When those that are correct are silenced

It’s not really a Senate report, and it adds nothing new by way of evidence. Makes for a nice story but that’s about it.

Not true. It involved expert analysis of CCP communications and the chronology thereof. Classified documents and open source. Due to the opacity of the Chinese response it’s additional information.
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We had something set up, but Trump thought we didn't need it anymore so ended up being caught unprepared.

How it originated is completely separate from the crap response from Trump and his administration and being completely unprepared and then purposely trying to hide it so it didn't hurt his chances of re-election.

Trying to displace blame is nothing more than a look over there distraction.

Oh well.
Trump listened to Fauci who it turns out was more interested in fame, money and politics than the American People.
Trump listened to Fauci who it turns out was more interested in fame, money and politics than the American People.
That rat bastard Fauci is emblematic of everything wrong with the Federal government today.

Extraordinary power for a position to which he was not elected. A track record of failure for which he has never been held accountable. Self-serving, malignant narcissism run amok. Putting him front and center was the biggest mistake Trump made.

He is satan incarnate.
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Extraordinary power for a position to which he was not elected. A track record of failure for which he has never been held accountable. Self-serving, malignant narcissism run amok. Putting him front and center was the biggest mistake Trump made.

If I may do a FIFY:

Extraordinary power for a position to which he was not elected. A track record of failure for which he has never been held accountable. Self-serving, malignant narcissism run amok. Putting himself front and center was the biggest mistake Trump made.
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Not true. It involved expert analysis of CCP communications and the chronology thereof. Classified documents and open source. Due to the opacity of the Chinese response it’s additional information.

I finally finished the article. I see a lot of buttressing of the lab leak explanation, but nothing definitive.

Regardless, toward the end, they summarize where we're going aptly:

The Senate’s interim report is no likelier than the Worobey and Pekar studies to close the book on the origins debate, nor does it attempt to. If anything, it seems destined to escalate the battle just as Republicans in Congress hope to retake the majority in the midterm elections. They aim to haul Dr. Anthony Fauci, the outgoing director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, into Benghazi-style hearings.
The dispute over COVID-19’s origins, fought in the halls of Congress and on the web pages of scientific preprints, has become more toxic and divisive as time has passed. On Twitter, what should be scientific debate has devolved into a mosh pit of poop emojis and middle school insults. It is unclear what is driving the animus, but political advantage, egos, scientific reputations, and research dollars all hang in the balance.
Zinc was part of the dumbass hydroxychloroquine potion that was studied over and over and over again, failing miserably, over and over again. But the dumbasses still lined up for that shit. I bet you spent good money, too... am I right?
Got me through 2 bouts of covid. Idc what you have to say about it. I got through it using zinc, d, and c. Heavy amounts. I'm asthmatic too. My doc and a nurse walked me through.

And I'm NOT vaxed shooter. I never, ever bought that load of horseshit.
I know I got pushed in to getting the Covid shot, I know since then I have had issues I never had before. I never really got sick . I would get sinus infections that caused some problems. I had a sinus issue that lasted 3 times as long, I fell on ice and granted not blaming covid for the fall and bruised my tailbone that is still a problem to heal. Then I got shingles and as far as I know I never had chicken pox. I have talked to some others and in medical profession and it has been on a huge rise that isnt talked about. I have been sicker in the last year by 10 times what I have my entire life put together.
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Oh good Lord. You do realize that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is not something new, right? It’s been studied for decades and there is no evidence of a link to Covid vaccines. None.
Tell that to my crew leader that lost 2 family members and his girlfriend within the past year. No problems, all vaxed, all dead, all heart issues, all sudden. The two in thier 30s and 40s had children. Bullshit.
Tell that to my crew leader that lost 2 family members and his girlfriend within the past year. No problems, all vaxed, all dead, all heart issues, all sudden. The two in thier 30s and 40s had children. Bullshit.
I don't really ever remember there being much commercials on Shingles before this? I know people got it and it is the devil in hell but isnt it funny we now see commercials all over. No conspiracy though about any of this.
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I don't really ever remember there being much commercials on Shingles before this? I know people got it and it is the devil in hell but isnt it funny we now see commercials all over. No conspiracy though about any of this.
Man I don't wanna argue about it. Not you Cray sorry about the Shingles that sucks.

Covid is what it is. We all have huge differences of opinion. I base mine on history and what elites have done in the past. Pop control is well documented and I could lay out some facts when lbj was president. Imo it was all about control. A test. They could give 2 shits about human life. If you believe they do you are terribly mistaken. If I keep going it will be a meltdown. There's only been 3 presidents since 60 that stood in the way of these creeps and did not get on their payroll. 1 is dead. The other was shot. The third had multiple failed attempts. Jmho
I know I got pushed in to getting the Covid shot, I know since then I have had issues I never had before. I never really got sick . I would get sinus infections that caused some problems. I had a sinus issue that lasted 3 times as long, I fell on ice and granted not blaming covid for the fall and bruised my tailbone that is still a problem to heal. Then I got shingles and as far as I know I never had chicken pox. I have talked to some others and in medical profession and it has been on a huge rise that isnt talked about. I have been sicker in the last year by 10 times what I have my entire life put together.
Sounds to me you have a bad case of “politicaly induced hypochondria.”
Trump listened to Fauci who it turns out was more interested in fame, money and politics than the American People.
This is exactly my point about how Trump Fvcked up Covid. The machine had propped Fauxy up so high, Trump was in a lose lose situation and this is the one time he didn't totally call BS and go all full blown Trump card on that little 9 of spades worm ass.

NEVER play the bitch, ever. And Trump did. Fail.
I know I got pushed in to getting the Covid shot, I know since then I have had issues I never had before. I never really got sick . I would get sinus infections that caused some problems. I had a sinus issue that lasted 3 times as long, I fell on ice and granted not blaming covid for the fall and bruised my tailbone that is still a problem to heal. Then I got shingles and as far as I know I never had chicken pox. I have talked to some others and in medical profession and it has been on a huge rise that isnt talked about. I have been sicker in the last year by 10 times what I have my entire life put together.
Serious question. Will this effect your decisions to blindly accept governmental guidance in the future? Do you now trust them more or less than before?
Paranoia runs my show? There were studies done here in the states and China about Vitamin C and Zinc helping with Covid cases. Look it up...

Meanwhile you and your pal shooter are vaxed. I'm a pure blood mofo. Who's paranoid??? Run along now and get your booster.

Friday the biggest trend on twitter was sudden death. I'm smart enough not to believe something the msm and Fauci try and sell me. Be safe.
“Pure blood”…good grief
And paranoia runs your show. Man, what a load of BS you just dumped. Vitamins could treat Covid? 😂

My GP claims the vitamins I take daily just get pissed away. I take them anyway as they make me think they somehow make up for a less than perfect diet.

The GP also thinks I consume too much alcohol on a daily basis proving to me she reads the wrong medical journals.
My GP claims the vitamins I take daily just get pissed away. I take them anyway as they make me think they somehow make up for a less than perfect diet.

The GP also thinks I consume too much alcohol on a daily basis proving to me she reads the wrong medical journals.

Gynecology Poker?
Paranoia runs my show? There were studies done here in the states and China about Vitamin C and Zinc helping with Covid cases. Look it up...

Meanwhile you and your pal shooter are vaxed. I'm a pure blood mofo. Who's paranoid??? Run along now and get your booster.

Friday the biggest trend on twitter was sudden death. I'm smart enough not to believe something the msm and Fauci try and sell me. Be safe.
Pure blood? Man you are in full crackpot mode.