When those that are correct are silenced

That rat bastard Fauci is emblematic of everything wrong with the Federal government today.

Extraordinary power for a position to which he was not elected. A track record of failure for which he has never been held accountable. Self-serving, malignant narcissism run amok. Putting him front and center was the biggest mistake Trump made.

He is satan incarnate.
This edition of you has gotten a little crazier, hasn’t it?
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Politics and money you got me. Fame I could care less.
I was referring to the people running the conservative propaganda machine that have attacked fauci for their own purposes.

If fauci is what you claim he is then that is hardly different from the people that are feeding you and the other conservatives that line of thinking.
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That rat bastard Fauci is emblematic of everything wrong with the Federal government today.

Extraordinary power for a position to which he was not elected. A track record of failure for which he has never been held accountable. Self-serving, malignant narcissism run amok. Putting him front and center was the biggest mistake Trump made.

He is satan incarnate.
Not Hitler?
Great post. And it’s more than the media. It’s Hollywood and the breadth of its influence. This is a headline on numerous outlets this morning: SNL Cold Open Skewers Dr. Oz, Herschel Walker, and Kari Lake.

Wtf. Bias ya think? Oz was great in his debate. The Dem couldn’t even talk. Good for Musk. Good for people seeing through the bullshit. Here’s hoping for a red wave in a few weeks. I’m sick of the liberal bullshit. Hopefully we get something positive out of Sorbo on this rainy Sunday. Had my game canceled so going to try beef stew in a crockpot. Have Chinese on standby
I am boycotting Chinese and going strictly Thai.

Also, do virologists get things wrong and was "The Science" 100% in agreement on anything having to do with COVID. I will answer those two for you, Yes and No.

Here is the problem you and people who acted like you have now with your appeal to expertise. They lied. They lied about little things to force a narrative they needed things to fall into. They did it to make sure unthinking political drones like Hickory could feel smart saying "lock it down, vaccinate and you will not get sick and pass it on, the science, the science, the science...."

This wasn't "The science" this was about making people do what they were told first and politics second. The expert class in this country lit themselves on fire over COVID because of politics. They tried to shove their square peg through every hole and we are still feeling the after effects of their ethical lapses.

Also, do virologists get things wrong and was "The Science" 100% in agreement on anything having to do with COVID. I will answer those two for you, Yes and No.

Here is the problem you and people who acted like you have now with your appeal to expertise. They lied. They lied about little things to force a narrative they needed things to fall into. They did it to make sure unthinking political drones like Hickory could feel smart saying "lock it down, vaccinate and you will not get sick and pass it on, the science, the science, the science...."

This wasn't "The science" this was about making people do what they were told first and politics second. The expert class in this country lit themselves on fire over COVID because of politics. They tried to shove their square peg through every hole and we are still feeling the after effects of their ethical lapses.
Lied. Got it wrong. Made promises and assurances that weren’t kept. Destroyed lives and livelihoods. Trump gave fauci and the science world way too much air time. These aren’t the people who set policy. Trump blew it. In many ways DeSantis and Fla benefitted from it. Not listening to Fauci etc was the catalyst for Desantis’ emergence on the national scene.
Lied. Got it wrong. Made promises and assurances that weren’t kept. Destroyed lives and livelihoods. Trump gave fauci and the science world way too much air time. These aren’t the people who set policy. Trump blew it. In many ways DeSantis and Fla benefitted from it. Not listening to Fauci etc was the catalyst for Desantis’ emergence on the national scene.
Forget all the "Trump is an a-hole" stuff, he talked a big game but was a failure at doing what he said he was there to do. COVID is that biggest failure. Yeah, do warp speed and take steps to protect certain elements of society that were more susceptible to the virus but he abdicated decision making on the entire country to Fauci. Trump should not be back in office again for that alone. Locking us down and shutting the schools all happened on his watch.
I was referring to the people running the conservative propaganda machine that have attacked fauci for their own purposes.

If fauci is what you claim he is then that is hardly different from the people that are feeding you and the other conservatives that line of thinking.
Read up on Fauci during the AIDS crisis before you decide to name your firstborn after him.

I give Fauci the benefit of the doubt and think he’s a good-intentioned scientist - but the liberal deification of a man who’s advice has caused a lot of pain and suffering (without self-introspection) sure is sad.
Lied. Got it wrong. Made promises and assurances that weren’t kept. Destroyed lives and livelihoods. Trump gave fauci and the science world way too much air time. These aren’t the people who set policy. Trump blew it. In many ways DeSantis and Fla benefitted from it. Not listening to Fauci etc was the catalyst for Desantis’ emergence on the national scene.
That's the irony - Trump tried to follow the 'science' and got burned for it.

The one time he acquiesced to the deep state, he paid dearly.
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Forget all the "Trump is an a-hole" stuff, he talked a big game but was a failure at doing what he said he was there to do. COVID is that biggest failure. Yeah, do warp speed and take steps to protect certain elements of society that were more susceptible to the virus but he abdicated decision making on the entire country to Fauci. Trump should not be back in office again for alone. Locking us down and shutting the schools all happened on his watch.
Think back to the panic and hysteria about the virus. No one knew for sure how it would ultimately end and people were dying in large numbers.

Trump wanted the 2 week shutdown to 'flatten the curve' (haha!), but he wanted things started up after that. It was mainly Governors who had the power to actually shut things down and they did so - that wasn't Trump.

No one remembers Nancy Pelosi going to Chinatown and telling everyone to get out and mingle before she became a shutdown advocate.
A new Senate report involving CCP comms experts and journalists from ProPublica have concluded the Lab Leak Theory to now be the most likely cause/source of COVID-19. This comes as little surprise to anybody with common sense - including noted liberals such as Jon Stewart. Given the novelty and location of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the notorious lack of quality and standards involved in all things CCP - most critically thinking non-sheep really struggled with the wet market alibi and how quickly it came into existence. Of course we were quickly labeled xenophobic or sinophobic by the good sheep that for some reason just could not have it be the CCP’s fault. We were once again called Conspiracy Theorists - the Left’s latest (albeit now replaced by “Fascists”) broad brush statement to dismiss and direct the sheep back to the narrative. Was it a combination of trying to stay Woke and not create discontent with Chinese citizens in America - even though policies like college admission affirmative action blatantly discriminate against them? When is it ok to shit on Asians in America? Only if not shitting on them creates “inequity” for other “oppressed” people?

But this phenomenon of dismissing, labeling and then redirecting isn’t new nor is it going away. If a conservative disagrees with leftist propaganda it doesn’t take too long until we are labeled as MAGA or Q’s for the great offense of questioning easily disproven narratives such as vaccines not stopping transmission or having nasty side effect profiles. We are conspiracy theorists if we quickly thought something is fishy with the Hunter laptop or the quick adoption of Russiagate or the like. We were proven right on all of this.

Yes, there are Q loons and MAGAdiots on the right just as there are insane Marxists and Antifa on the Left. But only one side gets cover from the real media and the other is extensively covered by the media. The media has lost the public trust - and we’re about to see that so have the Democrats. I will not be able to vote for a Democrat at the national level until Wokeness and journalism dominance is out of their hands. They’re wrong too often and Wokeness has real manifestations and negative results.

But I do promise you to not vote for loons like Mastriano or Gosar either. Loons are clearly identifiable and should be dealt with accordingly. But according to Big J journalists only we have the loons and that’s unadulterated bullshit.

So if you were one of the sheep that believes your handlers every time despite common sense or evidence to the contrary - I encourage you to wake the **** up.
Seems ironic coming from a guy that tried to silence me through intimidation whenI suggested you get your kids vaccinated,
Think back to the panic and hysteria about the virus. No one knew for sure how it would ultimately end and people were dying in large numbers.

Trump wanted the 2 week shutdown to 'flatten the curve' (haha!), but he wanted things started up after that. It was mainly Governors who had the power to actually shut things down and they did so - that wasn't Trump.

No one remembers Nancy Pelosi going to Chinatown and telling everyone to get out and mingle before she became a shutdown advocate.
Hindsight is 20/20. I don't think we'll make the same mistakes we made with COVID the next time around. And there will be a next time.

But seriously, how do you keep 75 year olds that want to get out and party from doing just that in a free society. Can you imagine the political fall out had somebody even mentioned the idea of locking old people in their homes "for their own good". And one side would have been "for" it and one side "against" it and we'd be in the same damn position we're in today.

What do you mean by "proof?" There is evidence that supports the lab leak hypothesis. It is not a slam-dunk and might never be, one way or the other.

Also, you use and highlight the word MUST, as if asking the question, was it a lab leak, or saying "it is likely it was a lab leak" is the same as saying it MUST have been a lab leak. That's exactly backwards vs. what happened where, early on, the main media said it MUST have a "natural" origin and those who asked for "proof" were ridiculed.

You already hit it. Its tribalism that creates absolutism. Just like those who asked for proof for the wet market theory were ridiculed the reverse happened as well. When folks asked for lab leak proof they were called liberal deniers.

In the end you alluded to what happened. First political tribalism and then we are not smart to understand the theories and science but we try still. That breeds a whole lot of "know it alls".
Hindsight is 20/20. I don't think we'll make the same mistakes we made with COVID the next time around. And there will be a next time.

But seriously, how do you keep 75 year olds that want to get out and party from doing just that in a free society. Can you imagine the political fall out had somebody even mentioned the idea of locking old people in their homes "for their own good". And one side would have been "for" it and one side "against" it and we'd be in the same damn position we're in today.

Well, actually, people did mention locking people in their own homes and it was certainly done in China and other countries.

My friend in New Zealand was limited to being within 10 feet of his own house. Any farther out and he could have been arrested.

You're absolutely right about hindsight being 20/20. And for anyone who blames Trump, where is the criticism of anyone else who wanted the lock downs and unlimited government handouts.
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Well, actually, people did mention locking people in their own homes and it was certainly done in China and other countries.

My friend in New Zealand was limited to being within 10 feet of his own house. Any farther out and he could have been arrested.
But that would never be allowed to happen in the USA. Any for good reason I suppose.

where is the criticism of anyone else who wanted the lock downs and unlimited government handouts.
Trump was put in a bad position with COVID but he didn't handle it well. The vaccine effort was really good and he deserves credit for it, as any president would. But his messaging was absolutely garbage and he was picking fights from teh start. That's failed leadership.

Compare it to GWB after 9/11. And yeah, the Dems sucked too at the onset of COVID. But Trump was president.

And there is plenty of criticism now of those favoring the full lockdowns and stimulus. In fact, I've heard that many of those people will be without jobs in January. Whether that's fair or right isn't up to me.
But that would never be allowed to happen in the USA. Any for good reason I suppose.

Trump was put in a bad position with COVID but he didn't handle it well. The vaccine effort was really good and he deserves credit for it, as any president would. But his messaging was absolutely garbage and he was picking fights from teh start. That's failed leadership.

Compare it to GWB after 9/11. And yeah, the Dems sucked too at the onset of COVID. But Trump was president.

And there is plenty of criticism now of those favoring the full lockdowns and stimulus. In fact, I've heard that many of those people will be without jobs in January. Whether that's fair or right isn't up to me.
I've heard absolutely no criticism from the left about lock downs. None.

Comparing 9/11 to Covid? They're not comparable in any way.

His message was garbage because the media lied about what he actually said.

If you think that couldn't happen in the USA, you weren't paying attention.
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Glaring example number one...

Turnip for brains telling us about his solid mist...

Wow a GOP Senate candidate grifting and doubling as a "snake oil salesman"... Where have we seen that before?
His message was garbage because the media lied about what he actually said.
Well I don't think I agree here but that's fine. And no, I won't go find all the examples of Trump talking out his ass on a near daily basis. Do you remember the daily briefings?

Gold Jerry. Gold.
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Read up on Fauci during the AIDS crisis before you decide to name your firstborn after him.

I give Fauci the benefit of the doubt and think he’s a good-intentioned scientist - but the liberal deification of a man who’s advice has caused a lot of pain and suffering (without self-introspection) sure is sad.
Don't plan to name my first born after him and never said Fauci was perfect.
Scientists do experiments and gather data.

In a pandemic, someone like Fauci is asked to make public health recommendations upon completion of the earliest of experiments and give a reasonable, educated interpretation of results and suggested plan of action.

Then more and better experiments are done and sometimes (often, in fact) the prior recommendation is amended or even totally scrapped.

it doesn't mean that the first recommendation was a LIE. It was instead a logical conclusion, but based on incomplete data.

When more data comes in, are you supposed to ignore it so that you aren't called a liar? No, you follow the data. Always.
Scientists do experiments and gather data.

In a pandemic, someone like Fauci is asked to make public health recommendations upon the earliest of experiments and a reasonable, educated interpretation of results.

Then more and better experiments are done and sometimes (often, in fact) the prior recommendation is amended or even totally scrapped.

it doesn't mean that the first recommendation was a LIE. It was instead a logical conclusion, but based on incomplete data. When more data comes in, are you supposed to ignore it so that you aren't called a liar? No, you follow the data. Always.
Lol. Shut up. Stay in a lab. None of you dumb nerds should come within a mile of a microphone. Masks. Spread. Over by July. Science nerds likely are the cause of this mess. Mask up and F off
Scientists do experiments and gather data.

In a pandemic, someone like Fauci is asked to make public health recommendations upon completion of the earliest of experiments and give a reasonable, educated interpretation of results and suggested plan of action.

Then more and better experiments are done and sometimes (often, in fact) the prior recommendation is amended or even totally scrapped.

it doesn't mean that the first recommendation was a LIE. It was instead a logical conclusion, but based on incomplete data.

When more data comes in, are you supposed to ignore it so that you aren't called a liar? No, you follow the data. Always.
Just asking. Would it be appropriate for Fauci to receive royalties on anything related to his recommendations?
Just asking. Would it be appropriate for Fauci to receive royalties on anything related to his recommendations?
Like any citizen, if he holds a patent on some general technology that others have licensed to use for drug or vaccine discovery, then yes I would expect that he'd receive his annual royalty check for that patent licensing agreement.
Scientists do experiments and gather data.

In a pandemic, someone like Fauci is asked to make public health recommendations upon completion of the earliest of experiments and give a reasonable, educated interpretation of results and suggested plan of action.

Then more and better experiments are done and sometimes (often, in fact) the prior recommendation is amended or even totally scrapped.

it doesn't mean that the first recommendation was a LIE. It was instead a logical conclusion, but based on incomplete data.

When more data comes in, are you supposed to ignore it so that you aren't called a liar? No, you follow the data. Always.
But he’s been caught lying so many times it gets hard to not join in the crowd that bashed him. But I don’t. But he’s got to stop the lying.
Scientists do experiments and gather data.

In a pandemic, someone like Fauci is asked to make public health recommendations upon completion of the earliest of experiments and give a reasonable, educated interpretation of results and suggested plan of action.

Then more and better experiments are done and sometimes (often, in fact) the prior recommendation is amended or even totally scrapped.

it doesn't mean that the first recommendation was a LIE. It was instead a logical conclusion, but based on incomplete data.

When more data comes in, are you supposed to ignore it so that you aren't called a liar? No, you follow the data. Always.
Filter what you just said through a lens of the people "changing with the data" and how they reacted when anyone questioned their conclusions from the data in the moment. THAT is the issue.
But he’s been caught lying so many times it gets hard to not join in the crowd that bashed him. But I don’t. But he’s got to stop the lying.
It’s all in the messaging. No one should condemn the science community’s efforts to address Covid. In fact it’s remarkable what was accomplished in such a short period. But words matter. And the messsaging was awful. Add to it the shaming predicated on incomplete or exaggerated data and it’s despicable
It’s all in the messaging. No one should condemn the science community’s efforts to address Covid. In fact it’s remarkable what was accomplished in such a short period. But words matter. And the messsaging was awful. Add to it the shaming predicated on incomplete or exaggerated data and it’s despicable
Well he also likes to flat out lie that he didn’t recommend shut downs despite a plethora of video evidence. He’s to liberal COVIDphiles what Trump is to MAGAdiots. Everything he says is to be revered and trusted.
But he’s been caught lying so many times it gets hard to not join in the crowd that bashed him. But I don’t. But he’s got to stop the lying.
They can never lie….it’s because they work in theory. That’ll be his justification.
Whatever happens in a lab is superior to what folks see on the ground.
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Well he also likes to flat out lie that he didn’t recommend shut downs despite a plethora of video evidence. He’s to liberal COVIDphiles what Trump is to MAGAdiots. Everything he says is to be revered and trusted.
COVID became political. Which is the real horror story here. Once it became political, sides were drawn up and everybody joined.

Everything nowadays is political.

The sky is blue! No, it's not it's teal
It's raining in December in Minnesota! Because you ignored climate change and don't use the right lightbulbs!
Water is wet! How dare you ignore the plight of those with acute sensory deprivation syndrome!

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