A water cooler game

kurt cloverdales

Mar 3, 2020
try an open a thread with at least 5 posts, and find one that is McMurty free, took me 37, see how you do and let us know the results.
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try an open a thread with at least 5 posts, and find one that is McMurty free, took me 37, see how you do and let us know the results.
That's because unlike dolts like you i create compelling discussion. That said I definitely need a break. I was just witnessing all the fights today thinking it’s only going to get worse and this isn’t a fun diversion.

Signing out now.
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Kurt that’s a good head’s up. I definitely need a break. I was just witnessing all the fights today thinking it’s only going to get worse and this isn’t a fun diversion.

Signing out now.
what you need to do is look for the good in Joe Biden, he's a good man and is trying to help the country. And somehow learn to forgive Fauci he's an old man and was a dedicated public servant for 40 years. he gave the best advice he could when confronted with an unprecedented pandemic. and was working for a lunatic he's not the bogeyman you all make him out to be. the conspiracies and the craziness of the right is taking your life over.

go out and kick a soccer ball, take a walk, go see a movie, there has to more to life than bitchin about Biden and Fauci 24/7 in an echo chamber.

I wish you well and hope you find happiness.
That's because unlike dolts like you i create compelling discussion. That said I definitely need a break. I was just witnessing all the fights today thinking it’s only going to get worse and this isn’t a fun diversion.

Signing out now.
if I'm a dolt in your eyes so be, the compelling discussion you think you create is just the same people saying the same shit over and over. you DANK and a few others just keep repeating the same things and congratulating each other on how smart you all are.
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what you need to do is look for the good in Joe Biden, he's a good man and is trying to help the country. And somehow learn to forgive Fauci he's an old man and was a dedicated public servant for 40 years. he gave the best advice he could when confronted with an unprecedented pandemic. and was working for a lunatic he's not the bogeyman you all make him out to be. the conspiracies and the craziness of the right is taking your life over.

go out and kick a soccer ball, take a walk, go see a movie, there has to more to life than bitchin about Biden and Fauci 24/7 in an echo chamber.

I wish you well and hope you find happiness.
Maybe we could reconsider this whole, One World Order thing while we are in such a giving mood. Good idea.
Signing out now.

that might be a non-starter, most failures need someone to blame for their lack of success. drove by a Trailor the other day that had a F Joe Biden sign in the yard, I wondered to myself where he lived before 2020.
Making fun of the poor is so enlightened and funny.

At the time I was born, my parents lived in a trailer. And they even knew how to spell that word correctly.
Making fun of the poor is so enlightened and funny.

At the time I was born, my parents lived in a trailer. And they even knew how to spell that word correctly.
Noting he saw a trailer with a Trump sign is making fun of them? I didn't see the joke. It was just a statement.
Making fun of the poor is so enlightened and funny.

At the time I was born, my parents lived in a trailer. And they even knew how to spell that word correctly.
My parents also started their life in a trailer and have never lived in a trailor
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try an open a thread with at least 5 posts, and find one that is McMurty free, took me 37, see how you do and let us know the results.
I got it on my second try but, full disclosure, it was a thread (“Not to say he would ever agree on arrogance alone”) with only six posts.
Would they have put out a sign that said Fk J Biden (or Fk D Trump?)
Doubt it. They hate Trump and live in a very Trumpy area but they wouldn't do that.

But then, that wasn't the point of the post I was responding to.
that might be a non-starter, most failures need someone to blame for their lack of success. drove by a Trailor the other day that had a F Joe Biden sign in the yard, I wondered to myself where he lived before 2020.

Making fun of the poor is so enlightened and funny.

The stereotyping aside, he does make a good point.

(Interesting the amount of support I'm seeing for us trailer trash around here. That didn't used to be the case.)
Doubt it. They hate Trump and live in a very Trumpy area but they wouldn't do that.

But then, that wasn't the point of the post I was responding to.
I'm pretty sure the sign was a key point you glossed over.

I think the point was biden wasn't responsible for their woes
The stereotyping aside, he does make a good point.

(Interesting the amount of support I'm seeing for us trailer trash around here. That didn't used to be the case.)
What's the point? Why make reference to a "Trailor?" Did the sign complain about that or any other economic issue?

If you're suggesting I've somehow changed my tune on class stereotypes on this board, you're dead wrong.
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What's the point? Why make reference to a "Trailor?" Did the sign complain about that or any other economic issue?

If you're suggesting I've somehow changed my tune on class stereotypes on this board, you're dead wrong.

the point has been explained multiple times.
What's the point? Why make reference to a "Trailor?" Did the sign complain about that or any other economic issue?

If you're suggesting I've somehow changed my tune on class stereotypes on this board, you're dead wrong.
to assume someone who lives in a trailer is on the lower end of the economic spectrum is stereotyping then I'm guilty, my thought was why the vitriol to put such an obscene sign in their yard against Joe Biden, I'd be willing to bet someone that stupid was on the lower end before Biden and will be on the lower end after Biden. If I lived in a dump which this place was, the president of the United States would be way down the list of things I would be worried about.
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Democrats polices are to blame.
how? if you are able bodied and have half a brain it is almost impossible to not find a decent career path in today's world. and if you're not able to work most would agree democrats support way more safety nets than the republicans do.
how? if you are able bodied and have half a brain it is almost impossible to not find a decent career path in today's world. and if you're not able to work most would agree democrats support way more safety nets than the republicans do.
Governments are wasteful and print endless money that causes inflation. The benefits of those policies accrue to people who own the most hard assets. which isn’t low wage workers. Over time they get priced out of more and more goods and services. For example Housing.
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Governments are wasteful and print endless money that causes inflation. The benefits of those policies accrue to people who own the most hard assets. which isn’t low wage workers. Over time they get priced out of more and more goods and services. For example Housing.
how can they most indebted nation have the lowest inflation? in any non-socialist system there will always be winners and losers.
how? if you are able bodied and have half a brain it is almost impossible to not find a decent career path in today's world. and if you're not able to work most would agree democrats support way more safety nets than the republicans do.

That's the part that doesn't make much against your own interests.

but that is why republicans choose other issues to get their pro-birth and pro-guns. Make those the main talking points and people forget about pro-wallet.
That's the part that doesn't make much against your own interests.

but that is why republicans choose other issues to get their pro-birth and pro-guns. Make those the main talking points and people forget about pro-wallet.
it's like Fauci, I guess every 6 months to a year, until he dies, they will drag him back to congress and bitch at him for saving lives.
If you're suggesting I've somehow changed my tune on class stereotypes on this board, you're dead wrong.

Not you specifically. But when I got here during the leadup to the ACA being enacted, the sentiment nearly across the board was that the poors were lazy takers who deserved their fate. I was subjected to ridicule and denigration when I later outed myself as poor white trailer trash who benefitted greatly from Obamacare. Nowadays I don't see nearly as much of that here, although JDB gets his digs in occasionally. I'd like to think I might have had a part in softening some people's views, putting a "face" to the situation a lot of people are in.
Not you specifically. But when I got here during the leadup to the ACA being enacted, the sentiment nearly across the board was that the poors were lazy takers who deserved their fate. I was subjected to ridicule and denigration when I later outed myself as poor white trailer trash who benefitted greatly from Obamacare. Nowadays I don't see nearly as much of that here, although JDB gets his digs in occasionally. I'd like to think I might have had a part in softening some people's views, putting a "face" to the situation a lot of people are in.
I actually voted for BO in 2008 (1st Dem vote ever) when Republicans refused to acknowledge how many people were losing insurance due to catastrophic rise in premiums preventing affordability.
Not you specifically. But when I got here during the leadup to the ACA being enacted, the sentiment nearly across the board was that the poors were lazy takers who deserved their fate. I was subjected to ridicule and denigration when I later outed myself as poor white trailer trash who benefitted greatly from Obamacare. Nowadays I don't see nearly as much of that here, although JDB gets his digs in occasionally. I'd like to think I might have had a part in softening some people's views, putting a "face" to the situation a lot of people are in.

Not you specifically. But when I got here during the leadup to the ACA being enacted, the sentiment nearly across the board was that the poors were lazy takers who deserved their fate. I was subjected to ridicule and denigration when I later outed myself as poor white trailer trash who benefitted greatly from Obamacare. Nowadays I don't see nearly as much of that here, although JDB gets his digs in occasionally. I'd like to think I might have had a part in softening some people's views, putting a "face" to the situation a lot of people are in.
Oh please.

Quit acting like a victim. When you first got here you posted awful things about your parents and rejected their view of the world. You made choices. You aren’t a victim of conservatives.
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