The data I found on average tax rates only went back to 1979. So that’s what I used - which I figured would illustrate the point well enough since it had data both before and after both of the Reagan tax reforms.
One thing to be careful about in evaluating tax burden is whether or not state/local taxes are included. The chart I posted was just federal income taxes.
But here’s some info comparing overall average tax rates (including state/local) in the 1950s and recently.
And here’s info about average federal income tax rates for the top 1% of filers in the 1950s.
So what’s the explanation for the discrepancy? The author offers 3 reasons. And the one I’m talking about is the one I’ve highlighted.
That’s not why we’re in trouble.
We’re in trouble because government has spent more than our economy can afford - and the Treasuries market doesn’t have nearly the demand to support it. This means they’ve had to rely on monetization to make up the difference. As of now, intragovernmental holdings account for nearly 1/4 of US Treasuries and that number is heading higher.
As it heads higher, we should expect to see a higher baseline rate of inflation.
One thing we absolutely agree on is that healthcare spending is a huge part of this. But we keep compounding it by piling on more bad solutions to the problems created by earlier bad solutions.
In short, we keep chasing the unicorn. And chasing it hasn’t made things better, it’s made things worse.