“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming."


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”

Guys....I mean GUYS....what in the heck is this?

You guys seriously going to drive off the cliff w this dude?

Remember back to a time when our presidential candidates didn't accuse their opponents of public torture and attempted murder?

I guess I need to re-read the Federalist Papers to understand intellectual conservatism's deep dive into the abyss of Trump's black hole of a personality cult?
“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”

Guys....I mean GUYS....what in the heck is this?

You guys seriously going to drive off the cliff w this dude?

Remember back to a time when our presidential candidates didn't accuse their opponents of public torture and attempted murder?

I guess I need to re-read the Federalist Papers to understand intellectual conservatism's deep dive into the abyss of Trump's black hole of a personality cult?
There is nothing Trump could do that his followers wouldn't defend.

They don't like Biden's policies so that means Biden is just as bad, if not worse.

Everything equals everything and all that.
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“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”
It's the truth. I know you have a tough time dealing with that. You can add 20 things to that list that the American people have seen democrats act out on in an authoritarian and communist demeanor, meanwhile you call us the fascists.

Now Merrick Garland is on the stand again and looks like a bumbling fool while Biden is gearing us up for WW3. This is really happening right here in our country. UNREAL. We're sick of this nonsense and so is the rest of the world.
It's the truth. I know you have a tough time dealing with that. You can add 20 things to that list that the American people have seen democrats act out on in an authoritarian and communist demeanor, meanwhile you call us the fascists.

Now Merrick Garland is on the stand again and looks like a bumbling fool while Biden is gearing us up for WW3. This is really happening right here in our country. UNREAL. We're sick of this nonsense and so is the rest of the world.
They literally just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop into evidence yesterday after 51 deep state operatives lied under oath in 2020 by stating it was Russian disinformation which almost certainly cost Trump the election. This is after they tried to rig the 2016 election and almost did with the cooked up Russian collusion hoax which hampered Trump's first administration. Now they are trying to throw him in prison on made up charges that no one in the history of the world has ever been charged with before. After a rigged trial by a judge who donates to Biden and has a daughter who worked for Kamala and is one of the Dems top fundraisers.

Now watch them preach to us about threats to our democracy 🙄
There is nothing Trump could do that his followers wouldn't defend.

They don't like Biden's policies so that means Biden is just as bad, if not worse.

Everything equals everything and all that.
Sorry, it is not like everyone who think Biden is clueless buffoon and horriblle person, president, fill in the blank, supports Trump. The Democratic Party is the group who labels everyoine as Racists. terrorists or whatever they want to call them if they don't support their twisted beliefs.
Sorry, it is not like everyone who think Biden is clueless buffoon and horriblle person, president, fill in the blank, supports Trump. The Democratic Party is the group who labels everyoine as Racists. terrorists or whatever they want to call them if they don't support their twisted beliefs.
Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former
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It's the truth. I know you have a tough time dealing with that. You can add 20 things to that list that the American people have seen democrats act out on in an authoritarian and communist demeanor, meanwhile you call us the fascists.

Now Merrick Garland is on the stand again and looks like a bumbling fool while Biden is gearing us up for WW3. This is really happening right here in our country. UNREAL. We're sick of this nonsense and so is the rest of the world.
whackjob ...
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Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former
Biden is a felon. He was just too mentally incapacitated to stand trial.

And as to your latter statement, I support the party who believes black people are smart enough to know what a computer is and how to use one.
It's the truth. I know you have a tough time dealing with that. You can add 20 things to that list that the American people have seen democrats act out on in an authoritarian and communist demeanor, meanwhile you call us the fascists.

Now Merrick Garland is on the stand again and looks like a bumbling fool while Biden is gearing us up for WW3. This is really happening right here in our country. UNREAL. We're sick of this nonsense and so is the rest of the world.
Trumpsters' perception of reality is distorted beyond recognition. Garland testified yesterday and the fools in the hearing were the Trumpster clowns that were attacking him with nothing but BS. It's a total embarrassment.
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Biden is a felon. He was just too mentally incapacitated to stand trial.
Well, when Hick made his dumb statement, you sure jumped in with a, "Hold my beer".

So, Biden is a felon prior to standing trial? Is that how that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing works?

How to say you're bullshitting about being a lawyer without saying you're bullshitting about being a lawyer.
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Biden is a felon. He was just too mentally incapacitated to stand trial.

And as to your latter statement, I support the party who believes black people are smart enough to know what a computer is and how to use one.

Show me a conviction?

Oh wait, you can't.

So go crawl back in your hole
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Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former
Both parties suck. Trump sucks. Biden blows…. Blah blah blah. It’s like trying to decide if I want an enema or chiggers
It's the truth. I know you have a tough time dealing with that. You can add 20 things to that list that the American people have seen democrats act out on in an authoritarian and communist demeanor, meanwhile you call us the fascists.

Now Merrick Garland is on the stand again and looks like a bumbling fool while Biden is gearing us up for WW3. This is really happening right here in our country. UNREAL. We're sick of this nonsense and so is the rest of the world.
You have no idea what the rest of the world think. But my guess is the majority of them know that Trump is an ignorant , incompetent fool.
They literally just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop into evidence yesterday after 51 deep state operatives lied under oath in 2020 by stating it was Russian disinformation which almost certainly cost Trump the election. This is after they tried to rig the 2016 election and almost did with the cooked up Russian collusion hoax which hampered Trump's first administration. Now they are trying to throw him in prison on made up charges that no one in the history of the world has ever been charged with before. After a rigged trial by a judge who donates to Biden and has a daughter who worked for Kamala and is one of the Dems top fundraisers.

Now watch them preach to us about threats to our democracy 🙄
None of those former intelligence officers took an oath when they signed that letter. Why can't you practice honesty? How did Hunter's laptop cost Trump the election? It was Hunter's laptop and there wasn't anything in it that incriminated Joe Biden. Blaming Trump's loss on that letter and Hunter's laptop is a gigantic stretch.

I'm glad to see that you're not blaming massive voter fraud for Trump's loss. That would move you into the "you MIGHT not be a moron" category.
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Sorry, it is not like everyone who think Biden is clueless buffoon and horriblle person, president, fill in the blank, supports Trump. The Democratic Party is the group who labels everyoine as Racists. terrorists or whatever they want to call them if they don't support their twisted beliefs.
Can you remind us what is twisted about Democrats’ beliefs? Or your perception?
Biden is a felon. He was just too mentally incapacitated to stand trial.

And as to your latter statement, I support the party who believes black people are smart enough to know what a computer is and how to use one.
Whoa! You must admit that Trump is a felon in the document case if you believe that. In fact, Trump has far more felony charges than could possibly be charged against Biden. More documents, higher classification, obstruction of justice, etc.

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You didn't say convicted felon. Everyone knows he's committed felonies.
Hardly. only those buying into the bullshit you follow.

No one has proven that Biden has committed ANY felonies. That is why the 3+ year congress investigation by corrupt republicans fizzled out into nothing. THEY HAD NOTHING and they finally accepted that fact after wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.
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“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”

Guys....I mean GUYS....what in the heck is this?

You guys seriously going to drive off the cliff w this dude?

Remember back to a time when our presidential candidates didn't accuse their opponents of public torture and attempted murder?

I guess I need to re-read the Federalist Papers to understand intellectual conservatism's deep dive into the abyss of Trump's black hole of a personality cult?

Get back with me when he calls Biden "Hitler".
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Has anyone pointed out that the search warrants to search for classified documents executed on Joe Biden and also on Mike Pence had the same boilerplate language authorizing deadly force, if necessary?

Were those events attempted executions of Biden and Pence?

The amount of baloney some people fall for is amazing.
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Trumpsters' perception of reality is distorted beyond recognition. Garland testified yesterday and the fools in the hearing were the Trumpster clowns that were attacking him with nothing but BS. It's a total embarrassment.
LMFAO he was a stuttering, lying, POS, deserving to be gitmoed, traitor.
You have no idea what the rest of the world think. But my guess is the majority of them know that Trump is an ignorant , incompetent fool.
Put it up on a video the other day!

There SURE AS A HELL isn't anybody holding a Biden rally on foreign soil. Except murdering felons entering this country continuing their crime sprees while BLOOD IS ON DEMOCRATS HANDS and you think it's okay. I'm not posting all the dead, murdered, raped kids, at the hands of illegal immigrants again either. It sickens me while you all don't give one sh!t.
Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former

Not so sure about your "racism" #s. It appears to me that there is a hell of a lot of reverse racism on the Left. Your moronic comments seem to imply that the racism of non-whites is not relevant.
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Put it up on a video the other day!

There SURE AS A HELL isn't anybody holding a Biden rally on foreign soil. Except murdering felons entering this country continuing their crime sprees while BLOOD IS ON DEMOCRATS HANDS and you think it's okay. I'm not posting all the dead, murdered, raped kids, at the hands of illegal immigrants again either. It sickens me while you all don't give one sh!t.
One video. Yes that’s without doubt proof positive. There have been anti-Trump rallies all over. Remember the huge one in London? And he canceled a trip or two because of them.
You’re just another example of a Trumper whack job.
No, because you seem to indicate they suck equally.

Biden's issue is his age. Trump on the other hand is both old and a felon. They are no where close to being equal.
They sick for totally different reasons. I would hate Biden’s policies if there was any true competence left
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One video. Yes that’s without doubt proof positive. There have been anti-Trump rallies all over. Remember the huge one in London? And he canceled a trip or two because of them.
You’re just another example of a Trumper whack job.
And you're lost zeke. You follow a narrative that already had a hearing and the federal government was proven to be up to no good. How many f*cking times does this need brought up??? You guys are more dense than a box of rocks.

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger who were at one time liberal hero's, vaunted liberal heroes, but now that they saw the crimes, and testified, then intimidated by the IRS, they are vilified by the left and anyone else who doesn't get in line with the MSM. WTF is wrong with you people???

How in the hell are you so GD blind? What in the hell is it going to take? Jesus Christ, it's in your face and you continue to turn a blind eye. See Spot! See spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail. Facepalm.
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You didn't say convicted felon. Everyone knows he's committed felonies.
The difference between Biden and Trump's incidents are that Trump tried to cover up and hide the documents. Nobody made Trump commit acts which are seen as aggravating factors. Trump was initially notified by NARA that documents were missing in March 2021 or so. Had he just simply returned the documents the incident could have been resolved without even getting the FBI/DOJ involved...

But Trump is greedy when i comes to money and stubborn and egotistical when it comes to following rules. The MAL raid didn't come until AUG 2022 (not 2021), which means Trump had over a year to return the documents.He has a ridiculous sense of entitlement, he thought they were HIS, because that is the convoluted logic and interpretation of the law promoted by people and activists like Tom Fitton and the other wingnut idiots he listened to.

If the unprecedented turnover rate during the Trump 4 yrs showed us anything, it was that Trump relishes confirmation from YES men...In this case all of his legal team advised and warned him that he was committing crimes. But Trump ignored all of the sane advice from people on this staff that Know the law, in favor of the bizarre theories of a non-lawyer like Fitton.

It's why he misconstrued the meaning of the PRA, and why he was charged when Biden and Pence weren't. All he had to do was cooperate and not be an asshole. But that's something he's incapable of...
What are all of you Trumpers going to do to commemorate D-day?

You know, remembering the people who died, those thousands of brave heroes (in my opinion), but the guys Trump considers "a bunch of suckers"?

The ones that didn't have the smarts to muster up a bone spur problem?

That attitude more than any other tells you what a loser your fool is.
What are all of you Trumpers going to do to commemorate D-day?

You know, remembering the people who died, those thousands of brave heroes (in my opinion), but the guys Trump considers "a bunch of suckers"?

The ones that didn't have the smarts to muster up a bone spur problem?

That attitude more than any other tells you what a loser your fool is.

Bone Spur Celebration's on the same day :)
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