And, Trump refuses to impose more economic sanctions on Russia


Sep 25, 2001

This is insane.

It’s gotta be REALLY hard to keep your government and Putin happy at the same time.

At what point does it become blatantly obvious that something is incredibly wrong with Trump’s treatment of Russia/Putin? The guy attacks everything and everyone- yet doesn’t do a damn thing about Russia, except for when he is absolutely forced to do it. In an interview shown over the weekend, JAMES Comey revealed that even in private, Trump refused to say anything negative about Russia/Putin.

You gotta hand it to Trump. He does things in plain sight. Well, at least the things he can’t buy off with some kind of settlement, anyway.

Can anyone think of a good reason for why the new round of sanctions won’t happen right now? Apparently, it was all set to happen today. Then Trump said no.

I’ll remind you that Syrian forces and the Russians aren’t allowing the international agency that is set up to inspect suspected chemical weapons sites to access the sites that were hit. So, not only did they use chemical weapons again (reports say this has happened about 60 times so far), they are refusing to allow an independent agency to confirm the sites were indeed chemical weapons facilities.

What good reason would they have for delaying an inspection, if the sites weren’t chemical weapons storage/manufacture sites? Looks like a desperate attempt to cover up what was there.

I’d love to hear a defense of Trump’s behavior. Hit me.