed"? Because you keep saying it over and over.

Link to smelling of weed?

One credible source...just one.
Resorting to arguing like Ordy is not a good look. Would you feel better if I said they were suspended for sneaking out and left off the part of them smelling like weed? They let their team, families, and university down either way.
So you think it’s more likely Woody threw away a conference game because 5 guys missed curfew by 30 minutes even though they were just site seeing? Lol okay then.
I don't really care what they did, I trust the Coach and his actions. My only point in this thread is it's not wrong for them to go out the night before a game in a city like Chicago as long as they follow team rules.
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There's gonna be a exodus of player's from this team..
How many who know's?.Still think 1 or 2 that we'll say .Didn't see that coming...
Texas has 8 transfers and is making it work..
I am guessing we will have five or six open spots this spring. I just hope we can bring in high quality people as grad transfers and not the type of guys we have now.
Clearly Woodson is not happy with their behavior, regardless of what it was. Fact remains that the let their teammates down, and Woodson had some strong language on this topic last night. Everything else is speculation.
The fact they got suspended the night of the biggest game of the year speaks volumes for whatever they did. It also shows they clearly do not take this all that seriously.
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This portal means IU can get other options. These players someday might regret their actions if they don't now.
Who knows I mean Durr can probably find a program with a coach who lets them get away with stuff. Same for Bates and Lander. Plenty of programs let kids do what they want. I am guessing all three may be gone after the season.
Resorting to arguing like Ordy is not a good look. Would you feel better if I said they were suspended for sneaking out and left off the part of them smelling like weed? They let their team, families, and university down either way.
No, not like him because I am not making shit up.

I don't "feel" good or bad about what you said, I am just responding to your comments to me.

Or, I was
I don't really care what they did, I trust the Coach and his actions. My only point in this thread is it's not wrong for them to go out the night before a game in a city like Chicago as long as they follow team rules.
Wrong again. No reason to be going from Evanston to Chicago the night before a must win. Two hours round trip commute at night with traffic, etc.
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stopped reading after "the Cooler"...! These kids work harder to be students, maintain eligibilty and play ball at a D1 level than any of us did, and I worked all through college and paid my own way. I hope they went out in Chicago to sight see. Still have to follow rules and be back, but going out in Chicago the night before a game is not "not caring", it's being human.

It was a business trip, not a freaking vacation.
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Wrong again. No reason to be going from Evanston to Chicago the night before a must win. Two hours commute of a night with traffic, etc.
How do you know where they went, or how far? They went out while playing NU, I have no idea if it was 1 mile or 15, and I don't think you do either. You live there, so you're drawing a delineation between Evanston and Chicago that no one else is making. Going out in Evanston is going out in Chicago to everyone not living in Chicago and even many who are who aren't being obtuse. I'm saying I have no problem with kids going out the night before a game, as long as they are following the coaches rules. The fact that they have a curfew shows our coaches don't have a problem with it either.
How do you know where they went, or how far? They went out while playing NU, I have no idea if it was 1 mile or 15, and I don't think you do either. You live there, so you're drawing a delineation between Evanston and Chicago that no one else is making. Going out in Evanston is going out in Chicago to everyone not living in Chicago and even many who are who aren't being obtuse. I'm saying I have no problem with kids going out the night before a game, as long as they are following the coaches rules. The fact that they have a curfew shows our coaches don't have a problem with it either.
So, you try to back me into your argument and then move the goal posts.

Not today junior!
How do you know where they went, or how far? They went out while playing NU, I have no idea if it was 1 mile or 15, and I don't think you do either. You live there, so you're drawing a delineation between Evanston and Chicago that no one else is making. Going out in Evanston is going out in Chicago to everyone not living in Chicago and even many who are who aren't being obtuse. I'm saying I have no problem with kids going out the night before a game, as long as they are following the coaches rules. The fact that they have a curfew shows our coaches don't have a problem with it either.
Going out in Evanston might as well be like going out in every other B10 college town. They're there to win a basketball game, not enjoy the city. I'm not sure why you keep enabling this? They clearly violated a team rule, hence the suspension, and no it's not because they were out sight-seeing. Who goes sight seeing in Evanston at night in the dead of winter?
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Going out in Evanston might as well be like going out in every other B10 college town. They're there to win a basketball game, not enjoy the city. I'm not sure why you keep enabling this? They clearly violated a team rule, hence the suspension, and no it's not because they were out sight-seeing. Who goes sight seeing in Evanston at night in the dead of winter?
The clear message they sent was they did not care about this game. They had to know this was likely the most winnable of the next four games as we fight for an NCAA bid. I mean get suspended for Michigan State well we are likely losing it anyway. But this game was one we had to have and they proved they did not care. I would kick Durr and Stewart off the team right now if this is their second offense. They should not get a third chance.
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Going out in Evanston might as well be like going out in every other B10 college town. They're there to win a basketball game, not enjoy the city. I'm not sure why you keep enabling this? They clearly violated a team rule, hence the suspension, and no it's not because they were out sight-seeing. Who goes sight seeing in Evanston at night in the dead of winter?
You mean it’s normal to go exploring Evanston at night after getting manhandled at home 48 prior?

I thought IU fans understood the game?

I’m bummed for the guys that had to play 35+ minutes because of these clowns. Man, Galloway is everything you want out of an IU player. Just a badass. He got dropped into playing point guard for 35 minutes in the middle of the B1G. He did better than Landers clown ass would have.
You mean it’s normal to go exploring Evanston at night after getting manhandled at home 48 prior?

I thought IU fans understood the game?

I’m bummed for the guys that had to play 35+ minutes because of these clowns. Man, Galloway is everything you want out of an IU player. Just a badass. He got dropped into playing point guard for 35 minutes in the middle of the B1G. He did better than Landers clown ass would have.

They were out afterhours for the same reason any college-aged kid is out afterhours; chasing tail and/or looking to party.
Going out in Evanston might as well be like going out in every other B10 college town. They're there to win a basketball game, not enjoy the city. I'm not sure why you keep enabling this? They clearly violated a team rule, hence the suspension, and no it's not because they were out sight-seeing. Who goes sight seeing in Evanston at night in the dead of winter?
I'm not enabling, I'm responding to one specific poster who said they shouldn't go out, period. That's why they have a curfew: so they can go out, get a meal, see family or friends, but be back and follow the rules. I have no problem with the suspension, but I also have no problem with these athletes having some form of a social life after all they have to do as college athletes.
They are young men and prone to bad decisions, just like most of us. What matters now is how they respond. Pretty certain Woody has laid that out for each of them.
Two of them have been suspended twice now do they deserve a third chance?
I didn't say a half hour or sightseeing. I said that all indications are that it was not weed. What Rabjohns is being told by a staffer and the fact they were dressed are "credible".

Feel free to contest anything I post but let's try to stick to what I actually post.


Fatjohns and credible shouldn't be used in the same paragraph.
They are young men and prone to bad decisions, just like most of us. What matters now is how they respond. Pretty certain Woody has laid that out for each of them.
Generally speaking I would be on board with this, but these guys are not that young. Stewart, X, Durr all 22-23? Multiple suspensions this year? Just got their asses beat at home 48 hours earlier? X getting booed by the crowd? Sounds like Bates should have plenty on his mind as well. Lander lol.

Um… Ever wonder why its the same conversations about the same players?
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I have no idea what they did, I just trust our coaches judgement. Sears tower is a metaphor... could have been a nice meal w a relative, or a museum, or other stuff. Did they leave after hours? If they broke team rules, and they obviously did, then I support the suspension, I'm just responding to a poster who said going out the night before a game is dumb. That I don't agree with, but you have to follow the rules.

Particularly since it hasn't been the Sears tower for like 13 years.... :cool:

Common sense tells you the 5 of them took off together for some level of partying. I doubt they hung around too late at the art museum
Maybe but this talk of durr starting next year better stop. He right now cannot even stay eligible to play. Lander and bates arent that impressive so if they want to not follow rules boot them. I mean the fact we had the biggest game of the year and these guys screwed up is just shows their level of being serious
Thats how far IU has slipped. NW the biggest game of the year. Woodson is doing a solid job. Give him 3-4 years. Of course he will then be 67 or 68 years old
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Fatjohns and credible shouldn't be used in the same paragraph.
Exactly I quit lisenting to what that guy said long ago. I cannot believe people acually pay to read what he writes. Fatjohns is a legend in his own mind.
Bro. Stop. Parker got “suspended” for being late coming back for holiday break because there was a wreck on the highway. Like 1/2 hour late to practice.

I’m guessing these guys went out in Chicago Monday Night and came back 1/2 hour after curfew.

woody is teaching them lessons. Theses guys are very good humans. Way better than I was at the same age.
Even if this is 100% accurate as to what happened, the disrespect to Coach Woodson and the position the players put him in is very serious. To the point that I would have no problem if he decides to dismiss certain multiple offenders. If Stewart's circumstances are less incriminating than others, fine.
These Guys didn't break any laws, but They did break a bond of Trust with Your Teammates. When You are on the Road with your team, You are on a business trip. Your focus needs to be on Your business. Do Your sight seeing after the season. If You are Employed by a large Corporation and sent to Chicago for a meeting that starts at 10;00 A,m,, try showing up at 11;00 A.M. because you ran late sight seeing.

If I am a teammate, I would be thinking, How can I trust You to carry out your assignment on the Court after this. If We are supposed to do a Defensive switch can I trust You to carry it out? Or are You going to do what You want and let my Man go past You to the Basket.

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