This is wrong. Wife wanted to watch a sports movie. Uplifting or some shit. My go tos there (sans Hoosiers, obvs) are Chariots of Fire, the Sandlot, St. Ralph (although a bit dramatic and sad), the newer Sandler movie about some Euro bball player (Hustle?). Nope, she wanted something else.
So, I'm thinking racing. Maybe Rush. No, she doesn't like the Hemsworth guy. What about Driven? The classic Sly Stallone/Kip Pardue** collab.
I'm not even joking. It's so bad as a stand alone movie. But then you make it about racing and literally **** up every single racing thing in the movie. I knew we were in for a wild ride when (this movie was made in 2000/1) they showed an Indy car with a clutch. I packed out laughing and about fell over. It went downhill from there.
**Kip Pardue is the worst actor ever and they tried sooooo hard to make that dude relevant. For reference he was the surfer boy QB in Remember the Titans. Hayden Christensen should have been let off the hook years ago
PS. Watching that movie killed my boner for the Brad Pitt F1 thing coming out sometime next year.