Meanwhile in the MAL documents case...

There's a lot of speculation that Judge Cannon is deliberately trying to delay her case in order to help Trump. She has delayed setting a fixed court date, which wold necessitate implementing basic procedures that need to be completed prior to the actual trial.

The speculation is that she knows the temporary May date that she is loosely holding on to will undoubtedly need to be moved, But she's going to delay moving her date as long as possible to keep the space "filled".Basically many people feel that she is purposely holding on to May as a target date in order to prevent any other trial court being able to successfully fill the vacated May slot.

She has also so far been able to refrain from issuing written orders where she will violate a CIPA rule and allow Jack Smith to go to the 11th Circuit and move for her dismissal.Eventually she'll have to shit or get off the pot and Smith will pounce. But for now he is biding his time and waiting for her to screw up...

Part of it is that she has no idea what she is doing, and has never handled a CIPA case before. As a result she is in her eagerness to accomodate team Trump, basically violating provisions of CIPA procedure. As yet she hasn't committed anything to an official written order that is directly challengeable.

For example, the law does not allow for anyone but the Govt and Judge to be privy to the meeting where it is determined which documents can safely be presented at trial and which ones are too sensitive to even be allowed in Court. After Trump's attorneys filed to be allowed to attend ,rather than summarily denying the motion,as the law prescribes she created a "briefing meeting" where the idea could be "considered".

It's just another delay tactic and not even allowed under CIPA, but it's a way for her to continue to delay the ongoing process informally, without issuing an actual written order which is subject to review/discipline. Remember she tried this kind of move early on, and the same very Conservative 11th Circuit that Smith would go to now already smacked her down.

Unlike Cannon (and apparently Trump's legal team) Smith has a very thorough understanding of CIPA law, so she has to tread very carefully. He takes this shit very personally, and I'd say he is going to force her to get with the program, conduct the case the way the law prescribes, or he is going to get rid of her.

He has laid a number of rhetorical traps which again she has been able to avoid by not making any official moves that would get her in trouble. But he's going to continue to push and force her to either settle into a schedule in line with a May trial date, or admit that isn't possible and free up May for another trial. Possibly the DC case...

Now I probably haven't done a good job of explaining all that, but it sort of sets the stage for Smith's latest filing in the case. On Fri he filed a response (which I'm told is unusal) to counteract some of Trump's lies about the nature of the case. Maybe he is trying to impress upon Cannon the gravity of the charges involved, and counter Trump's claims that he's the victim of a political witchunt. Here is the Politico article discussing Smith's Fri filing...

Now if any of this interests you and you're like me in feeling like you benefit from video presentations more than just reading about something yourself , Glenn Kirschner provides a useful breakdown. Full disclosure Glenn who is a former US Attny is an unabshed liberal and works for MSNBC.

He's not someone I watch a lot of videos from, his tag line is hokey, and sometimes he strikes me as a little pompous. And in most cases he is just adding to stories I already know about.

But one part of this story really grabbed my attention, and I thought others might find it interesting as well. Esp when one of the defenses for Trump's actions is people claiming that MAL was a "secure fortress"...

This excerpt from the Politico article appears to underscore Smith's attempt in the filing to wake Cannon up to the gravity of the situation...

"The brief is also peppered with factual claims that make Trump’s behavior sound more serious and egregious. When discussing the defense’s request for more information from the Secret Service, prosecutors assert that their interaction with the federal agency that guards the president and his family underscored Trump’s recklessness in keeping a large volume of classified information at his Florida home, which also serves as a social club and a site for political and social events with lengthy guest lists.

The Secret Service reported that “of the approximately 48,000 guests who visited Mar-a-Lago between January 2021 and May 2022, while classified documents were at the property, only 2,200 had their names checked and only 2,900 passed through magnetometers."

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The Rule of Law - Federalism - Respect for Courts - Rabble

Seems to be on the radar …. again

Shall we learn from history?

Are we entitled to ignore court decisions we do not like?

When? Where is that line? Is every decision we dislike a Dred Scott moment?

Should judges be loyal to their social justice views, or to the Constitution?

What is the proper road to protest a decision with which we disagree? “Burn, baby, burn” or “Brown v. Board of Education”?

Both? Would Brown exist without the Burn?

King and Marshall versus Seale and Cleaver?

The Letter From Birmingham Jail or BLM?

By today’s definitions offered by The Idiocracy, IKE was a white supremacist.

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The Idiocracy need not respond. There is ice cream on the back porch. The adults will call you when supper is ready.

As if public confidance in SCOTUS wasn't already cratering...

This is not going to sit well with anyone who believes in seperation of Church and State...

I looked to make sure there wasn't a thread on this already, because it's everywhere on mainstream media...

Rather than post any of the videos that provide political commentary, I'm just going to post the various audio comments so people can judge for themselves...

Three things stand out to me...

First of all Lauren Windsor essentially recorded a similar undercover tape of Alito before. So I'm kind of surprised he fell for it again. The earlier conversation is on this tape as well. He seems a lot more moderate on the recording she made in the wake of Dobbs. Although it strikes me as disengenuous when he discusses the Dobbs leaker, since a lot of people feel the leaker was him or one of his clerks...

Secondly I'm struck by what he says and the fact that he would make these comments to a virtual stranger at some sort of public function. Like I said I think people who value a seperation of Church/State are going to be bothered by what he says. It seems he's decided to "let his freak flag fly"... In more ways than one...

And thirdly the most (pleasantly) surprising thing to me is the contrast between what Alito says and what we hear Roberts say. IMHO, this is how you should respond to the questions posed and issues raised. Whether you feel the person asking the questions is a kindred spirit or not...

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Hard to believe they were both nominated by the same POTUS. They almost seem diametrically opposed on how they view society. And apparently disagree on their role as members of the highest court in the land...

IUWBB reserved season ticket seating area expanded.....

Will be entire main level, both East & West sides this year vs. Row 31 & below both sides last year. Requests for season tickets apparently strong. And anyone who already requested general admission season tickets can change to reserved if done before 6/30. Go Hoosiers!!!!!!

Email from IU:

In response to a significant increase in the demand for IU Women’s Basketball reserved season tickets for the 2024-25 season, IU Athletics is expanding the reserved seating section for the upcoming season.

The new Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall seating configuration will feature the entire main level (both east and west sides) being utilized for reserved season ticket holders. Last year, Rows 1-31 of the main level were set aside for reserved season ticket holders. General admission seating, meanwhile, will consist of the court-level bleachers and the balcony. On gamedays, once the court-level GA section is full, GA ticket holders will be directed to the balcony.

In consideration of this change, individuals who have already purchased General Admission season tickets have the option to call the IU Ticket Office (812-855-4006) and upgrade to reserved season tickets. Those requests must be completed by June 30. Seat locations for reserved season ticket holders will be determined based on IU’s Priority Point system in July.

Both Reserved and GA season tickets for the 2024-25 IU Women’s Basketball season remain on sale. Reserved season tickets can be purchased until June 30, while GA season tickets will remain on sale until the start of the season. Adult reserved season tickets are $112, while reserved senior season tickets (65+) and youth season tickets (18-and-under) are $48. IU faculty and staff can purchase reserved season tickets for $80. Adult general admission season tickets are $96, while general admission youth and senior tickets are $48.

IU Women’s Basketball is coming off a record-setting season for attendance in 2023-24. Coach Teri Moren’s team averaged 10,336 fans during its 17 home games, and in doing so became just the fifth Big Ten Women’s Basketball team to average 10,000-plus during a single season. IU went a perfect 17-0 at home last season while eclipsing the 20-win barrier for the ninth straight year and earning a trip to its third Sweet 16 in the last four years.
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Recruiting Question Being Answered By IU Staff

Well I think the early signs point to Coach Cig being more than a hype talker. He is delivering. I can’t believe there hasn’t been more talk about the Baldwin commit? Here is proof they do have the ability to recognize and find talent where others may not see it. Baldwin wasn’t even ranked until after committing to IU. Now, they continue to get high level commitments from an impressive weekend event.

IU may still have a talent gap overall, but that gap appears only to exist on the player talent side of the ball. Our coaches have recruiting chops. Let’s hope their X’s & O’s are equally as impressive

Weekly Columns

Coming soon: "Sunday Spotlight" and "Thursday Throwback" columns that will run weekly.

Who are some of the names of people you want to hear from? The spotlights will feature recent or current athletes/staff/coaches, and the Thursday columns will check in with Hoosier legends from the past. Give us some names!

Have a good one!

Wherein we discuss the aliens among us.

Aliens might be living among us, according to a study by Harvard academics.

A new paper suggests extraterrestrials could also be living underground or in a base inside the Moon.

The study by Harvard University’s Human Flourishing program further puts forward the idea that UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), may be spaceships visiting their Earth-based alien friends.

The researchers have investigated so-called ‘cryptoterrestrials’.

These could be disguising themselves as humans to fit in, may have come from Earth’s future or might have descended from intelligent dinosaurs.

The study was created to offer an alternate “unconventional” explanation for UAP sightings and to hypothesize what they might mean, and “the possibility that UAP may involve forms of non-human intelligence (NHI) that are already present in Earth’s environment in some sense” that exist “alongside us in distinct stealth”.

The paper reads: “The author became increasingly aware of the depth of evidence and theory that also tentatively supports another ultraterrestrial explanation: the “cryptoterrestrial” hypothesis (CTH) – our focus here – which holds that UAP may reflect activities of NHIs concealed here on Earth (e.g., underground) and its environs.”

Four theories on aliens living near humans are investigated.

The first are human cryptoterrestrials: A technologically advanced ancient human civilisation that was largely destroyed long ago (e.g. by flood), but continued to exist in remnant form.

The second are hominid or theropod cryptoterrestrials: A technologically advanced non-human civilisation consisting of some terrestrial animal which evolved to live in stealth (e.g., underground). The paper suggests these could be an ape-like hominid descendant, or descendants of “unknown, intelligent dinosaurs”.

The third cryptoterrestrials are former extraterrestrial or extratempestrial cryptoterrestrials. These would have arrived on Earth from elsewhere in the cosmos or from the human future, respectively, and concealed themselves in stealth, such as in the Moon.

Theory four, dubbed CTH 4, are “magical Cryptoterrestrials”: Entities which are less like homegrown aliens and more like “earthbound angels”.

The paper says these relate to the world inhabited by humans in ways that are less technological than magical, giving the examples of “fairies, elves, nymphs”.

The academics do conclude that their theories, especially the elves suggestion, might be hard to take by many people.

They add: “The principal weakness of CTH 4, by contrast, is its utter strangeness, particularly for readers schooled to limit themselves to modes of explanation within the bounds of, say, the standard model of physics.

“While belief in extraterrestrials is tenable, belief in (something like) fairies is simply not a live option for many scientists.”

This would explain the Kardashians, people who like Vamderpump rules, and at least one of my ex girlfriends.
