• M
    I'll take Ballo's 20 pts, 12 boards and 5 assists. Of course the guy he covered was a bad mismatch for him, but we wouldn't have won...
  • dbmhoosier
    dbmhoosier replied to the thread Gene Hackman.
  • T
    IU is gonna have nba players on the roster next year?
  • VanPastorMan
    VanPastorMan replied to the thread she so wrong.
    Thanks for the info.
  • VanPastorMan
    VanPastorMan replied to the thread she so wrong.
    I've not even been stoned. Drunk yes. Stoned no.
  • K
    That Tucker stuff was just someone throwing shit against the wall. Don’t amplify that BS
  • All4You
    All4You replied to the thread she so wrong.
    Welp, they've been trying and failing at the above endeavor for a quarter of a century (hell, an argument could be made that the best...
  • BradStevens
    Not the question.
  • hoot1
    Given Hillary, Joe, and Kamala; that is a good question about Dem candidates being hapless. However, given that hapless can mean...
  • G
    It is a stupid amendment. If a President is good and elections are fair, let him cook. I’m sure we could find quite a few people on...
  • Jim Coyle
    Jim Coyle replied to the thread Beard a no go.
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  • Univee2
    No bow ties for CO. Only turquoise bolos.
  • Univee2
    The MSNBC/CNN/View metastatic disease is strong.
  • C
    You sound like the guy I won the bet against, c. 2019. FTR, as I told him then, this is not me saying that Donald Trump isn't a...
  • Jim Coyle
    Jim Coyle replied to the thread Beard a no go.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • dbmhoosier
    dbmhoosier replied to the thread Kash FBI Director.
  • Mark Milton
    Of course there’s a way to know that the government didn’t make that argument go look on pacer. They did not make that argument.
  • Seyton
    Seyton replied to the thread Beard a no go.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • Mas-sa-suta
    Bye Felicia! Be sure you have all of your C-19 boosters.
  • 76-1
    Well..., if that meteor hits the moon..., but you're right, there's zero chance we're rehiring Davis... 😉
  • larsIU
    Bill Clinton Barack Obama and..... hold on I'll think of one.
  • Univee2
    Univee2 replied to the thread Gene Hackman.
    Who doesn’t? That’s a classic L.L. Bean flannel.
  • T.M.P.
    T.M.P. replied to the thread she so wrong.
    So, you think he'll dump that boring ass ineffective offense and join the 21st century finally? I don't ... people may change, but...
  • GThomas
    GThomas replied to the thread Throw the check book at Bruce….
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  • F
    frikkenfrakken replied to the thread Student Chant.
    It was Cav, screaming at Anthony Leal about how he's even worse than Romeo. The ref is apparently a big Shakespeare fan.
