WTF is going on with this web site?!?!?...

Whew,... this took forever for me to get logged in..

For the last two days it's been having problems on my laptop just loading the site, logging in, loading pages, not being able to redirct pages... you name it. It doesn't matter which browser I try either,
Firefox, Chrome, Edge..... and I've changed nothing in my settings and my laptop is only about a year old and always updated... also, all sites I use are not being blocked in any way...

Been getting a lot of "OPPS, sorry we're having...." BS

Other than being a little slower I'm not having a problem when using my phone.

Anyone else having problems?

In the past year or so I've noticed a lot more problems with the site doing any of the above... problem is it's the only site I ever have tech problems with... I don't think it's on my end.

The Cult

The cult and its "reign of terror" brought terrible policies from local policing to inflation to cancel culture to the border. I think more and more people realize they are not what's good for the country. Biden recently promised to get progressives on teh S. Ct. I will be interested to hear his debate answers and plans going forward or whether we're going to relive the disaster of 2020 if he has congress. Pretty interesting take below in the MSN Newsweek link with the French. With respect to trump’s tainted blood offensive border rhetoric I think this author better captures what trump was inarticulate about

One of the good guys - Sope - needs some positive thoughts/vibes/blessings directed his way.

Without breaking any confidences and HIPAA deals, Steve is going in tomorrow morning for some testing.

I told him there is strength and power in numbers and that even though he hasn’t been around for a while he is the one among us who has burned the fewest bridges.

We need his loquaciousness around here. He can skewer any of us with his rapier wit with the deftness of a pickpocket and we need that back.

So, use any power you have and get some good energy headed to Atlanta.

Louisiana lol

The 10 Commandments in public school classrooms is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause.

But La doesn't care. It's all for show so, when the Constitution thumps them down, they can point at us and scream "Heathens!" in our faces.

C'mon, dudes. We all know the 10 Cs don't belong in public schools. Come on, now.

And while we're talking about the 10 Cs, the first 5 are mere loyalty oaths to something that very likely doesn't even exist.

And you can't use the 1st A to violate the 1st A, folks.

Moses' tablets have no business in a 21st C American school. Keep your kids home and teach them that shit.

  • Poll
Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Have at it.
