Biden is simply disgusting

So segregating the federal service was done for efficiency?
no he was racist for sure. it was worse than just that he also limited educational opportunities for blacks etc. but in terms of how administration is thought to operate effectively (the separation of politics and admin and policy etc), he was and still is the father of public administration. hell those wokeees at princeton still have their school named for him because of his theories re same.
Hickory posts links and twats from the outer fringes? I hadn't noticed.

So this really was a "Where is the outrage!?!?" post. Sorry I didn't join in the condemnation chorus soon enough or loud enough for you. For the record, I wasn't aware of his remarks and didn't much care. From what I have now seen, I don't think they were helpful at all. I appreciated Obama's approach to race much more than I have Biden's.

I'll tell you what: I appreciate you busting dbm for posting idiotic and divisive bullshit from the fringes of the twitterverse. Keep it up. I'll bust Hickory for the same... next time I see him doing it.

One of us is going to be really busy.
Hickory can't be bothered to post anything that looks like content, so you are right, you won't be busy because PeeWee Herman "I know you are but what am I" posts are his stock and trade. Going and pulling a link of anyone from anywhere saying anything would be a step up for Hickory.
Hickory can't be bothered to post anything that looks like content, so you are right, you won't be busy because PeeWee Herman "I know you are but what am I" posts are his stock and trade. Going and pulling a link of anyone from anywhere saying anything would be a step up for Hickory.
Not surprised by your take given facts aren't your strong point. Have quite a few posts with links.

Sorry my political leaning bothers you so much because we all know that is all it is.
More Demented Crooked Joe:

in the meantime while joe is rambling on we've had some fun here with public transportation the past week.
“The suspect was heard by bystanders there saying that he hated white people; that he was going to hurt this guy,” FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joe Weston said. “He walked past other people there at the bus stop and attacked this individual, a white male.”

hit in the head with a brick. but if you're able to make it to a metrolink station the fun doesn't stop. i'm sure the visitors to wash u are excited to take the train

teens having fun
This is the rationalisation for pulling the Trump lever thread I see. 😂😂

But to be fair both are dicks. One is just more limp than the other.

It's just basically the begining of the end.
This is the rationalisation for pulling the Trump lever thread I see. 😂😂

But to be fair both are dicks. One is just more limp than the other.

It's just basically the begining of the end.
And you know which is more limp?