A really fair take from Bill Maher - and I get he's become polarizing but I don't see how any objective person can't see what he sees

lol. Less? Then get out of women’s’ bodies. LGBTQ affairs, and everything else Republicans are trying to regulate. They are asking for more government, not less.
The things you brought up costs how much money? If we get out of women's bodies then we won't be spending money on abortion. What money are we currently spending on LGBTQ? If we are spending a dime we should cut it off.
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@Baller23Boogie grover lies to try and shill for Dems. He really should be banned from the board bc he is either mentally deficient or posts exclusively in bad faith.

You can look up Biden’s actions after taking office on the wall and emergency dec, remain in Mexico, title 42, pacr/harp, asylum coop agreements etc. Then compare the numbers
I should be banned because you can't handle facts or opinions different from your own.

Yea ok Karen.
The only thing Trump did differently was separate children from their families for a while until blowback made him reverse course.
Yes you should be banned. You never post facts. Where are the facts? Only yabbuts. This is what you wrote and I showed you the policy actions that are different. You’ve been repeatedly shown data on just about every topic but you continue to post as you do clogging up every thread with yabbuts. About the only thing the left and right on this board can agree on is your stupidity.


Just so I'm reading correctly, you think a woman, who didn't want to have sex in the first place and was forced against her will to, should be required to have the baby even if she doesn't want to go through with the pregnancy.

Is that correct?
That is my position!
Flat bill , 100%
Yes you should be banned. You never post facts. Where are the facts? Only yabbuts. This is what you wrote and I showed you the policy actions that are different. You’ve been repeatedly shown data on just about every topic but you continue to post as you do clogging up every thread with yabbuts. About the only thing the left and right on this board can agree on is your stupidity.
I can get you Mod status and an unlimited ban hammer. "The Owner" couldn't give two shits about the WC, and hates shitlibbery.

I'll work on it next time we tee it up at the club. 😄👍
We talk a lot about the border and little about deportation. Yes the Trump levels of border crossing were unacceptable, also yes, they were of course preferable to what we see now. I have faith Trump can get them down to levels matching if not better than his first term.

But the Trump administration if they get in, are promising the largest deportation operation in history. Color me skeptical. I don't doubt their will, I don't doubt they will have smart people on the job. But such an operation is nearly impossible without massive cooperation with state and local governments. Martial law would likely be required. It will be a PR disaster (not a huge deal since it will be Trump's 2nd term).

How do you realistically go about deporting 10+ million illegal aliens mostly harbored in sanctuary jurisdictions. If anyone can find a way, it's Stephen Miller. We're going to need some hard, mean mother****ers in there to get this done.
You do it the same way they enforce compliance on the drinking age.
I can get you Mod status and an unlimited ban hammer. "The Owner" couldn't give two shits about the WC, and hates shitlibbery.

I'll work on it next time we tee it up at the club. 😄👍
That’s hilarious no I wouldn’t want it. You just start talking to him about nil $ for your daughter when she plays at IU
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That’s hilarious no I wouldn’t want it. You just start talking to him about nil $ for your daughter when she plays at IU
Have thought starting a "Mattndallas IU Women's Soccer NIL collective" at $10k/year, for current players, while she's in HS the next 4 years, may not be a bad idea...

But not sure Mom's gonna let her go to school north of the Mason Dixon. 😄
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Have thought starting a "Mattndallas IU Women's Soccer NIL collective" at $10k/year, for current players, while she's in HS the next 4 years, may not be a bad idea...

But not sure Mom's gonna let her go to school north of the Mason Dixon. 😄
I knew the guy who started the program real well. Joe kelley. I like your idea! But yea go south
Have thought starting a "Mattndallas IU Women's Soccer NIL collective" at $10k/year, for current players, while she's in HS the next 4 years, may not be a bad idea...

But not sure Mom's gonna let her go to school north of the Mason Dixon. 😄
There might be something to this as I think a lot of people would contribute. Iu soccer is interesting. There’s a juco in stl called meramec that produced so many great players and was the foundation for entire programs. Kelley played at meramec then transferred to iu with Yeagley and stayed on as an assistant forever before starting the women’s’ program. Mark Berson was basically the yeagley of u of South Carolina (45 years there or something crazy) and raided an entire meramec team to start the program at usc. Speaking of Indy 11 the old coach for them Tim hankinson was in all that mix too. He took Alabama a&m to the national championship game. Just kind of interesting. It all started in the late 70s with those guys from a core group who f schools. Ibrahim at Clemson too. Now there are hundreds
Toot toot, all aboard, we are about to set sail on the uss aloha.
Next port of call, just a mere 3 hour tour, Romney and the chocolate Fondue factory.
So dumb. You’ve never seen me defend the Squad. Ever. You get everything wrong when it comes to me because you equate supporting Trump with being a Republican and everyone else is Democrat. Wrong and wrong.
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So dumb. You’ve never seen me defend the Squad. Ever. You get everything wrong when it comes to me because you equate supporting Trump equals Republican and everyone else is Democrat. Wrong and wrong.
I don't understand what you mean.
Have thought starting a "Mattndallas IU Women's Soccer NIL collective" at $10k/year, for current players, while she's in HS the next 4 years, may not be a bad idea...

But not sure Mom's gonna let her go to school north of the Mason Dixon. 😄
Tell her it’s Southern Indiana where enunciation is still decidedly Southern. ;^)
Do I think we should do something about the boarder... yeah.

Maybe we'll get some bipartisan deal that would help out.... oh wait. That already happened and was killed.

My dad use to tell me don't let good be the enemy of perfect. People should think about that sometimes.

Maybe Biden should have proposed it when he had both chambers instead of repealing remain in Mexico his first day and thus inviting 10M people to break the law. Just a thought.
When Trump refuses to accept election results and his followers defended him, how much would you say they care about democracy?

When Trump said he never swore to defend the constitution (when fighting to be on ballot in colorado) and his followers defended him, how much do you think they care about the constitution?

It seems putting country first and respecting our constitution and democracy is a thing of the past.
You are such a dumbass. Hillary still claims she was cheated.

Stacey Abrams still thinks she won.

And both of these people are defended by you. So STFU.
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The "shift right" if there ever was one was when the Pubs gained power in the House for the first time in forever under Newt. That's when they actually had to learn how to yield power. The crazy shift came later with the Tea Party and their populist objections to the GWB and Obama responses to the Great Recession.
That was the last time we had a balanced budget. Oh, the horror!
It’s obviously subjective, but I consider most of Europe very far left and the U.S. far left. I just base it on government expenditures. When you include state governments, governments spending is close to 40% of GDP and closer to 50% in some blue states. Governments controlling 50% of capital is pretty far left in my opinion.

When does it become another form of slavery or version of communism? 70%? 80%? I don’t have an answer to those questions, but at some point we’re splitting hairs when the government controls almost all the capital.
Europe actually has stronger laws to protect individuals than the US.

Their economic system keeps them stuck in mediocrity, but they are strong on individual rights.
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You shouldn’t have shown me this. I dislike Europeans even more. The only bright spot is the Irish.

All joking aside, I’m not sure where I would move. El Salvador would be my top choice, but that’s driven by Bitcoin. If I had endless money it might be Paris or Dubai. The money I do have, probably a place like Thailand, El Salvador, or Caribbean island.
Switzerland is where I'd go. Unbelievably beautiful country and they're required to join the military and take home their weapons (at least they used to). They're frugal, but they all seem to have plenty of money.

And the women are HOT. UncleMark would drool over all the brunettes.
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Switzerland is where I'd go. Unbelievably beautiful country and they're required to join the military and take home their weapons (at least they used to). They're frugal, but they all seem to have plenty of money.

And the women are HOT. UncleMark would drool over all the brunettes.
New Zealand...nothing else even close
Europe actually has stronger laws to protect individuals than the US.

Their economic system keeps them stuck in mediocrity, but they are strong on individual rights.

it's a mess. Germany essentially lends a country like Italy money to buy the stuff that Germany makes and then demands austerity measures when Italy goes broke, but then the cycles repeats because Germany needs to keep selling its stuff. I think we'll see a seismic shift now that once-in-a-century financial collapses happen every 15 years. lol.
"During 2010–2019, the percentage of abortions performed at >13 weeks’ gestation remained consistently low (≤9.0%). In 2019, the highest proportion of abortions were performed by surgical abortion at ≤13 weeks’ gestation (49.0%), followed by early medical abortion at ≤9 weeks’ gestation (42.3%), surgical abortion at >13 weeks’ gestation (7.2%), and medical abortion at >9 weeks’ gestation (1.4%); all other methods were uncommon (<0.1%). "

Look at the data. Less than 1% of abortions occur past 21 weeks. What are you going on about in this thread?

Do you mean to tell me we can't, as a society, come to some kind of agreement on this issue (15 weeks or 20 weeks)?

The problem with a lot of conservatives is that they are unable to define abortion. For example, a D&C is not an abortion.

The world has gone crazy.

What is a woman?
What is trans?
What is abortion?
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The problem with a lot of conservatives is that they are unable to define abortion. For example, a D&C is not an abortion.

The world has gone crazy.

What is a woman?
What is trans?
What is abortion?
Yep... I was reading the other day about a guy that decided to be a woman and then talked about her girlfriend..... a gay trans. 🤣 🤣
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You are such a dumbass. Hillary still claims she was cheated.

Stacey Abrams still thinks she won.

And both of these people are defended by you. So STFU.
How about you STFU? Both HRC and Abrams conceded, Trump never has. You're a bad faith poster.
You are such a dumbass. Hillary still claims she was cheated.

Stacey Abrams still thinks she won.

And both of these people are defended by you. So STFU.
And yet they immediately conceded the election.

Trump hasn't conceded and it has been almost 4 years.

Stfu if you can't comprehend the difference.
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And yet they immediately conceded the election.

Trump hasn't conceded and it has been almost 4 years.

Stfu if you can't comprehend the difference.
Trump left office. He's always claimed he was cheated. And there's evidence that was the case.

So has Stacey. Hillary conceded that night, but later claimed she was cheated. Only there is no evidence of cheating in either case.

There's your difference - Trump has reason to believe he was cheated. Hillary and Stacey do not. Dumbass.

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New Zealand...nothing else even close
I dated a girl from NZ when I was stationed in Germany. Nice gal.

But NZ is a socialist dream. During Covid, you'd be arrested if you were found 10 yards outside your house. No thanks.
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Trump left office. He's always claimed he was cheated. And there's evidence that was the case.

So has Stacey. Hillary conceded that night, but later claimed she was cheated. Only there is no evidence of cheating in either case.

There's your difference - Trump has reason to believe he was cheated. Hillary and Stacey do not. Dumbass.

There is absolutely zero evidence that Trump was cheated out of office. Congratulations, you're a moron and you're much dumber than Hickory.

The difference remains that the idiot you worship has never conceded, and the two others did concede. Now STFU.
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