Another retailer leaving SF

Did you hear about the car jackings and lack of cops in dc? Madness. Clay Travis and buck sexton highlighted it today
Showing a live clip right from a DC CVS that has had nearly everything ripped off the shelves.

Right across the street there are tents set up where stolen bottles of Head & Shoulders from the store are being sold.

Pick up the thieves and toss the cretins off a cliff.
Showing a live clip right from a DC CVS that has had nearly everything ripped off the shelves.

Right across the street there are tents set up where stolen bottles of Head & Shoulders from the store are being sold.

Pick up the thieves and toss the cretins off a cliff.
I would imagine dc and sf are the two most liberal cities
Did you hear about the car jackings and lack of cops in dc? Madness. Clay Travis and buck sexton highlighted it today
Our cities are the vessel through which foreigners experience America. When a European comes here on holiday do you think they are going to the suburbs? Do you think they are spending time in Chesterfield, MO?

No, they’re visiting our cities unless they’re doing some sort of hiking or something nature-centric.

What kind of nation are we when the image foreigners get of our country is that of a homeless man defecting in the street or CVS with every item locked behind security glass?

Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, L.A., of course the GOAT NYC. These places should be the envy of the civilized world, and we’ve allowed them to fall into despair.

Shame on us.
We're out here visiting my father in law. It was all over the news yesterday. Seems like there were generally 2 broad brush stroke takes:

1. Crime is out of control and this shouldn't surprise anyone
2. Corporate greed is the reason these companies are leaving instead of being part of the community.

The other thing all over the news was another Alameda county prosecutor quitting due to the DA being more concerned about social justice than actually prosecuting crimes.

I guess opening a business to make money must be out of style now. I think Silicon Valley moguls haven’t given up on making money yet.
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At some point, when do the residents of these dungpiles rise up and scream, ”enough!”

Continuing to vote for Democrat mayors and city council, while denigrating the police, will only make things exponentially worse.
Pull up on the reins there cowboy. It happens slowly. At least it does in large cities. Chicago’s pro-police candidate lost 48% to 52%. That means roughly half the residents have risen up and said “enough!”. Yet people like you make it seem like we all have a death wish. Stop. Get out more.

Who knows what kind of ****ery was committed by CTU when counting the votes.

Chicago is following the fate of all failed cities. The property owners that got in decades ago have left and rent their places to the the transient 22-35 year olds at a massive profit.

No one settles down here anymore. No one wants to raise a family here. Since the pandemic the industry has been fleeing,
we’re no longer an economic center you need to commute to.

It’s hard to see where this course gets corrected, but understand that millions of Chicagoans are actually living this tragedy. Not just making snide remarks on a message board.
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Showing a live clip right from a DC CVS that has had nearly everything ripped off the shelves.

Right across the street there are tents set up where stolen bottles of Head & Shoulders from the store are being sold.

Pick up the thieves and toss the cretins off a cliff.
Let's how it's the CBS Bawlmer uses.
Our cities are the vessel through which foreigners experience America. When a European comes here on holiday do you think they are going to the suburbs? Do you think they are spending time in Chesterfield, MO?

No, they’re visiting our cities unless they’re doing some sort of hiking or something nature-centric.

What kind of nation are we when the image foreigners get of our country is that of a homeless man defecting in the street or CVS with every item locked behind security glass?

Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, L.A., of course the GOAT NYC. These places should be the envy of the civilized world, and we’ve allowed them to fall into despair.

Shame on us.
Don't think Putin and Xi and Little Rocket Man and the Ayatollahs don't show those pictures every day to their people.
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At some point, when do the residents of these dungpiles rise up and scream, ”enough!”?

Continuing to vote for Democrat mayors and city council, while denigrating the police, will only make things exponentially worse.
The people voting for this are the guilty white libs and the criminals, or wannabe criminals, themselves.

The Democrat Party is a machine in these cities - it wouldn't surprise me if massive voting fraud was going on.
Pull up on the reins there cowboy. It happens slowly. At least it does in large cities. Chicago’s pro-police candidate lost 48% to 52%. That means roughly half the residents have risen up and said “enough!”. Yet people like you make it seem like we all have a death wish. Stop. Get out more.

Who knows what kind of ****ery was committed by CTU when counting the votes.

Chicago is following the fate of all failed cities. The property owners that got in decades ago have left and rent their places to the the transient 22-35 year olds at a massive profit.

No one settles down here anymore. No one wants to raise a family here. Since the pandemic the industry has been fleeing,
we’re no longer an economic center you need to commute to.

It’s hard to see where this course gets corrected, but understand that millions of Chicagoans are actually living this tragedy. Not just making snide remarks on a message board.
You make good points, but pointing out the obvious isn't making snide remarks.

From the outside, it's hard to figure out how people vote for this. You make a good point that the population changes causes this to happen over time and the youth of the population now in big cities.
Our cities are the vessel through which foreigners experience America. When a European comes here on holiday do you think they are going to the suburbs? Do you think they are spending time in Chesterfield, MO?

No, they’re visiting our cities unless they’re doing some sort of hiking or something nature-centric.

What kind of nation are we when the image foreigners get of our country is that of a homeless man defecting in the street or CVS with every item locked behind security glass?

Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, L.A., of course the GOAT NYC. These places should be the envy of the civilized world, and we’ve allowed them to fall into despair.

Shame on us.

On the flip side, perhaps too much attention has been given to cities. Part of what makes America great is its vast expansivness, which includes more rural areas.
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On the flip side, perhaps too much attention has been given to cities. Part of what makes America great is its vast expansivness, which includes more rural areas.
The liberal cities an states have become popular punching bags. In many cases, it is well-deserved.

But yet the people that harp on them the most ignore the struggles of many Red states. Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. They all suffer from high poverty rates, access to healthcare, educational attainment, poor schools, etc. Funny how we are selective in what we condem.
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The liberal cities an states have become popular punching bags. In many cases, it is well-deserved.

But yet the people that harp on them the most ignore the struggles of many Red states. Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. They all suffer from high poverty rates, access to healthcare, educational attainment, poor schools, etc. Funny how we are selective in what we condem.
Feeling safe and secure is the most basic expectation. If our tax dollars don’t even do that …..
This crap is infuriating. Blatant lawlessness just becoming a daily occurrence. A group of idiots are ruining great cities and harming the residents. And what exactly did they think was going to happen? I predict we see a 180 in crime and policing in cities in the coming years. It’s either we change course and now or simply cede these cities to the criminals and force the law abiding citizens to relocate.
The liberal cities an states have become popular punching bags. In many cases, it is well-deserved.

But yet the people that harp on them the most ignore the struggles of many Red states. Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. They all suffer from high poverty rates, access to healthcare, educational attainment, poor schools, etc. Funny how we are selective in what we condem.
Their propaganda only focuses on the other side and embellishing at that
The liberal cities an states have become popular punching bags. In many cases, it is well-deserved.

But yet the people that harp on them the most ignore the struggles of many Red states. Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. They all suffer from high poverty rates, access to healthcare, educational attainment, poor schools, etc. Funny how we are selective in what we condem.
Violent crime is the main issue.
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Pull up on the reins there cowboy. It happens slowly. At least it does in large cities. Chicago’s pro-police candidate lost 48% to 52%. That means roughly half the residents have risen up and said “enough!”. Yet people like you make it seem like we all have a death wish. Stop. Get out more.

Who knows what kind of ****ery was committed by CTU when counting the votes.

Chicago is following the fate of all failed cities. The property owners that got in decades ago have left and rent their places to the the transient 22-35 year olds at a massive profit.

No one settles down here anymore. No one wants to raise a family here. Since the pandemic the industry has been fleeing,
we’re no longer an economic center you need to commute to.

It’s hard to see where this course gets corrected, but understand that millions of Chicagoans are actually living this tragedy. Not just making snide remarks on a message board.

This crap is infuriating. Blatant lawlessness just becoming a daily occurrence. A group of idiots are ruining great cities and harming the residents. And what exactly did they think was going to happen? I predict we see a 180 in crime and policing in cities in the coming years. It’s either we change course and now or simply cede these cities to the criminals and force the law abiding citizens to relocate.
More Snake Plisskins....
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Pull up on the reins there cowboy. It happens slowly. At least it does in large cities. Chicago’s pro-police candidate lost 48% to 52%. That means roughly half the residents have risen up and said “enough!”. Yet people like you make it seem like we all have a death wish. Stop. Get out more.

Who knows what kind of ****ery was committed by CTU when counting the votes.

Chicago is following the fate of all failed cities. The property owners that got in decades ago have left and rent their places to the the transient 22-35 year olds at a massive profit.

No one settles down here anymore. No one wants to raise a family here. Since the pandemic the industry has been fleeing,
we’re no longer an economic center you need to commute to.

It’s hard to see where this course gets corrected, but understand that millions of Chicagoans are actually living this tragedy. Not just making snide remarks on a message board.
48% voted for the Republican? Maybe there is hope after all.
Their propaganda only focuses on the other side and embellishing at that
You’re watching the wrong game. My suggestion to you. Turn on clay Travis and buck sexton and get the real score. I just found them this week on the patriot
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48% voted for the Republican? Maybe there is hope after all.
Maybe hope, but not much else.

Regardless of which politicians sit on top of the dung pile, the demographic will not change.

The balkanization of the former United States continues, hence the development of parallel societies and economies.

Truly an exciting time in history.
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Then lets do something about the guns....oh right nevermind
Guns were never the issue but you know that. Soros DAs and do nothing Democrats who let violent criminals roam the streets are the issue.

And did you see the Antifa bro who was butchered like a pig a few nights ago?
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Guns were never the issue but you know that. Soros DAs and do nothing Democrats who let violent criminals roam the streets are the issue.

And did you see the Antifa bro who was butchered like a pig a few nights ago?
Where was this Antifa event you speak of?
The girlfriend in the video, another far left loony activist, wouldn't even tell the police the race of the murderer who just butchered her boyfriend right in front of her. These people are insane.

Occasionally, one reads of zookeepers and pet owners being severely injured or even killed by their animal charges and pets.

One sees videos of people treating 3-400 lb lions, tigers, leopards, etc. as if they were house cats, when severe injury or death is but one brief brutal encounter away.

It's much the same among the semi-professional virtue signalling industry.

The ultimate Karma...

Wonder what was going through the Antifa's mind when being stabbed to death on the street?
Occasionally, one reads of zookeepers and pet owners being severely injured or even killed by their animal charges and pets.

One sees videos of people treating 3-400 lb lions, tigers, leopards, etc. as if they were house cats, when severe injury or death is but one brief brutal encounter away.

It's much the same among the semi-professional virtue signalling industry.

The ultimate Karma...

Wonder what was going through the Antifa's mind when being stabbed to death on the street?
He was dyed in the cloth. I'm sure he had no regrets, other than he only had one life to give for the cause.
Occasionally, one reads of zookeepers and pet owners being severely injured or even killed by their animal charges and pets.

One sees videos of people treating 3-400 lb lions, tigers, leopards, etc. as if they were house cats, when severe injury or death is but one brief brutal encounter away.

It's much the same among the semi-professional virtue signalling industry.

The ultimate Karma...

Wonder what was going through the Antifa's mind when being stabbed to death on the street?
Probably something like, "At least I don't have to read Mas-sa's stupid bullshit."
Occasionally, one reads of zookeepers and pet owners being severely injured or even killed by their animal charges and pets.

One sees videos of people treating 3-400 lb lions, tigers, leopards, etc. as if they were house cats, when severe injury or death is but one brief brutal encounter away.

It's much the same among the semi-professional virtue signalling industry.

The ultimate Karma...

Wonder what was going through the Antifa's mind when being stabbed to death on the street?
The fact that you and your two friends seem to be deriving some satisfaction from this tragedy is sickening.

This man was returning from a wedding with his girlfriend and waiting for a bus on a Brooklyn street when he was randomly stabbed and killed, and somehow in your warped mind he brought this on himself and/or deserved it? What's wrong with you?

He wasn't "antifa," whatever that even means. He worked for NYPIRG. He likely was a liberal New York Democrat. Does that mean his life was of lesser value than your own?

You really should do some soul-searching. You're a hate-filled mess.
He wasn't "antifa," whatever that even means. He worked for NYPIRG. He likely was a liberal New York Democrat. Does that mean his life was of lesser value than your own?

Well, at least it wasn't a bastard cop that offed him.

"Carson was a Black Lives Matter activist, using acronyms like "ACAB" in some posts, according to the Daily Mail.

In an October 2020 interview regarding his poetry, Carson said he was "exposed to my first real activist struggle through the Occupy Wall St. movement."

Carson spoke on making "socialist poetry," and said in regards to police, "I’m f*cking scared."

"I spent this summer, like many of the past years of my life, watching people I care about get attacked by the police in the streets."

Well, at least it wasn't a bastard cop that offed him.

"Carson was a Black Lives Matter activist, using acronyms like "ACAB" in some posts, according to the Daily Mail.

In an October 2020 interview regarding his poetry, Carson said he was "exposed to my first real activist struggle through the Occupy Wall St. movement."

Carson spoke on making "socialist poetry," and said in regards to police, "I’m f*cking scared."

"I spent this summer, like many of the past years of my life, watching people I care about get attacked by the police in the streets."
No sympathy here.



Yes, this doesn't cover 2022 & 2023

so here, for 37 major US cities reporting data:

In 2023, down in the first 6 mo as compared to the same period last year, are incidences of
murders (-9.4%),
gun assaults (-5.6%),
robberies (-3.6%),
nonresidential burglaries (-5%),
larcenies (-4.1%),
residential burglaries (-3.8%), and
aggravated assaults (-2.5%)

up are
Drug offenses (+1%) and
domestic violence (+0.3%).

way, way up, are
motor vehicle thefts (+33.5%)


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