Hey Aloha, here's how far I got so far:
Snopes says about 44,000 people over the age of 100 (not 150 or 200 as Musk suggested) out of 18.9 million people born before 1920 are apparently still receiving benefits.
"Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security," tech billionaire Elon Musk said on X.
My own sixth-grade math skills determine that 44,000 / 18,900,000 = .00232 of one percent may be receiving benefits.
Here's another link:
The explanation for apparent 150-year-olds receiving checks could relate to arcane coding practices, experts said
That is a lot fewer than Musk's alarmist posts suggest. How about it Kelley School grads -- aren't the stats discussed above pretty much freshman level or lower? Shouldn't Musk understand the correct calculation?
There is less reason every day to think Musk is a genius. He has received $5.3 BILLION from the US government since 2000.
Elon Musk has been known for his world-changing ideas and innovations. How much money has the government given him for his various ventures? We'll answer that
Musk is not a self-made man at all. He could not have even popped the pimples on his South African/Canadian ass without a tremendous amount of help. Above all, the Trumpers fail to admit that this Social Security situation (whatever it is) existed during Trump's first administration, and we all know how little Trump did about it.