When you're no longer useful...

Her protection under the Connecticut law isn't theoretical.

This isn't just you but why on earth does everything have to be Trump? He has nothing to do with this.
Because he is the poster child for claiming free speech rights when it is totally inappropriate. He has less than a 5th grader's understanding of the US Consitution, and many here match that or make the same mistake as their dear Leader.
Because he is the poster child for claiming free speech rights when it is totally inappropriate. He has less than a 5th grader's understanding of the US Consitution, and many here match that or make the same mistake as their dear Leader.

Both sides of the Trump Uber Alles crowds end up turning all these threads into shit fests. You are as much a Trump Cultist as anybody, you are just in the Anti- version of his cult. As it stands, you all want to discuss him 24/7.
The Steele case has nothing to do, once again, with protected free speech under the 1st amendment of the US Constitution.

She apparently has some theoretical protection under a Connecticut state law that extends protected free speech rights to the workplace.

Trump does this crap all the time, wants no consequences of his speech and thinks that a 1st amendment right. It simply isn't. But if he lived in Connectitcut I guess he could claim state law protection. Which is pretty bizarre. I think it would be interesting for an employer to challenge that constitutionality of that law at the Federal level.
Stop pretending to law. You look stupid.
The critics are precisely right in that 1st amendment protection has NOTHING to do with employer-employee relationships and employment contracts. Arguing that it does is the height of stupidity and it's disappointing that any IU grad would do so.

LOL, there is zero chance you are convicing anyone on this board that if the tables were turned, you would be supportive of that stance. Zero.
Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


ETA: Matt did the work for you. Smart IU grads should know what they are talking about before opening their mouth and showing everyone they don't.

Relax, he's taken more drugs than Kurt Cobain
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Was gonna suggest "Donald Clump", but sometimes the classics just play better.

Relax, he's taken more drugs than Kurt Cobain
Are we sure b/c Cobain has been dead for a while now.
"Apparently has some theoretical protection" was the phrase that made me roll my eyes. But mostly, it's your insistence on making declarative statements beyond your knowledge.
What about the 1st amendment to the US Constitution was I wrong about, Mr. F. Lee Bailey? It's 7th grade civics, not info buried in some law school treatise and requiring you secret handshake..
Perhaps, but he gets all bent out of shape when people misuse science, soooo....
True true.

But it's like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500, meanwhile Giggitywhodayfarvalargeguywhowillhaveanewidentityinaweek is still (maybe, I don't really know) not banned for a being a dick.
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True true.

But it's like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500, meanwhile Giggitywhodayfarvalargeguywhowillhaveanewidentityinaweek is still (maybe, I don't really know) not banned for a being a dick.
Farva went surprisingly quiet. I didn't think he was capable. He must like this handle.
I think he has a stockpile of handles. Cavanaugh was calling The Vid, Farva in a thread on the free b-ball board today. There was no denial.
That’s very interesting. I have to say I’m hanging on by a thread. Now that Brad has deleted his account I haven’t seen bulk. Could be a coincidence but no brad and bulk it might be tapout time. Use this time to try to get some sexting or somethin else cookin
Uh that’s not silencing her. Was she jailed? She spoke. She had consequences . Freedom of speech isn’t absolute by any means. She quit. She can say whatever stupid thing she wants now. . Are you ok?
Only folks who aren’t employed think Freedom of Speach is an unalienable right- you know those unemployed folks, they can’t afford to be paying members of rivals
I think he has a stockpile of handles. Cavanaugh was calling The Vid, Farva in a thread on the free b-ball board today. There was no denial.
That would explain a lot. I wondered how there could realistically be two of them so nearly identical...
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