42 degrees and overcast in Varmahlid, Iceland

Getting ready to go white water rafting. Fantastic vaca with my 24 year old daughter as a much belated graduation gift from 2021, but WTF were we thinking booking this??
Fantastic. Icelandics are a blast. Hollow legs. And that’s neat to hear you and your 24 yr old daughter vacationing together. That’s exactly when I’d like to see my daughter again. Have a great 4th
Getting ready to go white water rafting. Fantastic vaca with my 24 year old daughter as a much belated graduation gift from 2021, but WTF were we thinking booking this??
Stay safe and have fun!
I am also chuckling thinking of the reaction I would get from my daughter if I suggested white water rafting in Iceland, let alone my wife's reaction. I would love to do something like that, but no one else in my family would.
We lost one dude from the raft for a few seconds but the 2 of us stayed high and dry (minus the dry part)
Yeah..., I was going to give you a multiple paragraph post on staying away from undercut rocks, etc. but I figured you were smart and you'd listen to your guides ( they don't like to lose clients, it's bad for business)...

I'm glad you had a good time and everyone had a relatively safe day...

Last time I went was decades ago on the Snake, south of Jackson Hole, and I had to grab a girl in front of me who was 3/4's of the way out of the boat and toss her back in. Fortunately she was only about a 110lbs soaking wet (literally) and I was able to do it... Fun Times...
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