A really fair take from Bill Maher - and I get he's become polarizing but I don't see how any objective person can't see what he sees

I hoped Biden and his handlers got caught up in the summer of love and didn’t read the room. Rolled out a progressive platform with identity politics this race that and in time would recognize their mistakes. Hell clinton had a major pivot. But no. Biden is trying to forgive student loans and on campus spewing his race-based bs. His approval is horrible. He’ll hurry and try to lower gas and do whatever other Hail Mary move he can but hopefully it’s too late. He and his band of misfits just need to go
Did you see the speech President Biden gave at Morehouse State? It's a black school. He said,"you have to be 8 times better than your white counterparts to get a fair shake". That is a rough quote by me. As I heard that I tried to be empathetic. Here are these black students who are graduating. It's their day. They worked hard for four years and now they are really to embark on the world. Then the President tells them they have to be 8 times better. If I was them I would probably want to give up if I really believed it. Why did I go to school for all these years because I don't have a realistic chance? And the truth is these are the successful kids. They are graduating with degrees in their fields. If they have no real shot then what about the rest of the black community?
When Trump refuses to accept election results and his followers defended him, how much would you say they care about democracy?

When Trump said he never swore to defend the constitution (when fighting to be on ballot in colorado) and his followers defended him, how much do you think they care about the constitution?

It seems putting country first and respecting our constitution and democracy is a thing of the past.
We are not a Democracy. What they cared about was fair elections.
My point was that you aren't going to suddenly become team conservative. You just aren't quite as whacky as what the Democrats have become.

Is single payor health insurance a whacky position?
Abortion up to 20 weeks?
Means testing for Social Security?
Raising the capital gains tax but lowering corporate tax rates?
Federally/state funded childcare (also means tested/tax considered, etc.)?
Drug testing for bennies?

Those are all positions I would vote for. Am I a whacko lib?

I think Goat's right. We've let the poles of each party do the talking. The middle should shut them up. But, to you Crazy, am I in the middle?
Did you see the speech President Biden gave at Morehouse State? It's a black school. He said,"you have to be 8 times better than your white counterparts to get a fair shake". That is a rough quote by me. As I heard that I tried to be empathetic. Here are these black students who are graduating. It's their day. They worked hard for four years and now they are really to embark on the world. Then the President tells them they have to be 8 times better. If I was them I would probably want to give up if I really believed it. Why did I go to school for all these years because I don't have a realistic chance? And the truth is these are the successful kids. They are graduating with degrees in their fields. If they have no real shot then what about the rest of the black community?
That’s the Biden is disgusting thread
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We are not a Democracy. What they cared about was fair elections.
Trump trying to steal an election has nothing to do with caring for said election nor with fairness.

Get a recount, take it to court if need be and concede if it is found that you lost, like Gore in 2000.

Trump lost recounts and every court case was thrown out for lack of evidence. Yet Trump still wouldn't concede.

What Trump did was a middle finger to democracy and defending it just makes you look hyper partisan.
I'm not 100% sure what your point is. The fringes have always pulled the parties to the extremes. The GOP started getting yanked to the far right years ago, as Rock was fond of repeatedly posting. I think the evidence is that the Dems are currently going through a similar thing, so that while the GOP used to be the "outlier" party, now both parties are becoming outliers. That makes it hard for traditional mainstream folks to feel at home in either one.
Trump is closer to a Dem than the far right. Rhetoric and policy are different as you know
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Trump trying to steal an election has nothing to do with caring for said election.

Get a recount, take it to court if need be and concede if it is found that you lost, like Gore in 2000.

What Trump did was a middle finger to democracy and defending it just makes you look hyper partisan.
You have no clue about the legal position Trump took with the electoral college. He made a frivolous argument within the system. He stayed within the system.

Oh, and this concession thing is a crock. Concession speeches are a nothingburger.
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You have no clue about the legal position Trump took with the electoral college. He made a frivolous argument within the system. He stayed within the system.

Oh, and this concession thing is a crock. Concession speeches are a nothingburger.
Trump didn't stay within the system. He did work within it, yes, but he simultaneously worked outside it, as well.
Just so I'm reading correctly, you think a woman, who didn't want to have sex in the first place and was forced against her will to, should be required to have the baby even if she doesn't want to go through with the pregnancy.

Is that correct?
Just so I'm reading correctly, you think its okay to kill a baby after its born?

Is that correct?
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The GOP shift to the extreme right was pre-Trump. The post-Trump shift is more of populist shift, which isn't really left or right.
Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney are not extreme candidates and none of them took extreme positions. Agree Trump is a populist, he is not the least bit ideologically extreme. So I don’t know what you mean by the GOP extreme shift.
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Just so I'm reading correctly, you think its okay to kill a baby after its born?

Is that correct?

No, I don't think it's okay, and I don't think kids are just coming out of the womb and babies are getting wacked. That would be considered murder and should be punished as so if a doc did that.

I'm in favor of abortion up to 20 weeks. Hell, I could live with 15.

Now that I've answered your question, did I read your post correctly?
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Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney are not extreme candidates and none of them took extreme positions. Agree Trump is a populist, he is not the least bit ideologically extreme. So I don’t know what you mean by the GOP extreme shift.
There was a well documented shift right with the tea party and freedom caucus, etc.
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There was a well documented shift right with the tea party and freedom caucus, etc.

The "shift right" if there ever was one was when the Pubs gained power in the House for the first time in forever under Newt. That's when they actually had to learn how to yield power. The crazy shift came later with the Tea Party and their populist objections to the GWB and Obama responses to the Great Recession.
The "shift right" if there ever was one was when the Pubs gained power in the House for the first time in forever under Newt. That's when they actually had to learn how to yield power. The crazy shift came later with the Tea Party and their populist objections to the GWB and Obama responses to the Great Recession.
Fair, except the Tea Party and it's objections to TARP and all the bailouts (along with a later effort to revoke the '02 authorization for war in Iraq) weren't "crazy," were they?
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There was a well documented shift right with the tea party and freedom caucus, etc.
The "shift right" if there ever was one was when the Pubs gained power in the House for the first time in forever under Newt. That's when they actually had to learn how to yield power. The crazy shift came later with the Tea Party and their populist objections to the GWB and Obama responses to the Great Recession.
Newt and rush were a bad combo for political discourse. Lots of disdain for bush’s compassionate conservatism
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No, I don't think it's okay, and I don't think kids are just coming out of the womb and babies are getting wacked. That would be considered murder and should be punished as so if a doc did that.

I'm in favor of abortion up to 20 weeks. Hell, I could live with 15.

Now that I've answered your question, did I read your post correctly?
You did.

In Vermont, New Jersey, DC, Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, and New Mexico there are no limits on abortion.

What started with whatever intentions ended in murder. IDC about the intentions I care about the end result. Liberal = mental illness Its on full display right here in this country. If liberal had morals and ethics it would be different.

There is no line or end, it starts with mischief and ends at moral turpitude and thats exactly where we are thanks to liberals.
Fair, except the Tea Party and it's objections to TARP and all the bailouts (along with a later effort to revoke the '02 authorization for war in Iraq) weren't "crazy," were they?
Not in themselves. But they laid the foundation for the crazy that followed.
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You did.

In Vermont, New Jersey, DC, Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, and New Mexico there are no limits on abortion.

What started with whatever intentions ended in murder. IDC about the intentions I care about the end result. Liberal = mental illness Its on full display right here in this country. If liberal had morals and ethics it would be different.

There is no line or end, it starts with mischief and ends at moral turpitude and thats exactly where we are thanks to liberals.

Your position is the reason the GOP will get beat in elections every time abortion is brought up.
Trump trying to steal an election has nothing to do with caring for said election nor with fairness.

Get a recount, take it to court if need be and concede if it is found that you lost, like Gore in 2000.

Trump lost recounts and every court case was thrown out for lack of evidence. Yet Trump still wouldn't concede.

What Trump did was a middle finger to democracy and defending it just makes you look hyper partisan.
Wrong. They were all throw out for lack of standing as none were filed by Trump. No one was ever allowed to present any evidence anywhere. Trump only filed one lawsuit, in Georgia, and the courts refused to give him a hearing in direct violation of Georgia law. Recounts do absolutely nothing with mail in balloting. The entire issue was with getting a signature verification. Trump was more than willing to concede if he got a signature check. Of course that was never allowed and we all know why. You are clueless.

Liberal = mental illness Its on full display right here in this country. If liberal had morals and ethics it would be different.

There is no line or end, it starts with mischief and ends at moral turpitude and thats exactly where we are thanks to liberals.

"During 2010–2019, the percentage of abortions performed at >13 weeks’ gestation remained consistently low (≤9.0%). In 2019, the highest proportion of abortions were performed by surgical abortion at ≤13 weeks’ gestation (49.0%), followed by early medical abortion at ≤9 weeks’ gestation (42.3%), surgical abortion at >13 weeks’ gestation (7.2%), and medical abortion at >9 weeks’ gestation (1.4%); all other methods were uncommon (<0.1%). "

Look at the data. Less than 1% of abortions occur past 21 weeks. What are you going on about in this thread?

Do you mean to tell me we can't, as a society, come to some kind of agreement on this issue (15 weeks or 20 weeks)?

Wrong. They were all throw out for lack of standing as none were filed by Trump. No one was ever allowed to present any evidence anywhere. Trump only filed one lawsuit, in Georgia, and the courts refused to give him a hearing in direct violation of Georgia law. Recounts do absolutely nothing with mail in balloting. The entire issue was with getting a signature verification. Trump was more than willing to concede if he got a signature check. Of course that was never allowed and we all know why. You are clueless.

Lacked standing some, lacked proof in all.

Most recounts actually caused Trump to lose by more votes because it was apparently Biden that had been screwed.

Trump wouldn't concede because he is a crybaby sore loser that cares more about his ego than the country.
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"During 2010–2019, the percentage of abortions performed at >13 weeks’ gestation remained consistently low (≤9.0%). In 2019, the highest proportion of abortions were performed by surgical abortion at ≤13 weeks’ gestation (49.0%), followed by early medical abortion at ≤9 weeks’ gestation (42.3%), surgical abortion at >13 weeks’ gestation (7.2%), and medical abortion at >9 weeks’ gestation (1.4%); all other methods were uncommon (<0.1%). "

Look at the data. Less than 1% of abortions occur past 21 weeks. What are you going on about in this thread?

Do you mean to tell me we can't, as a society, come to some kind of agreement on this issue (15 weeks or 20 weeks)?

I just used it as an example regarding, LIBERAL. Let's do crime. Theft is okay now. Are you okay with that?

I could have gone in several directions all starting with nonsense and ending in madness. Wanna do marriage?

The LG started with LG now it has TBQ+++ and whatever else has spawned off of that. See where this is going? Off a cliff

As I stated in the first post regarding liberal. I think everyone was liberal at one time or another and then you grow up and snap out of it. To stay in it does not equal a good result as shown above. There's no morals and ethics regarding liberal. If there was things would be different. When I listen to people talk about liberal and woke and liberal is okay but woke isn't. Liberal brought us to woke because there are no boundaries. So yea, here we are in this complete BS. Or as I said above moral turpitude.

The reason there are righties like me now is because this sh!t has to stop its madness. Ohhh I'm sure people will flame away at me IDC. Many families with kids have left the maddening liberal area's and moved to sanity. They will never realize their mistake and continue voting blue. So for all you libs grow the f*ck up would ya!
I just used it as an example regarding, LIBERAL. Let's do crime. Theft is okay now. Are you okay with that?

I could have gone in several directions all starting with nonsense and ending in madness. Wanna do marriage?

The LG started with LG now it has TBQ+++ and whatever else has spawned off of that. See where this is going? Off a cliff

As I stated in the first post regarding liberal. I think everyone was liberal at one time or another and then you grow up and snap out of it. To stay in it does not equal a good result as shown above. There's no morals and ethics regarding liberal. If there was things would be different. When I listen to people talk about liberal and woke and liberal is okay but woke isn't. Liberal brought us to woke because there are no boundaries. So yea, here we are in this complete BS. Or as I said above moral turpitude.

The reason there are righties like me now is because this sh!t has to stop its madness. Ohhh I'm sure people will flame away at me IDC. Many families with kids have left the maddening liberal area's and moved to sanity. They will never realize their mistake and continue voting blue. So for all you libs grow the f*ck up would ya!

Why do you care what other people do in their free time?
Why do you care what other people do in their free time?
What's your point? There are laws OR should I say were laws. You think I want criminals running free. I'm not okay with theft. I'm not okay with sodomizing a kid in cali as long as you are within 10 years of their age. I'm not okay with someone squatting in the HOMEOWNERS home. How many times have we recently seen a guy that had 20 convictions roaming free, murdering and OR raping. I give a shit about people doing that with their free time. OR a baby whose life got taken away with no rights. It's okay to say that standing on this planet alive isn't it. OR some GD freak in the bathroom with my daughter. Or manipulation of children without ethics or morals. Get ahold of yourself wtf is wrong with you. Free time??? Where is this leading?
Is single payor health insurance a whacky position?
Abortion up to 20 weeks?
Means testing for Social Security?
Raising the capital gains tax but lowering corporate tax rates?
Federally/state funded childcare (also means tested/tax considered, etc.)?
Drug testing for bennies?

Those are all positions I would vote for. Am I a whacko lib?

I think Goat's right. We've let the poles of each party do the talking. The middle should shut them up. But, to you Crazy, am I in the middle?
You’re pretty far left on economic issues and moderate on social issues. I think younger liberals have shifted pretty far left on social issues.
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You’re pretty far left on economic issues and moderate on social issues. I think younger liberals have shifted pretty far left on social issues.
"pretty far left" is now Europe? I figured Communism or other planned economies used to be "pretty far left".
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Have you ever thought that the reason you don't like Biden is because the conservative smear campaign has gone into overdrive ever since he became the choice for 2020 ticket?

Up until Biden won the 2020 primary, conservatives were saying how moderate he was and gop politicians were saying he was a nice guy that was easy to work with.

the day after he won primary, he was a lying senile sob that was unfit for the white house and conservative media has beat that drum ever since because they are desperate to make Biden look as bad as trump.

The Republican smear campaign didn't have to work as hard with previous candidates because the conservatives running back then were relatively decent human beings.
I've known about lightweight Joe's propensity for chronic lying and poor decision making for decades... The only thing new is his obvious dementia...

There's no need to "smear" Joe... He's done all the work himself... Anyone unaware of that would have to be considered a "low information voter".

To paraphrase Robert Gates: Joe's been on the WRONG side of every major decision he's ever been involved with...

My impression is that the only reason the Dims ran him was that they knew he could be controlled by the Obama retreads and that's the only reason they're running him again...
I've known about lightweight Joe's propensity for chronic lying and poor decision making for decades... The only thing new is his obvious dementia...

There's no need to "smear" Joe... He's done all the work himself... Anyone unaware of that would have to be considered a "low information voter".

To paraphrase Robert Gates: Joe's been on the WRONG side of every major decision he's ever been involved with...

My impression is that the only reason the Dims ran him was that they knew he could be controlled by the Obama retreads and that's the only reason they're running him again...

Revisionist history much?
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What's your point? There are laws OR should I say were laws. You think I want criminals running free. I'm not okay with theft. I'm not okay with sodomizing a kid in cali as long as you are within 10 years of their age. I'm not okay with someone squatting in the HOMEOWNERS home. How many times have we recently seen a guy that had 20 convictions roaming free, murdering and OR raping. I give a shit about people doing that with their free time. OR a baby whose life got taken away with no rights. It's okay to say that standing on this planet alive isn't it. OR some GD freak in the bathroom with my daughter. Or manipulation of children without ethics or morals. Get ahold of yourself wtf is wrong with you. Free time??? Where is this leading?

Why would i be okay with crimes being committed. You sure like to paint people left of you as evil. You should get out more.

I guess I should have said why do you care what two consenting adults do in their free time?
Why would i be okay with crimes being committed. You sure like to paint people left of you as evil. You should get out more.

I guess I should have said why do you care what two consenting adults do in their free time?

Are you OK with crimes being committed? You ask why would you be OK with crimes, but the current Democrat party seems to be OK with it, starting at the border. And if you support the Dems, then you are allowing for it to happen.

And I understand that voting for a candidate does not mean you agree with every position. But law, order, and public safety is pretty much the main responsibility if government. So to overlook the what the Dems have been and are doing regarding law, order, and public safety means a voter for Dems IS OK with crimes being committed.