Any recommendations for debris drop off on the north side of Indy?


Gold Member
Oct 27, 2001
I called Tiffany Lawn and Garden Supply and they want $25. Is this pretty standard or can I find a better price?
4 Hours of Minimum Wage to get rid of some garbage.

Its all relative.

I have a bush I chopped down last year decomposing in my back yard.
I loaded the truck with trash bags....

And tossed them in a business dumpster at 96th and Meridian Sunday night.

It sucks that they only give you that one trash container now.
Where does Dakich live?

If you are talking Zionsville, that would be where I would take it. Otherwise pay the $25 if you can't maintain a nice brush pile like I have. I have a lot of trees and a lot of limbs and larger items fall in the yard. I make a pile and cut them into smaller pieces. Eventually they break down to the size I can use for mulch in a corner area of bushes near my fence.

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