Another retailer leaving SF

People feeling safe and secure in cities is a fundamental requirement. These far left policies that run counter to this very premise will lead to urban doom and decay. It doesn’t have to be this way. Seeing world class cities like SF slide like this is really heartbreaking.

We need leaders who look at policies and ask “then what?” Denigrate cops, let the homeless and drug addicted run amok, crap on law abiding wealthier residents. And then what? Well we are seeing it in SF and they will be more I fear.
Welcome to the light.
We need a safe and vibrant San Francisco. Great safe cities is part of what makes America great.

It’s telling to me that San Francisco has become so unsafe and drug infested that businesses are skedaddling. while the municipal government focuses on reparations, gender confusion, and safe drug use. Solving the crime/drug/safety issues takes high level thinking and problem solving skills—cerebral thinking. . Thinking about reparations, homelessness, crime, and drug use mostly takes emotions. San Francisco, as well as other big cities, are operated by emotional thinkers who, for a number of reasons, can’t or won’t solve problems. Probably because they don’t see problems as problems. They only have feelings.
You’re spot on tho re municipal gov. That’s the challenge. It’s local.
Happy to report that after a canceled red eye home last night forced me to spend the night in SFO Terminal1, I was able to not only survive, but actually procure bacon and coffee this morning before boarding my rescheduled flight.

There is still hope for this city.
I spent a couple nights at SFO when I was flying home for the holidays and O'Hare was socked in with winter storms in the 70s.

Good times.

Have a good flight home.
I'm just saying taking a laissez-faire attitude toward drugs isn't working real well.

And yes, I had to look up how to spell lazy-fair.
Oh, I don't think legalization should be laissez-faire at all. And some things would just remain illegal but decriminzalized (like meth, crack and any other drugs containing household chemicals or aluminum foil).

But legalize the following:


Decriminalize the following:

Opioids (outside of prescription)
Junk drugs like meth/crack/crank/speed/flakka

Obviously we create some new problems. I just believe they are easier managed by the richest country on Earth than trying to get 2nd and 3rd world coutries to stop producing cash crops b/c we want them to.
Oh, I don't think legalization should be laissez-faire at all. And some things would just remain illegal but decriminzalized (like meth, crack and any other drugs containing household chemicals or aluminum foil).

But legalize the following:


Decriminalize the following:

Opioids (outside of prescription)
Junk drugs like meth/crack/crank/speed/flakka

Obviously we create some new problems. I just believe they are easier managed by the richest country on Earth than trying to get 2nd and 3rd world coutries to stop producing cash crops b/c we want them to.

Oh, I don't think legalization should be laissez-faire at all. And some things would just remain illegal but decriminzalized (like meth, crack and any other drugs containing household chemicals or aluminum foil).

But legalize the following:


Decriminalize the following:

Opioids (outside of prescription)
Junk drugs like meth/crack/crank/speed/flakka

Obviously we create some new problems. I just believe they are easier managed by the richest country on Earth than trying to get 2nd and 3rd world coutries to stop producing cash crops b/c we want them to.
Sorry, I know all the arguments and I can't buy off on anything except decriminalizing MJ.

Anything like what you suggest will lead to a real Zombie Apocolypse and places like SF are proof.
You’re spot on tho re municipal gov. That’s the challenge. It’s local.
Local government is overlooked in terms of impact on all of us. Worse are the elections. Denver is in the midst of a municipal run-off now. Turnout is expected to be in the low 30’s. So far we have staved off San Francisco and other big city crazy leadership. But the crazies receive a significant number of votes and have some city council seats. I will never understand why these people have traction. I guess that comes with being an old fart.
I said decriminalized.

Not discounted.

Also, look at the bottom. That's why you decriminalize and legalize. B/c private companies regulated by the state produce superior and safer products. For reference just look at the history of alcohol and weed.
Sorry, I know all the arguments and I can't buy off on anything except decriminalizing MJ.

Anything like what you suggest will lead to a real Zombie Apocolypse and places like SF are proof.
And Denver is another. Or San Jose. In the other direction

CO is right. Local government matters most. SF is on Venus at this point.
Maybe the US needs a major city to completely collapse to realize some policies don’t work.

I feel like the west coast cities are too far gone to begin with and have always loved to smell their own farts. (Portland especially, SF, LA).

I fear it will take a midwestern city like Chicago to fall in order for people to say no more. It feels like SF levels for Chicago are right around the corner. And before posters like Zeke chime in from bumblefk Indiana, realize I’ve lived downtown for 20 years. I walk on Michigan Ave at least a few times a month. It’s disgraceful what’s happening.

Also, another topic, I hope they go through with a reparations plan in SF so we have a test case. My hypothesis is it will fail miserably for the same reasons my childhood friend being gifted a brand new mustang convertible at age 16 did. This shit ain’t rocket science.
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Maybe the US needs a major city to completely collapse to realize some policies don’t work.

I feel like the west coast cities are too far gone to begin with and have always loved to smell their own farts. (Portland especially, SF, LA).

I fear it will take a midwestern city like Chicago to fall in order for people to say no more. It feels like SF levels for Chicago are right around the corner. And before posters like Zeke chime in from bumblefk Indiana, realize I’ve lived downtown for 20 years. I walk on Michigan Ave at least a few times a month. It’s disgraceful what’s happening.

Also, another topic, I hope they go through with a reparations plan in SF so we have a test case. My hypothesis is it will fail miserably for the same reasons my childhood friend being gifted a brand new mustang convertible at age 16 did. This shit ain’t rocket science.
Wait, that all made good sense. Are you a different Vid from some REALLY stupid post in the past? I like this version.
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Only one person in America thinks it’s a thing,

how's that investigation going?
Is that video of the Miami Beach condos being blown up?

and just how crazy is that?

is the final finding that gravity was the cause?

obviously the media wants this story buried as deep as it can be buried.

the collapse itself they couldn't publicize enough, especially with video of it.

the investigation and cause, they can't bury enough.

that said, are the bomb dogs still stuck in traffic?
and just how crazy is that?

is the final finding that gravity was the cause?

obviously the media wants this story buried as deep as it can be buried.

the collapse itself they couldn't publicize enough, especially with video of it.

the investigation and cause, they can't bury enough.

that said, are the bomb dogs still stuck in traffic?
You really are as stupid as your posting style. Your conspiracy theory has only one believer - you. The reason is because it’s ridiculously stupid.
I think things are improving fellas.

Stl this past weekend perfectly represented the problem with BOTH parties. 20 people shot. The riverboat cruise stopped but the people on the cruise were too afraid to get off the boat there was so much anarchy. 639 911 calls. So many calls at once the police couldn't respond. monday morning a party let out downtown and a ton of black kids were walking around with assault rifles. perfectly legal in MO. cori bush on the news saying it's not these black kids fault it's the gun legislation lacking, republicans saying it's not the guns and the lack of basically any laws for carry here it's the young people.

we have two REALLY dumb parties devoid of any common sense at all. together they are destroying our country

Stl this past weekend perfectly represented the problem with BOTH parties. 20 people shot. The riverboat cruise stopped but the people on the cruise were too afraid to get off the boat there was so much anarchy. 639 911 calls. So many calls at once the police couldn't respond. monday morning a party let out downtown and a ton of black kids were walking around with assault rifles. perfectly legal in MO. cori bush on the news saying it's not these black kids fault it's the gun legislation lacking, republicans saying it's not the guns and the lack of basically any laws for carry here it's the young people.

we have two REALLY dumb parties devoid of any common sense at all. together they are destroying our country

Move out of the city if you’re really worried about crime. Nothing is going to change. Democrats aren’t going to throw more people in prison (especially if they aren’t white) and guns aren’t going away.
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Move out of the cities if you’re really worried about crime. Nothing is going to change. Democrats aren’t going to throw more people in prison (especially if they aren’t white) and guns aren’t going away.
The parties need to come together on this issue. I don’t want to live in the sticks. Most don’t. What’s more it doesn’t comport with business etc.
You don’t have to live in the sticks. I live in the burbs, 40 minutes from downtown Indy. There is practically 0 crime.
Right but some of us go into the city. For work. Friends. Restaurants. Why not just have common sense. On both sides. I don’t want a 40 minute drive anywhere
Stl this past weekend perfectly represented the problem with BOTH parties. 20 people shot. The riverboat cruise stopped but the people on the cruise were too afraid to get off the boat there was so much anarchy. 639 911 calls. So many calls at once the police couldn't respond. monday morning a party let out downtown and a ton of black kids were walking around with assault rifles. perfectly legal in MO. cori bush on the news saying it's not these black kids fault it's the gun legislation lacking, republicans saying it's not the guns and the lack of basically any laws for carry here it's the young people.

we have two REALLY dumb parties devoid of any common sense at all. together they are destroying our country

Yeah, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Your DA is pursuing her dream of being a nurse and is leaving office.
Right but some of us go into the city. For work. Friends. Restaurants. Why not just have common sense. On both sides. I don’t want a 40 minute drive anywhere

Everything is a choice. Corporations are returning to the suburbs again after a period of investing in downtown areas.
Stl this past weekend perfectly represented the problem with BOTH parties. 20 people shot. The riverboat cruise stopped but the people on the cruise were too afraid to get off the boat there was so much anarchy. 639 911 calls. So many calls at once the police couldn't respond. monday morning a party let out downtown and a ton of black kids were walking around with assault rifles. perfectly legal in MO. cori bush on the news saying it's not these black kids fault it's the gun legislation lacking, republicans saying it's not the guns and the lack of basically any laws for carry here it's the young people.

we have two REALLY dumb parties devoid of any common sense at all. together they are destroying our country

That's nuts. Not saying other cities don't have issues, but nothing to that level of craziness.
Oh, I don't think legalization should be laissez-faire at all. And some things would just remain illegal but decriminzalized (like meth, crack and any other drugs containing household chemicals or aluminum foil).

But legalize the following:


Decriminalize the following:

Opioids (outside of prescription)
Junk drugs like meth/crack/crank/speed/flakka

Obviously we create some new problems. I just believe they are easier managed by the richest country on Earth than trying to get 2nd and 3rd world coutries to stop producing cash crops b/c we want them to.