Are Stewart and Durr on their second suspension?

and who are these "credible people"? I'm at work and not scanning a bunch of stories or boards. What are the names of the sources you are referencing?
Go to Peegs and you will see. Again, I’m confident Woody didn’t throw away a conference game due to being slightly late for curfew.
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I didn't say a half hour or sightseeing. I said that all indications are that it was not weed. What Rabjohns is being told by a staffer and the fact they were dressed are "credible".

Feel free to contest anything I post but let's try to stick to what I actually post.

That’s not what Rabjohns said. He said it’s university policy that you can’t dress if you TEST POSITIVE FOR WEED. He was saying there was not failed drug tests. The rumors going around don’t mention a failed drug test either. They snuck out and came back smelling of weed (not a failed drug test) and got caught. IMO, if this is the second time you’ve been suspended this year (Stewart and Durr) you should be gone. We will see what Woody chooses to do though.

What we do know for a fact is that these 5 selfish individuals cost us a conference game and potentially derailed the season.
Go to Peegs and you will see. Again, I’m confident Woody didn’t throw away a conference game due to being slightly late for curfew.
I don't post on peegs anymore, so I don't know who's credible and who's not. My point is, I don't think you do either.
Most of those towns are probably "nice"... but they ain't Chicago! And, I'm not saying what the kids did was justified, I'm just saying expecting them to sit in their rooms studying film is not reasonable and going out and seeing some of a great city isn't a crime or even wrong. Now, get back on time and don't do anything stupid, but by all means take advantage of an opportunity like that.
agree....except...Newark has never been "nice". Unless you're a "friend of ours" (Sopranos fans will understand the joke).
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So for people who live here, knowing the logistics of going out in Chicago from Evanston the night before somewhat of a must win makes this easy. Just dumb
if this truly is an ill-advised trip to downtown, then yes...Evanston isn't a 5 min Uber ride to Michigan Ave, or even Wrigleyville. Assuming they were camped somewhere near the NW campus. At this point we're flying blind on assumptions....
I don't post on peegs anymore, so I don't know who's credible and who's not. My point is, I don't think you do either.
So you think it’s more likely Woody threw away a conference game because 5 guys missed curfew by 30 minutes even though they were just site seeing? Lol okay then.
That’s not what Rabjohns said. He said it’s university policy that you can’t dress if you TEST POSITIVE FOR WEED. He was saying there was not failed drug tests. The rumors going around don’t mention a failed drug test either. They snuck out and came back smelling of weed (not a failed drug test) and got caught. IMO, if this is the second time you’ve been suspended this year (Stewart and Durr) you should be gone. We will see what Woody chooses to do though.

What we do know for a fact is that these 5 selfish individuals cost us a conference game and potentially derailed the season.
No, he said "cannot dress if they are suspended for weed" which is true. He also said he was directly told that it was not weed. You are throwing shit on the wall to see if any of it will stick.

Oh, and CJ Gunn's Mom came out and said this is an example of why they are excited about CJ playing for Woody.."He sets high standards for his team and he holds his players accountable. It’s so much bigger than basketball"! Different take than CJ hitting the portal asap per our oft-banned buddy on GBI.
This is another situation that is covered up by Coach Speak and University Privacy Concerns. Just pull the Sheet that reads this is an internal disciplinary matter and will be handled as such. That's fine for public consumption and that all is well after a kumbaya moment,

What really needs to happen is for TJD and Race to take charge. Grab these guys by the neck, stand them up, get in their faces and light them up. your selfishness and stupidity will not cause this team to miss the Tournament. And if We do miss the Tournament, you don't want to know what is in store for you.
No, he said "cannot dress if they are suspended for weed" which is true. He also said he was directly told that it was not weed. You are throwing shit on the wall to see if any of it will stick.

Oh, and CJ Gunn's Mom came out and said this is an example of why they are excited about CJ playing for Woody.."He sets high standards for his team and he holds his players accountable. It’s so much bigger than basketball"! Different take than CJ hitting the portal asap per our oft-banned buddy on GBI.
Send a link to where Rabjohns said that. He did say you can’t dress if you fail a drug test.

Im sure IU is telling people they suspended these players for sneaking out. Which is also idiotic given the circumstances.

Not sure where the CJ Gunn mom thing is coming from? I fully applaud Woody for sticking to his guns and sitting these selfish individuals.
So for people who live here, knowing the logistics of going out in Chicago from Evanston the night before somewhat of a must win makes this easy. Just dumb
I don't know where they went or what they did, and it doesn't sound like you do either. What I do know is I trust their coach, and from his past experience, I have a feeling he allows and encourages players seeing the sights and culture when they can, but there are limits. if he would allow them to go out, I have no problem with that, but they have to follow the rules and be back and not done dumb things while out. Obviously, sometimes 20 somethings struggle with this.
Send a link to where Rabjohns said that. He did say you can’t dress if you fail a drug test.

Im sure IU is telling people they suspended these players for sneaking out. Which is also idiotic given the circumstances.

Not sure where the CJ Gunn mom thing is coming from? I fully applaud Woody for sticking to his guns and sitting these selfish individuals.
I went to twatter this AM and read my ass off. You will find it all there. Rabby, Ms Gunn, etc.

Catch up and come back.
This is another situation that is covered up by Coach Speak and University Privacy Concerns. Just pull the Sheet that reads this is an internal disciplinary matter and will be handled as such. That's fine for public consumption and that all is well after a kumbaya moment,

What really needs to happen is for TJD and Race to take charge. Grab these guys by the neck, stand them up, get in their faces and light them up. your selfishness and stupidity will not cause this team to miss the Tournament. And if We do miss the Tournament, you don't want to know what is in store for you.
Exactly. Race or Trayce need to take control of these idiots. I don’t get the impression that Trayce has it in him sadly.

I still can’t get over what I saw from these clowns in warmups knowing everything I now know. Tell me old man yells at cloud or get off my lawn, but I’ve been around teams that give a shit.

Woody has major, I repeat major personnel issues. Honesty think it’s going to be time to show three guys the door at season end. They’re not talented enough to deal with the hassle. Easily replaceable
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This is another situation that is covered up by Coach Speak and University Privacy Concerns. Just pull the Sheet that reads this is an internal disciplinary matter and will be handled as such. That's fine for public consumption and that all is well after a kumbaya moment,

What really needs to happen is for TJD and Race to take charge. Grab these guys by the neck, stand them up, get in their faces and light them up. your selfishness and stupidity will not cause this team to miss the Tournament. And if We do miss the Tournament, you don't want to know what is in store for you.
Indeed. Seminal teachable moment for all of them and an opportunity to step up and lead. What they did was dumb as hell and I suspect they never thought Woody would do what he did.
No drug tests may have been given which may be why there is not a mandatory 3 game suspension. I don't pretend to know what happened but that doesn't mean they weren't out at the wrong places past when they should have been. What went on only they know I suppose but clearly Woodson felt it was a violation of team rules. Let's hope the message was received.
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Exactly. Race or Trayce need to take control of these idiots. I don’t get the impression that Trayce has it in him sadly.

I still can’t get over what I saw from theses clowns in warmup knowing everything I know now. Tell me old man yells at cloud or get off my lawn, but I’ve been around teams that give a shit.

Woody has major, I repeat major personnel issues. Honesty think it’s going to be time to show three guys the door at season end. They’re not talented enough to deal with the hassle. Easily replaceable
I saw them cheering for their team which is what they sure as hell better be doing.

My process is the entire team runs today till they puke. Team.
I went to twatter this AM and read my ass off. You will find it all there. Rabby, Ms Gunn, etc.

Catch up and come back.
Okay, we’ll as a Peegs member, I’m telling you what Rabby posted yesterday about the IU policy. It’s for failed drug tests, not just anything weed related.

Quite frankly I don’t care what Gun’s mom said as it’s irrelevant.

I do care about a bunch of selfish individuals potentially de-railing this season.
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Listen. I am a big fan of Durr’s play on the court and the talk of him starting was about that. After what happened last night (if it’s truly his second issue), I don’t care what he can do on the court. If Woody cuts his ass then good riddance.
I think he needs to be cut at this point if this is his second. He and his buddies likely cost us an NCAA bid last night so I hope the getting high was worth it. I really do not want him back next year.
Okay, we’ll as a Peegs member, I’m telling you what Rabby posted yesterday about the IU policy. It’s for failed drug tests, not just anything weed related.

Quite frankly I don’t care what Gun’s mom said as it’s irrelevant.

I do care about a bunch of selfish individuals potentially de-railing this season.
What CJ's Mom said is quite relevant because it shows the positive impact this action will have at recruit's kitchen tables going forward. This is a man they will trust to care for their sons.

Again, go spend an hour reading twatter posts from credible people. If it is weed related, we will know shortly but everything credible currently indicates otherwise.
I think he needs to be cut at this point of this is his second. I really do not want him back next year.
Completely agree if this is his second. And I would say the same about any player including TJD if he did it. On court ability has nothing to do with this. At IU we want to win the right way. If Durr, or anyone else, can’t follow simple rules then I don’t care if they are a starter or not, send them on their way.
Stop it.

If you can't bring yourself to be home on time the night before a crucial game you deserve any and all consequences. Skipped curfew to see the damn Sears Tower? Could they not see it from the hotel room?
I've got no problem with the suspensions I'm just saying I also don't have any problem with them going out and seeing the sights when in a City like Chicago, within their team rules. And, having coached in the NBA for so long, I have a feeling CMW expects and encourages that as well.

If you don't see the difference between seeing the Sears Tower from your hotel room and stepping out on the viewing platform, can't help you.
What CJ's Mom said is quite relevant because it shows the positive impact this action will have at recruit's kitchen tables going forward. This is a man they will trust to care for their sons.

Again, go spend an hour reading twatter posts from credible people. If it is weed related, we will know shortly but everything credible currently indicates otherwise.
My point was that I don’t really care how it will impact recruiting going forward. I think Woody did the right thing, and everyone pretty much agrees with that. I have never said it would have a negative impact on recruiting, so adding Gunn’s mom’s perspective to this conversation is irrelevant.

I don’t need to go sift through Twitter as Peegs staff and contributors provide all the information you need.

I don’t get what you mine by “if it is weed related we will find out shortly”. I’m guessing you mean if it is a 3 game suspension then we know it’s weed related. However, as has already been pointed out, IU’s weed policy and subsequent 3 game suspension is for failing a drug test or being caught with weed. That was not the case in this situation, so there very likely will not be a 3 game suspension. If it helps, look at the rumors and take the rumored weed smell out of the conversation. These 5 players snuck out after curfew and went downtown Chicago when they weren’t supposed to. Equally idiotic as the same story with a “weed smell”. These 5 players have proven to be selfish individuals.
I've got no problem with the suspensions I'm just saying I also don't have any problem with them going out and seeing the sights when in a City like Chicago, within their team rules. And, having coached in the NBA for so long, I have a feeling CMW expects and encourages that as well.

If you don't see the difference between seeing the Sears Tower from your hotel room and stepping out on the viewing platform, can't help you.
You think those kids left their hotel room up in Evanston after hours to go stand at the platform of the Sears Tower?

I don't think you can even help yourself.
Okay, we’ll as a Peegs member, I’m telling you what Rabby posted yesterday about the IU policy. It’s for failed drug tests, not just anything weed related.

Quite frankly I don’t care what Gun’s mom said as it’s irrelevant.

I do care about a bunch of selfish individuals potentially de-railing this season.
but all that's saying, is what it wasn't, not what they did. You said "credible sources" and I just asked you who they were and what they said. You've provided one name, who I would consider credible, but what you attributed to him just says what it was not.
You think those kids left their hotel room up in Evanston after hours to go stand at the platform of the Sears Tower?

I don't think you can even help yourself.
I have no idea what they did, I just trust our coaches judgement. Sears tower is a metaphor... could have been a nice meal w a relative, or a museum, or other stuff. Did they leave after hours? If they broke team rules, and they obviously did, then I support the suspension, I'm just responding to a poster who said going out the night before a game is dumb. That I don't agree with, but you have to follow the rules.
Maybe but this talk of durr starting next year better stop. He right now cannot even stay eligible to play. Lander and bates arent that impressive so if they want to not follow rules boot them. I mean the fact we had the biggest game of the year and these guys screwed up is just shows their level of being serious
Quit crying about guys who didn’t break any laws. You are so woke. Let’s just cancel culture them!! Come on man.
Bro. Stop. Parker got “suspended” for being late coming back for holiday break because there was a wreck on the highway. Like 1/2 hour late to practice.

I’m guessing these guys went out in Chicago Monday Night and came back 1/2 hour after curfew.

woody is teaching them lessons. Theses guys are very good humans. Way better than I was at the same age.
That's right-you are merely guessing. Woody comes from CBK no nonsense coaching tree. This is 2nd for Durr and Parker. Time for them to go. It poisons others' attitudes. Bates is young and maybe this will make him understand rules. Same with Lander. X is gone after season so no loss there. You don't know what or how they've been acting- . The problem is the liberal belief in a tiny slap on the hand makes everything all right.
Send a link to where Rabjohns said that. He did say you can’t dress if you fail a drug test.

Im sure IU is telling people they suspended these players for sneaking out. Which is also idiotic given the circumstances.

Not sure where the CJ Gunn mom thing is coming from? I fully applaud Woody for sticking to his guns and sitting these selfish individuals.
No matter what Rabjohns said, how can you be suspended for weed if you don’t test positive? Hell you can be around people smoking weed and smell like it but still not test positive. You can even buy incense that smells like weed. Let’s just assume that to be suspended for weed, you have to test positive, or at least have it in your possession.
Time for Woodson to go. He is too sensitive about a tiny policy violation. What a snowflake. Let’s see what Fife can do and send Woodson back home so he can yell out kids walking on his grass.
That's right-you are merely guessing. Woody comes from CBK no nonsense coaching tree. This is 2nd for Durr and Parker. Time for them to go. It poisons others' attitudes. Bates is young and maybe this will make him understand rules. Same with Lander. X is gone after season so no loss there. You don't know what or how they've been acting- . The problem is the liberal belief in a tiny slap on the hand makes everything all right.
I saw them cheering for their team which is what they sure as hell better be doing.

My process is the entire team runs today till they puke. Team.
So, we got to the arena an hour early from the city because of the late start. We saw the shoot around, then warmups.

There are definitely 2, maybe 3 of these guys who do not give a F. Could not be more obvious. The guys not playing we’re having a great time, I’ll put it that way. The guys who were playing were all business.

Anyone who has lived on this earth for 35+ years knows the deal with this BS. It could not be more obvious to me. As soon as I heard 5 guys were out, 4 of 5 were so predictable. Fool me once shame on you…

I honestly don’t think these guys have the balls to right the ship based on the info I have
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No matter what Rabjohns said, how can you be suspended for weed if you don’t test positive? Hell you can be around people smoking weed and smell like it but still not test positive. You can even buy incense that smells like weed. Let’s just assume that to be suspended for weed, you have to test positive, or at least have it in your possession.
They were suspended for sneaking out. Idk how many times I have to say that. They were rumored to have also been smelling of weed, but they were suspended for sneaking out.
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They were suspended for sneaking out. Idk how many times I have to say that. They were rumored to have also been smelling of weed, but they were suspended for sneaking out.
Actually, you said quite the opposite at least three times. Your story keeps changing.
I know more about these guys then probably this entire board combine. But ya what do I know. Get off your high horse. They didn’t go out and get wasted or to the clubs. More like looking at a city that is one of the greatest in the world because it was the first opportunity in some of their lives to see the sears tower.

Again, these are tremendous humans on this team, I couldn’t be more proud of guys like Parker representing my university.

You are getting the players side of the story you know, what they want to tell you. You are too close to the players to be even 1% objective, clearly.
I know more about these guys then probably this entire board combine. But ya what do I know. Get off your high horse. They didn’t go out and get wasted or to the clubs. More like looking at a city that is one of the greatest in the world because it was the first opportunity in some of their lives to see the sears tower.

Again, these are tremendous humans on this team, I couldn’t be more proud of guys like Parker representing my university.

If I’ve learned one thing on message boards it’s the person who says “he’s in the know” is usually not in the know.
This is BS. Woody wouldn’t have suspended them for being a half hour late after site seeing. They snuck out after curfew and came back smelling of weed.

No way Woody suspends Stewart for a half because he was late to a practice due to something outside of his control.
@Courtsensetwo This was my first post in this thread. I said they snuck out and came back smelling of weed. Show me when I said they were suspended for weed. I haven’t changed my story once.
They were suspended for sneaking out. Idk how many times I have to say that. They were rumored to have also been smelling of weed, but they were suspended for sneaking out.
I don’t remember seeing you post that but ok. And I wasn’t saying they were suspended for anything related to weed. I was asking in a general way how someone could be suspended for weed and not have tested positive.
Listen to Dakich today, I'm sure that he'll "clear the air" , so to speak, he's connected to the program. ;) Truthfully though, I'm sure DD will support the action that was taken.

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