
I wouldn't put Donovan, Miller, and Few in the category of "should be able to get". They are in the realm of possibility, but to me are major long shots.

I just get the feeling that Few is a Gonzaga lifer, he's already been nearly 30 years, and the farthest east he has ever lived is Spokane Washington, which is only about 6 hrs from where he grew up. And I think either of the other 2 would need a 6M+ offer just to even consider IU - Donovan is already making that and I think that Arizona would match that in a bidding war for Miller, and then no guarantee they would take it

Looking at it individually, your right. I meant as a group, I think a great AD and a committed IU could get one of those guys.
Unless Steve really wanted this job, he'd be foolish to leave UCLA. What he has now and what he has coming in, UCLA makes deep runs every year.
Unless Steve really wanted this job, he'd be foolish to leave UCLA. What he has now and what he has coming in, UCLA makes deep runs every year.

He knows he'd have a contract for life if he came here no matter how awful he was.

Crean already got half the fan base to accept being mediocre. Wonder Boy would just finish it.