“They’re eating the pets of the people that live there!”

WSJ is reporting that Vance was told in no uncertain terms that the claims about pet eating were baseless, but he tweeted them out anyway and then doubled down. Trump slurped it up.

And Harris was flagged for her lies but it doesn’t stop her. It’s on point.

Again these are 4 awful people who I would decline a free meal with any of them.
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When asked to say whether he would veto a Federal Ban on abortion, TRUMP FLAT OUT REFUSED TO ANSWER, with the cop-out that he wouldn't need to, since he didn't think it would happen.

So, while saying he will support a Federal ban on abortion isn't established truth, it also isn't a lie. Rather, it's an educated guess based upon 1) Project 2025, which granted is not by Trump, but by Trump's minions and crafted with his upfront blessing; 2) Trump's numerous statements on his pride about repealing Roe and stronger anti-abortion statements he has made when he's in front of religious wingnuts.
WSJ is reporting that Vance was told in no uncertain terms that the claims about pet eating were baseless, but he tweeted them out anyway and then doubled down. Trump slurped it up.
Trump is an over emotional, easily manipulated moron. Akin to a drunkard at the end of the bar. I sort of give him a pass. Vance is not stupid. So basically he's just a piece of shit. All politicians lie but that's next level.
When asked to say whether he would veto a Federal Ban on abortion, TRUMP FLAT OUT REFUSED TO ANSWER, with the cop-out that he wouldn't need to, since he didn't think it would happen.

So, while saying he will support a Federal ban on abortion isn't established truth, it also isn't a lie. Rather, it's an educated guess based upon 1) Project 2025, which granted is not by Trump, but by Trump's minions and crafted with his upfront blessing; 2) Trump's numerous statements on his pride about repealing Roe and stronger anti-abortion statements he has made when he's in front of religious wingnuts.
The federal government has no authority to ban abortion. The federal government has no authority to permit abortion. The whole abortion debate is media/political bs.
Trump is an over emotional, easily manipulated moron. Akin to a drunkard at the end of the bar. I sort of give him a pass. Vance is not stupid. So basically he's just a piece of shit. All politicians lie but that's next level.
Dems lied about Biden’s condition. How can anything be worse than that. Literally concealing it and perpetuating a fraud on the American public.

The absurdity that attends this board renders it useless with respect to politics. We have two parties that will literally say anything to win, and will abandon principles and who they are to gain power. The lies are incessant on both sides and useless to point out. Illusory gotchas.

Decorum died with rush and newt and Bork. The gas was turned up. But this. This is something entirely different. This disenfranchises us all. What are we voting for? Who are these people? Shape shifters. When the lies are this pervasive…..
Why? Can't the feds ban medical procedures? I'm admittedly ignorant on this but havent done this before...

The feds can only act according to constitutional authority. The feds have authority over interstate commerce. The Act specifies that the provider must engage in interstate commerce for the act to apply. I don’t think a medical procedure can ever be an act affecting interstate commerce, if so, there would be no limit to federal authority which is clearly contrary to everything about the constitution. The case holding the constitutionality of the statute avoided this issue because the opinion was advisory (a different kind of problem). The court left open the issue of statutory application.

In other words, the statute and opinion are political statements that will never be litigated. The authority is even more suspect with the opposite situation, declaring abortion legal. There is no activity to regulate and the feds have no authority to regulate state government in this manner.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
The federal government has no authority to ban abortion. The federal government has no authority to permit abortion. The whole abortion debate is media/political bs.
This is going to be a huge problem for Trump. A large part of his constituency wants abortion banned or severely restricted at the federal level. Trump's position is that abortion on demand until birth is OK with him if that's what a state's law is. There are pro-life groups that are already talking about not supporting him unless he starts giving lip service again to a federal ban or at least severe restrictions on abortion.
Dems lied about Biden’s condition. How can anything be worse than that. Literally concealing it and perpetuating a fraud on the American public.

The absurdity that attends this board renders it useless with respect to politics. We have two parties that will literally say anything to win, and will abandon principles and who they are to gain power. The lies are incessant on both sides and useless to point out. Illusory gotchas.

Decorum died with rush and newt and Bork. The gas was turned up. But this. This is something entirely different. This disenfranchises us all. What are we voting for? Who are these people? Shape shifters. When the lies are this pervasive…..

I don’t know if these graphs are accurate, but they are, the country is in deep shit. Making America Great Again means, among other things, reversing these trends.

But they’re entertaining and I like how he responds to them.


It would be more impressive if he just wrote "Bullshit" after each one,

At least then we would know if he actually read any of them beyond the names of the original poster and the sponsoring web site.
It would be more impressive if he just wrote "Bullshit" after each one,

At least then we would know if he actually read any of them beyond the names of the original poster and the sponsoring web site.
Your credibility in that regard is zero. Look in a mirror.
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Remember when Trump said, "I love the poorly educated?" What he really was saying was, "I love the fvcking stupid." Not all Trump supporters are stupid but the core of his MAGA base is simply not very bright and none of Trump's campaigns would have gained any traction without millions of low-information voters.

Case in point - - last week's debate. You know, the one where Trump got his clock cleaned. Within 36 hours of Trump's humiliating defeat on the debate stage, there were social media posts, most prominently from some idiot who calls himself "Black Insurrectionist," with "Breaking" or "Just In" "news" claiming that an anonymous whistleblower from ABC News had come forward with a signed affidavit attesting that Harris had been given the questions in advance. A few days later, Marjorie Taylor Greene amplified another social media claim that the purported whistleblower had just died in a car crash. All of this was bullshit. First, the affidavit lacked a notary seal and was bogus. Next, Greene walked back the claim that the author of the bogus affidavit had died. Next, even the far-right misinformation website, the Gateway Pundit, called the story a hoax. Finally, ABC News issued a statement categorically denying that Harris had been given the questions in advance.

But by that time, the fake story had been widely disseminated and taken root, and the low-information Trump supporters had already processed it as gospel.

The Trump people are well aware that this tactic works with low-information people who are unwilling or unable to look beneath the surface of a sensational social media post. Hell, just the other day, JD Vance, in responding to questions about the bullshit "they're eating our pets!" claim, acknowledged that the campaign will "create stories" to get media attention. Translation: "we'll make up all kinds of crazy shit because we know social media will be all over it and MAGA will lap it up."
The saddest thing is that a talented, gifted President could still respond better than Trump did, no matter whether the questioner had provided questions in advance to his opponent,

Think about what the Trump MAGAs are actually claiming: "Trump's responses were crap because Harris received the questions in advance." The two aren't related -- Trump perforned poorly on his own, regardless how well or poorly Harris performed.
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Dems lied about Biden’s condition. How can anything be worse than that. Literally concealing it and perpetuating a fraud on the American public.

The absurdity that attends this board renders it useless with respect to politics. We have two parties that will literally say anything to win, and will abandon principles and who they are to gain power. The lies are incessant on both sides and useless to point out. Illusory gotchas.

Decorum died with rush and newt and Bork. The gas was turned up. But this. This is something entirely different. This disenfranchises us all. What are we voting for? Who are these people? Shape shifters. When the lies are this pervasive…..
Outright, indisputable physical threats are worse than claims of "lying".
I don’t know if these graphs are accurate, but they are, the country is in deep shit. Making America Great Again means, among other things, reversing these trends.


Most of that is the result of education now extending well beyond high school for a much higher share of the population. And then career establishment. I don't know why that means the country is in 'deep shit' just because some life milestones are happening later.

I didn't get married nor have children before age 30, though did own a home and lived on my own.
Most of that is the result of education now extending well beyond high school for a much higher share of the population. And then career establishment. I don't know why that means the country is in 'deep shit' just because some life milestones are happening later.

I didn't get married nor have children before age 30, though did own a home and lived on my own.
I spent the weekend with a good high school friend. We reminisced about how we both grew up, established our careers, and now enjoy the fruits of our educations and work. We know we were fortunate. Our offspring today don’t have the same opportunities. Why not? It’s fashionable to blame boomer greed, but I think there is much more and bigger reasons. I think it’s getting worse. 2/3 think the country is on the wrong track. The Democrat messages to double down on all the reasons we are where we are. MAGA is better.
The saddest thing is that a talented, gifted President could still respond better than Trump did, no matter whether the questioner had provided questions in advance to his opponent,

Think about what the Trump MAGAs are actually claiming: "Trump's responses were crap because Harris received the questions in advance." The two aren't related -- Trump perforned poorly on his own, regardless how well or poorly Harris performed.
The people claiming Harris had the questions in advance clearly did not watch the debate.
I spent the weekend with a good high school friend. We reminisced about how we both grew up, established our careers, and now enjoy the fruits of our educations and work. We know we were fortunate. Our offspring today don’t have the same opportunities. Why not? It’s fashionable to blame boomer greed, but I think there is much more and bigger reasons. I think it’s getting worse. 2/3 think the country is on the wrong track. The Democrat messages to double down on all the reasons we are where we are. MAGA is better.

Probably lots of reasons that are too complex for this forum to get into... But the simplest is that the rest of the world has caught up to the US.... Or at least isn't as wildly far behind as they once were, from post war up to say 30 years ago.
Probably lots of reasons that are too complex for this forum to get into... But the simplest is that the rest of the world has caught up to the US.... Or at least isn't as wildly far behind as they once were, from post war up to say 30 years ago.

My first reaction is that the rest of the world “catching up” means that we have taken our foot off the gas. On a comparative basis, our education stinks. If I had to name one reason, it’s k-12 education.

My first reaction is that the rest of the world “catching up” means that we have taken our foot off the gas. On a comparative basis, our education stinks. If I had to name one reason, it’s k-12 education.

I share your concern with education. I'm curious what you mean by comparative basis. Asia?

But many decent paying jobs in an information based economy now require more advanced level of education. Is it realistic that everyone in our society is compatible with succeeding in what is more and more competitive in a global economy, not just a domestic one?

There was a Journal article this week about how the Ford CEO visited China recently and came back terrified how far they have advanced with their cars in the last few years. And felt like Ford was behind.
There was a Journal article this week about how the Ford CEO visited China recently and came back terrified how far they have advanced with their cars in the last few years. And felt like Ford was behind.
The American auto industry tried to reduce installed cost by importing standard parts developed in China for export and for serial production in China for about 20 years. This collaboration accelerated the learning curve eventual parity was to be expected.
The American auto industry tried to reduce installed cost by importing standard parts developed in China for export and for serial production in China for about 20 years. This collaboration accelerated the learning curve eventual parity was to be expected.


From a wider lense perspective.... Coming out of WW2 the US had immense competitive advantage being the only industrial nation that didn't have it's industrial capacity destroyed by war. This allowed for an entire generation (and really two generations) to achieve standards of living that the rest of the world could only dream of having.

The US is still the absolute pinnacle of innovation. We have the best research universities in the world and continue to be the best place in the world for creating new things. It just so happens that the new things that create a lot of the wealth today take a lot less people....and also only rely upon very highly intelligent/highly skilled people.

Big tech that's leading the stock market employs maybe 1.5 million people. And probably half of them aren't even native born. Pretty small slice of the population compared with the industrial companies that dominated in generations prior.

40 years ago something like 20% of all jobs in the US were manufacturing. Now it's like 7%.
But many decent paying jobs in an information based economy now require more advanced level of education. Is it realistic that everyone in our society is compatible with succeeding in what is more and more competitive in a global economy, not just a domestic one?
We have a shortage of skillled labor. Many reasons for this including dropping Voc -ed from k-12 education. Also a significant number of high tech STEM. jobs are filled by foreign born. Why?
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We have a shortage of skillled labor. Many reasons for this including dropping Voc -ed from k-12 education. Also a significant number of high tech STEM. jobs are filled by foreign born. Why?

Skilled labor in trade jobs has failed due to lackluster promotion of such jobs that went on for a long time. I graduated high school 25 years ago, and even then the promotion of trade work was declining. I assume it got worse the years after. It does seem we've turned the corner and now all realize that most kids aren't destined for graduate school.

Re STEM....I think we know why. Asian countries put extreme emphasis on education and they have different cultural views. Not usually healthy at the individual level, but successful in extracting talent out of a population base that is much larger.

China domination of so many Olympic events is an ancillary, unrelated example. But one could juxtapose it across economic industry.
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We have a shortage of skillled labor. Many reasons for this including dropping Voc -ed from k-12 education. Also a significant number of high tech STEM. jobs are filled by foreign born. Why?

We have a work ethic and expectations problem - but it isn't just us. Much of Western society faces similar challenges for those, along with the charts/graphs that you posted. Hell, even the Chinese are having demographic issues - far worse than ours.
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Most of that is the result of education now extending well beyond high school for a much higher share of the population. And then career establishment. I don't know why that means the country is in 'deep shit' just because some life milestones are happening later.

I didn't get married nor have children before age 30, though did own a home and lived on my own.

Not to mention, there are many other areas of the world facing similar headwinds, including China, Russia, Japan and most of Europe.
We have a work ethic and expectations problem - but it isn't just us. Much of Western society faces similar challenges for those, along with the charts/graphs that you posted. Hell, even the Chinese are having demographic issues - far worse than ours.
Yeah, the problems affect many countries. But The United States still loses ground in the world.

We used to be #1 in competitiveness. Now we are not even in the top 10. And we are still sinking. Generally the GOP and Trump see this. The Democrats generally don’t while they double down on all the gobbledygook that causes the decline.

If only we had a better messenger than Trump.

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Yeah, the problems affect many countries. But The United States still loses ground in the world.

We used to be #1 in competitiveness. Now we are not even in the top 10. And we are still sinking. Generally the GOP and Trump see this. The Democrats generally don’t while they double down on all the gobbledygook that causes the decline.

If only we had a better messenger than Trump.

I am curious if you read the parts below. "Preserving the environment" doesn't sound CO. "Elevated levels of income", suggest raising the minimum wage or supporting unions and one is a radical socialist. "slow-moving legislative process", hmm, which party is the party of no compromise, on anything, ever? From the article:

The best-performing economies balance productivity and prosperity, meaning they can generate elevated levels of income and quality of life for their citizens while preserving the environment and social cohesion,” Arturo Bris, Director of the WCC said with respect to this year's ranking.

Social cohesion, adaptability and agility are qualities the U.S., with its increasingly polarized political landscape and its slow-moving legislative process, currently lacks, which partly explains the U.S. economy’s gradual decline from the top of IMD’s annual ranking.