
Has fpeaugh confirmed this?
I haven't talked to anyone I trust who thinks an official offer has been made yet. But the mutual interest is there and is very real. Alford has a lot of people lobbying for him. And I heard a couple days ago from someone who knows Steve well that he wants the job.
I haven't talked to anyone I trust who thinks an official offer has been made yet. But the mutual interest is there and is very real. Alford has a lot of people lobbying for him. And I heard a couple days ago from someone who knows Steve well that he wants the job.

Of course he wants the job.

He knows he could really suck for years and years and years and lots of people will STILL say, "You can't fire Wonder Boy!! We're almost there. Give him another extension!!"
Of course he wants the job.

He knows he could really suck for years and years and years and lots of people will STILL say, "You can't fire Wonder Boy!! We're almost there. Give him another extension!!"
Well that's what recent history would suggest as long as the Tom Crean fan club doesn't change their loyalty to Tommy B's new school.
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IU would never be able to fire Alford without another Knight fiasco. And it's a big reason why IU won't hire him.
I heard the same thing about Crean recently...

"Crean will be at IU for as long as he wants to be here"

"Glass won't fire Crean. The only way he leaves is for another job"

"Glass is Crean's buddy and has no stones"

Etc etc etc

No one is unfirable if they're not producing.
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I heard the same thing about Crean recently...

"Crean will be at IU for as long as he wants to be here"

"Glass won't fire Crean. The only way he leaves is for another job"

"Glass is Crean's buddy and has no stones"

Etc etc etc

No one is unfirable if they're not producing.

Didn't say "unfireable". Think it was hard to fire Crean, multiply that times 10. Crean got 9 long do you think Alford would get?

Alford would be here for at least 15 years no matter what the results were.

It would be the final nail in the coffin.
I haven't talked to anyone I trust who thinks an official offer has been made yet. But the mutual interest is there and is very real. Alford has a lot of people lobbying for him. And I heard a couple days ago from someone who knows Steve well that he wants the job.
I heard on the radio that Alford is going to take the job, radio out cinn.,wlw
I heard on the radio that Alford is going to take the job, radio out cinn.,wlw

If that's the case, UCLA should fire him on the spot. If they are lucky enough to beat Cincinnati, their AD should pull a Schembechler and fire him like they did Bill Frieder at Michigan.
It's over man, Crean is gone. nobody cares.

He wasn't good enough and was fired. It's done.

Doesn't change our fans behavior. Which was reprehensible. Not quite the level of throwing quarters at players like we did back in the day. Maybe that's why the rumors we have to get someone like Alfraud, because despite being a piss poor coach the fans won't be d-bags to him? Would make sense. Please tell me we didn't just fire Crean and hired a worse coach. My God.
I heard the same thing about Crean recently...

"Crean will be at IU for as long as he wants to be here"

"Glass won't fire Crean. The only way he leaves is for another job"

"Glass is Crean's buddy and has no stones"

Etc etc etc

No one is unfirable if they're not producing.

But Crean wasn't Wonder Boy who won a Title here.

The fact that people are begging for Alford when his record sucks already proves it will be next to impossible to fire him.
Doesn't change our fans behavior. Which was reprehensible. Not quite the level of throwing quarters at players like we did back in the day. Maybe that's why the rumors we have to get someone like Alfraud, because despite being a piss poor coach the fans won't be d-bags to him? Would make sense. Please tell me we didn't just fire Crean and hired a worse coach. My God.
You're probably going to want to follow another program. Seems like a win-win.
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Doesn't change our fans behavior. Which was reprehensible. Not quite the level of throwing quarters at players like we did back in the day. Maybe that's why the rumors we have to get someone like Alfraud, because despite being a piss poor coach the fans won't be d-bags to him? Would make sense. Please tell me we didn't just fire Crean and hired a worse coach. My God.
Piss poor coach? The guy has arguably the best job in college sports and is coaching the #3 team in the country. Bringing in multiple all Americans each year. Saying he's a "piss poor coach" is a bit of an exaggeration, wouldn't you say?
You're probably going to want to follow another program. Seems like a win-win.

It is a win-win. For Alford and UCLA.

Hopefully, it won't come to pass Worried that it will. It's just hard to understand why we would fire Crean to get someone who, at best, has a marginally better resume.

But hey. He went to IU.
But Crean wasn't Wonder Boy who won a Title here.

The fact that people are begging for Alford when his record sucks already proves it will be next to impossible to fire him.
I don't think I've seen anyone begging for him. Some people are trying to evaluate things with a level head and look at all options. His record could look a lot different in a couple weeks.
I don't think I've seen anyone begging for him. Some people are trying to evaluate things with a level head and look at all options. His record could look a lot different in a couple weeks.

Short memory? Couldnt care less what he does this year....

And how far did Mike Davis go one year?

It is a win-win. For Alford and UCLA.

Hopefully, it won't come to pass Worried that it will. It's just hard to understand why we would fire Crean to get someone who, at best, has a marginally better resume.

But hey. He went to IU.
Call Glass and tell him your vote is "no". Sooner rather than later.
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UCLA onto the Sweet Sixteen... only 3 turnovers against a Top Ten defense in the country (per Kenpom).
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Piss poor coach? The guy has arguably the best job in college sports and is coaching the #3 team in the country. Bringing in multiple all Americans each year. Saying he's a "piss poor coach" is a bit of an exaggeration, wouldn't you say?

Crean coached the number one team in the country while bring in all-Americans in as well and we seen how that turned out. JS
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I don't think IU would offer a guy while he is still coaching in the tournament. Feelers probably to gauge interest.
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I don't think I've seen anyone begging for him. .

Please tell me you're kidding.

Lots of people are on their knees offering their first-born for Wonder Boy to come home and are predicting he'll "get all the talent in Indiana to follow him here" and even think Wilkes will transfer.
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It's funny to see everyone's panties in a bunch. He will be the next coach so people need to come to terms with it..or just keep whining I guess.
Alford is not a good coach for IU. Like Crean, he is only somewhat successful when his roster talent level is exceptional. He currently has guys on his team that know how to win and have a higher than average basketball IQ. Guys like Greg Marshall, Archie Miller & Chris Holtman can coach circles around him with less talent. If he had not played ball at IU, the group pushing for him would just latch onto the next IU guy on the list.

Before you go into his win percentage above .600, consider the competition level in which his stats derive. His stats would most likely be just around .500 in a BIG or ACC conference. That is also assuming he is coaching at IU and drawing in state talent.

Guys, there is a reason UCLA wants to get rid of him even with the current success they are having this year and possible the next 3-4 years. They have a talented roster. Now all they need is a coach. Sound familiar?

IU would be rescuing Steve from an embarrassing termination. The ball family is the only reason he still has keys to his office. His time there is limited and he knows it.

To think he is going to lock down in state recruiting is beyond comical. So the senior citizens remember him as an oustanding player who shot free throws above 80 percent. They see him as if he fell straight out of Knights ass. The last remaining thread to the RMK era to latch onto. Overlooking the fact that Alford has done diddly squat as a coach. But yea, the 18 year old potential recruits are going to come to IU because his team won a national title in '87. Lol. Hilarious!

IU has their guy and it thankfully is not Steve Alford. If it were, both he and Glass would be out in 5-6 years. We had our experiment. It failed.

Btw, before the Knight crowd tries to lynch me, I was only referencing RMK to make a point. I was actually a Knight fan for the most part. As a child, he lived across the street from my grandparents in Heritage Woods. He also used to hunt often on my family farm in Springville. I'm in no way attacking him.
I say and mean this with everything in me, I HONESTLY would prefer Tom Crean to Steve Alford. I would be that disappointed in the hire. To finally get to a point where we are free and clear and looking to take a major step forward, then to not hire someone with a proven successful track record or pedigree??? Wow. It's a top 7 job and deserves a top 7 coach. We may have to pay it like a top 3 coach but that will all come out in the wash. Alford has proven his limitations and couldn't get close to what Crean has done.
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If that's the case, UCLA should fire him on the spot. If they are lucky enough to beat Cincinnati, their AD should pull a Schembechler and fire him like they did Bill Frieder at Michigan.
Their decisive win against Cincinnati last night wasn't luck. It wasn't just Lonzo either, though he was brilliant. Alford coached a great game, made great adjustments and his team showed great mental toughness and execution. That's coaching. Only 3 turnovers against great pressure defense too. These were qualities sorely missing in Bloomington.
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Alford is not a good coach for IU. Like Crean, he is only somewhat successful when his roster talent level is exceptional. He currently has guys on his team that know how to win and have a higher than average basketball IQ. Guys like Greg Marshall, Archie Miller & Chris Holtman can coach circles around him with less talent. If he had not played ball at IU, the group pushing for him would just latch onto the next IU guy on the list.

Before you go into his win percentage above .600, consider the competition level in which his stats derive. His stats would most likely be just around .500 in a BIG or ACC conference. That is also assuming he is coaching at IU and drawing in state talent.

Guys, there is a reason UCLA wants to get rid of him even with the current success they are having this year and possible the next 3-4 years. They have a talented roster. Now all they need is a coach. Sound familiar?

IU would be rescuing Steve from an embarrassing termination. The ball family is the only reason he still has keys to his office. His time there is limited and he knows it.

To think he is going to lock down in state recruiting is beyond comical. So the senior citizens remember him as an oustanding player who shot free throws above 80 percent. They see him as if he fell straight out of Knights ass. The last remaining thread to the RMK era to latch onto. Overlooking the fact that Alford has done diddly squat as a coach. But yea, the 18 year old potential recruits are going to come to IU because his team won a national title in '87. Lol. Hilarious!

IU has their guy and it thankfully is not Steve Alford. If it were, both he and Glass would be out in 5-6 years. We had our experiment. It failed.

Btw, before the Knight crowd tries to lynch me, I was only referencing RMK to make a point. I was actually a Knight fan for the most part. As a child, he lived across the street from my grandparents in Heritage Woods. He also used to hunt often on my family farm in Springville. I'm in no way attacking him.

The reason Alford would be a poor hire is because there are several better candidates out there, with proven track records, who IU should be able to get. That list being Billy D., Sean M., Greg M., Tony B., and Mark F. (Anything past those 5 guys and your onto plan B and Alford is just as good as the rest) There isn't any evidence that Chris Holtman or Archie Miller are better coaches than Alford. Also, he is nothing like Crean. Quit judging the guy on his coaching at Iowa. That was 10 years ago and he has been a much better coach at New Mexico and UCLA. Lastly, I hope you are right and IU already has its guy. I know you were correct on Crean getting fired.
Hopefully are new coach will be announced before Alford plays Friday night. Hopefully were looking for it to be announced as early as tomorrow, or Thursday or Friday.
The reason Alford would be a poor hire is because there are several better candidates out there, with proven track records, who IU should be able to get. That list being Billy D., Sean M., Greg M., Tony B., and Mark F. (Anything past those 5 guys and your onto plan B and Alford is just as good as the rest) There isn't any evidence that Chris Holtman or Archie Miller are better coaches than Alford. Also, he is nothing like Crean. Quit judging the guy on his coaching at Iowa. That was 10 years ago and he has been a much better coach at New Mexico and UCLA. Lastly, I hope you are right and IU already has its guy. I know you were correct on Crean getting fired.

I wouldn't put Donovan, Miller, and Few in the category of "should be able to get". They are in the realm of possibility, but to me are major long shots.

I just get the feeling that Few is a Gonzaga lifer, he's already been nearly 30 years, and the farthest east he has ever lived is Spokane Washington, which is only about 6 hrs from where he grew up. And I think either of the other 2 would need a 6M+ offer just to even consider IU - Donovan is already making that and I think that Arizona would match that in a bidding war for Miller, and then no guarantee they would take it

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