While considering the Game Day ambiance...

It looks like the Red Steppers now have some serious competition for hottest dancers in the Big Ten:

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My solution: footwear upgrade...
Get them into something with less of a heel that allows for even more athletic moves than they're already known for (if that's physically possible 😉😎)...

Had a high school friend who was once with the Dance Team up at Ball State back in the really early "70's" and they wore some type of red, tight to the calf, semi-boot with a low heel that they could safely hop around in... She looked great too... The stuff they have our women wearing these days looks like a real boot that appears to be a sprained ankle waiting to happen...

*Yes, I'm even attempting to polish our dance teams presention. What can I say, it's an extraordinarily slow day at this end...

With the women of west coast now in the mix the RS will need to up their game accordingly, fortunately our talent pool is deep...

Remote work

Dell told workers to classify themselves as hybrid workers or remote. If hybrid, they have to work out of an office 40 days per quarter. If remote, they forfeit promotions and getting hired into other Dell jobs.

1/2 chose remote.

It was believed Dell did this to trim their workforce without paying any severance. Dell really only has one set of offices, in Austin. Others are too small or don't exist. I know people that moved back to Austin because it really was the only choice.

Half forgoing promotion is a lot. I suspect many will go elsewhere over time. Apple is having similar issues with workers. It appears workers are still demanding more flexibility.

Hunter guilty on all counts

I posted from the Lefty Bible so it would be credible

In the 'absolutely can't make this shit up' department, from the above article...

Biden was not originally scheduled to travel to Wilmington on Tuesday, but the White House updated his schedule after Hunter Biden’s conviction. The president will head to Delaware after delivering remarks at an Everytown for Gun Safety event scheduled for 1:30 p.m. ET in Washington, DC.
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Unhinged Trump compares Biden Administration to Nazi Germany

Guy is losing it (assuming he ever had it). In a rambling, angry, profanity-laced 90-minute speech yesterday, he compared the Biden Administration to the Gestapo, and hurled invective at the prosecutors involved in his several indictments.

He also offered immediate time on stage (with him) to anyone who agreed, on the spot, to donate $1 million to his campaign. Two people took him up on the offer. One of the million-dollar donors, a woman, proclaimed: "Donald J. Trump is the person God has chosen!"

Crazy Town.

It appears I've discovered something akin to a Unicorn...

I've quite possibly found the last sane politician who still identifies as a Democrat...

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But Let's Cancel Student Loans

What a bullshit law and crappy situation to put vets in. Pass a law and fix this or use the same magical powers of the presidency that allowed the cancelation of those loans.

Illinois 2024

I thought it would be interesting to do a series of threads about the prospects of our BT competition next year.

This won't be intended to be a thorough vetting....just an initial look at who projects to be in the rotation at the BT non-western 14 (I''ll leave the Pac 4 teams to someone else).

Lets begin with Illinois.

They lost all but one of their top 8 scorers, assuming Goode remains in the portal as expected. They have a good but not great HS recruiting class. Also, a good but not great portal class, imo.

Based on what I've seen their rotation would likely include**:

--6'3 PG Kylan Boswell, TR from AZ
--6'10" Casey Booth, TR from ND
--6'6" Ty Rogers, a returning starter
--6'8: Morez Johnson, a highly regarded (35 or so) HS recruit
--6'7" Trey White, TR from UL
--6'3" Dra Gibbs-Lawhorn
--6'6" Jake Davis, TR from Mercer. This is an interesting kid. He's not particularly highly rated by 247 or ON3, but I'm not sure why not. Last year, as a true freshman, he shot 48% on 2s, 39% on 3s, and 85% on FTs. He's a high volume 3 pt shooter, taking twice as many 3s as 2s. And a decent-good rebounder for 6'6". He's listed at 6'6" 220 lbs, and was lightly recruited out of Indianapolis Cathedral HS.

There is a huge ?? about Illinois basketball next year. Marcus Domask has hired an atty and applied for an extra year of eligibility He's played 5 years, but only played in 10 games one of his years at SIU, and is seeking another year.

Other players who could fight for some pt are little guard Nicolo Moretti (European) and 6'10" freshman recruit Jason Sakstys.

Predictions...........I'm not aware of any additional high value portal guys Illinois may be things stand, without Domask, they look like a team that might finish between 6th and 9th in the expanded BT. Outside shooting could be an issue if Davis struggles, and there is no proven center. But there is some talent. Add Domask and they probably are more like a 4th-7th team, imo.


**EDIT--6'9" Ben Humrichous, from Evansville added to rotation. Domask will not challenge eligibilty.
**EDIT #2--Illinois has added 2024 recuit 7'1" 230lb Croation Tomislav Ivisic, twin brother of Zvonimar Ivisic, now at Ark., late of UK.
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